A spare ticket to Rome

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I walk into the small cafe, spotting my sister almost right away. As she sees me making my way towards her she stand up smiling. "Damn Zac, you get bigger every time I see you".

"Well you don't see me often enough probably". I say hugging her tightly. "Have you always been this tiny?"

She hits me on the chest and send me a glare. "I am not tiny, you have just grown to the size of a beast. Everyone would look tiny next to you now".

"I am not that big". I say sitting down, trying to fit under the rather tiny table. She looks at me with one eyebrow raised and I make a face at her. "Not my fault the table is this small".

Shaking her head slightly with a grin she sit down again. "So are you looking forward to the trip ?"

"Well.. Can I say yes and no ?" I say with a slight sigh.

"What is wrong ?" My sister know me to Well, instantly spotting that something is wrong. "It's Anni right ? .. Oh God she broke up with you.. I am so sorry sweetie, what happened ?"

I breathe in slowly. "I don't know how you know it, but yeah.. ten days ago.. she didn't see us going anywhere.. neither metaphorically or literally".

"She must be mental.. how are you holding up ? I know you had hopes that it would turn serious". She grabs my hand on top of the table, squeezing it.

"Is it really bad that I kind of feel relieved ?" I send her a small smile. "I thought I would be more upset, but after I kind of just felt relieved. I think I might have been more into the idea of the relationship, than I was actually into her".

Shekinah smiles, padding my hand softly. "I could have told you that, but knowing you, Well you probably wouldn't have listened. But honestly I knew she wasn't the one for you".

"I kind of realised. You know what she said ? That I had to be crazy thinking that three weeks in some dump in Europe watching ruins and churches was romantic. If I had taken her to Bora Bora or the caribbean she might have stayed". I Shake my head. How could I have thought she was something special ?

"Yeah, as I said, she is mental. A woman who don't find a trip to Rome with an amazing man romantic, she is not worth the trouble". She smile at the waiter, ordering food and I do the same. Then she look at me again. "Zac, you need to realise that you tend to date women who are.. Well a tad bitchy sweetie.. you need to change that or you will never find the right one".

I lean back in my chair. "I know.. believe me I know. It is not like I want to date women like that. They never seem that way when I meet them".

The waiter comes back with our food. "What about the trip then ? Are you going to Rome alone ?"

"Seems like it, unless you want to go with me". I say looking hopefully at her. "Joel and David both have little kids and work, even Eric is to busy and talked something about needing a break from me after Canada.. I have asked everyone I could think of".

"Sorry sweetie, I can't go to Rome for three weeks, I would love to if I had the time". She say, stabbing a potato with her fork.

I slice a bite of my chicken breast, chewing it slowly. "Well if you happen to know someone then I got a free ticket 4 days from now".

"I will.. don't think I know someone, but I'll keep it in mind ?" She say. We eat in silence for a couple of minutes. "Oh by the way, guess who I am having lunch with tomorrow.. Dahlia Mitchell, she is back in town, if you remember her ?"

"Yeah I remember Dahlia". Honestly every man and probably woman too, who has ever laid eyes on Dahlia would remember her. She is the embodiment of true beauty. "Haven't seen her for years".

She sips her water. "Yeah she has travelled with doctors without borders in some of the worst and most dangerous places. She could have been a super model, but she rather help others. But I think she is wanting to settle down.

"Well tell her hello from me.. tell her to drop me a message or something". I say. Dahlia is something special, and I am not talking about her beautiful face or her perfect body. She is smart, funny, very sweet and caring, and she only cares about how people act, not who they are or how they look.

"I will". She say, sending me one of those smiles, saying she is thinking about something. I those to ignore it, Dahlia is amazing, but she has never looked to my side.

"Shekinah, long time no see". I say, as I hug my friend. "Being a mother suits you, you look radiant. And this must be Gryffin, he is just the most precious".

The little boy look at me with curious eyes, and I squat down in front of him. "Hi little man, aren't you just the cutest thing ever ?"

He giggles happily and Shekinah smiles. "You look absolutely amazing as always Dahlia and Thank you, I love being a mom".

"Well one day I get there to, I hope". I say with a small sigh. I have honestly started to doubt it. There seems to be a lack of men who are worth the time. Either they are not serious or they just want me to look pretty on their arm.

We sit down and order our food, she ask alot of questions about what I have been doing the last couple of years. "Oh by the way, Zac sends his hallo and told you to drop him a message".

"Thank you.. how is he doing ? I heard he got a big role finally, he so deserves that". I say smiling. I would like to see Zac again, he is just the sweetest guy. "So he is still single or ?"

She smiles, then nod. "Yeah, he seem to keep picking the wrong women. Last one dumped him 10 days ago, so now he is going to Rome alone".

"Poor Zac, she must be crazy.. I mean Zac is a great guy and who don't want to go to Rome ?" I say, suddenly feeling my cheeks go hot.

She nods. "Yeah.. hey you said you were just relaxing right now and that you needed a holiday.. Well Zac has a spare ticket for Rome.. why don't you go with him?"

"I don't know.. I mean we haven't seen each other for long and who say he wants me to come.. might not be a good idea". I say. I mean, I would love to see Rome, but traveling alone with Zac.. I am not sure.

She has already pulled out her phone, smiling at me. "Of course he does. And you know Zac is a good guy, you have nothing to fear".

"Well you are not giving me much of a choice are you ?" I bite my lip. I am really not sure it's a good idea, there are things I am not to fond of stirring up, but of course Shekinah knows nothing about that.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now