An impecible gentleman

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"Ready to go have a look at our surroundings and grab something to eat ?" Zac ask as I walk into the living room. I just had a quick shower, freshening up after the journey.

I smile at him, he looks relaxed and handsome in beige khaki shorts and a blue t-shirt. "I definitely am".

"Let's get going then". He say getting up, sliding his phone and wallet into his pocket. I grab my small hand bag and walk out the door that he is holding open for me.

Walking outside in the warm evening we turn down the street, walking down to the fountain. I breathe in. "Oh wow, it is really breathtaking".

"Yeah it's absolutely amazing, to bad there is so many people". He say, making his way through the masses. His size is really a help here. "Maybe we can go down here really late or really early when there isn't a crowd.

"We definitely should do that". I tell him as I grab his hand. He looks down, like he wonders who is holding on to him and I quickly explain. "I don't want us to get away from each other in the crowd. It's okay right ?"

He looks up, smiling softly. "Sure, no problem. And yeah, we better not get away from each other".

We walk past the fountain and down through the little side streets. There are cosy cafes and little quirky shops and people selling fake jewellery and even faker designer bags from their little tables. "The atmosphere here is amazing".

"It is, it's like being in a different world". He say, looking around. "And these small streets and old houses, you don't really see things like this in America".

"It's so beautiful and so romantic". It truly is like being in an old romantic movie. "Thank you so much for letting me come Zac".

He squeezes my hand softly. "Honestly it is my pleasure having you here, this would not have been the same alone".

We walk around a corner and there is a new square with a large temple like building in the middle. I gasp. "Oh it's the Pantheon".

"Yeah, it is kind of mindblowing to think that it is almost 1900 years old and still standing. What this building has seen of pain, joy, suffering and celebration.. Well it is hard to even try to phantom it". His voice getting slightly emotional.

"If walls could talk, the story a building like this could tell". I say. I like that a thing like this can get him emotional.

"We have to come back and see the inside one of the other days". He say as we walk by and I nod in agreement.

We are walking down more picturesque little streets. Dahlia is talking and pointing around, sounding as excited as a kid in a toy store and it is infectious to see.

"Oh look Zac, we have to go in here". She is pulling me inside a small shop with hand made tree figures and toys.

I watch here walk around, slowly running her fingers over the different things, suddenly getting a flash of those fingers running over my skin instead. For God's sake Zac, stop yourself or it is going to be three very long weeks.

"Oh look, these are so precious". She say looking at me, her fingers running over some carved animal figures that breaks apart kind of like puzzles.

I step over to look closer at them. They are actually really well made and cute. "They really are. Maybe I should get one for Gryffin".

"Yeah do that.. Uhh take the dogs, those are so cute, he is going to love those". She say, picking up one that is a mother dog with 2 puppies.

Smiling at her antics I can't help thinking that she is the cutest thing here. I love how enthusiastic she is. "Okay the dogs it is then".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now