The pure sin of ice-cream

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"So what kind of ice cream would you like in Your cone ?" Tom is looking at me, as we stand in front of the ice cream place.

I look at all the delicious options, it is hard to choose. "Hmm I think I'll take the banana and the pear one".

"Nice combo". He says with a smile and goes up to the counter to order our ice. He turns around. "You want whipped cream on top ?"

"Sure, I mean whipped cream makes everything better". I say, making him chuckle lowly.

A few minutes later he comes back with two ice cream cones, handing me one of them. I look at his. "Oh Wow are you hungry ?"

He looks at the huge ice in his hand. "I might have a bit of a sweet tooth, and I had a really hard time deciding which favours to get".

"So what did you get then ?" I ask him, as we go sit down on a bench by the little pond.

He looks like he needs to think for a minute. "Strawberry, Vanilla...".

"Oh I never took you for a vanilla kind of guy". I say with a cheeky grin. I have long ago discovered that Tom can easily take a bit of friendly poking.

"Ha ha only when it comes to ice cream, I promise you that". He says grinning. "By the way, I also got the rum and raisins, the raspberry and the marshmallow flavours".

I look him over. "Where on earth do you put it ? I mean you have like 0% fat on that body". I say biting my lip.

"I happen to have a very high metabolism, I mean I can eat almost everything and not gain weight. The hard thing for me is gaining weight and muscles. I mean I could never look like Zac does now". He say, before he starts licking his ice cream.

I look at my own ice cream. "Well every woman would wish they had that problem. But you never sit still for long do you ? You are always moving, running, doing something right ?"

"Yeah you might be right. Never been good at sitting still". He says with a small shrug.

I eat my own ice cream slowly, looking at the ducks in the pond, when I turn to look at Tom again he has whipped cream smeared on his nose and I start giggling kind of uncontrollable.

"What ?" Tom looks utterly confused, looking around him. "What's so funny ?"

I point to his face, unable to speak, actually I have no idea why it is so funny, but I just can't stop laughing. He goes totally cross eyed. "Is there something on my face ?"

"Your nose". I manage to press out, reaching out to remove the smudge with my thumb, putting the finger in my mouth.

He is kind of staring at me, or actually at the finger in my mouth. "Oh, my nose".

"Yeah Your nose. Are you okay Tom ? You look kind of weird". I look at him, his mouth is slightly open. "Uh watch out Your ice cream is melting".

"It melting ?" He sounds like I just spoke to him in russian, then I point to his ice cream and he looks at it. "Oh fuck, it's melting".

He starts licking the melted ice cream from the side of the cone with long slow licks. Making my breath catch in my throat. Damn that is just about the most sexy thing I ever saw.

"Oh God Tom, could you not make that face". She groans, sounding rather frustrated.

"Uhh what face now ?" I ask, sounding rather confused. I don't Think I did anything weird or wrong, I was just enjoying the ice cream.

She shakes her head and roll her eyes. "That expression of pure pleasure and sin you were doing".

I almost choke on my ice cream. "Excuse me what ?"

"You heard me, that look of pure sin, it is dangerous for women you know". She say, trying not to laugh.

"Oh excuse me then.. I will try and enjoy my ice cream a little less then. But this raspberry is truly sinful. Want a taste ?" I hold my cone toward her.

She leans in, letting her tongue run over my ice cream, almost caressing it, then she lets out a small moan, and I suddenly feel rather warm. "Hmm that is really good. But try the banana".

I move closer, and lean in to slowly take a bite of the ice cream, suddenly getting this weird flash of her licking at the same ice and for some reason that is a turn on. I shake my head.

"Is something wrong Tom ? You don't like it ?" She asks.

"No.. no it's great, really delicious, it was just a.. bug.. yeah a bug in my ear". Oh God Tom, like she is going to believe that.

She looks a bit weirdly at me. "Oh, there was a bug in Your ear ? Okay, sounds rather annoying".

"It was, like really annoying, buzzing and tickling and.. it's gone now". I want to kick myself right now.

We finish our ice cream and get up, to walk through the rest of the park. I love how excited she gets about everything, it kind of rubs of at me, making me feel in a better mood than I have in a long time.

"Tom stand still". She suddenly say, as we are walking through the big aviary.

I freeze on the spot, wondering why she is looking strangely at me this time. "What now ? Did a bird just poop on me ? Oh shit it did didn't it ?" I had kind of felt something touch my hair.

She pulls out her phone, quickly snapping a few pictures. Then she shakes her head. "There is a bird on Your head, apparently those fluffy curls look like a good nest".

"Get it off, get it of". Okay I might be freaking out a tiny bit, but I'm not really happy about birds and definitely not in my hair. Maddie is clutching her stomach, as I jump around trying to get it of me.

"Tom, relax it's gone. You scared away the poor bird". She says, still giggling.

I stop, damn I am exceptionally good at making a fool of myself today. "Poor bird ? What about poor Tom ?"

"I think poor Tom will survive". She say, smiling at me as she takes my hand, and pulls me out of there.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now