A way to friendly air hostess

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"Oh wow, we get an actual menu to choose from". Dahlia look at the folded piece of paper in her hands.

She is so excited about everything that it is contagious. "You do and they even serve Wine or champagne with the food". I tell her.

"I better stay away from the alcohol". She say looking a tad uncomfortable.

"It's fine, you don't have to feel weird about not drinking, I think I'll stick with water and coffee too actually". I don't want her to feel pressured to drink, as I know she don't handle it very well.

She smiles and places her hand on my arm. "Zac you don't have to do it for my sake, I am used to being the only one who doesn't drink".

"Don't worry about it darling. I am actually trying to cut back on alcohol and I don't really see any reason to have any on the plane". I tell her.

I can't help glancing at Dahlia as she looks at the menu. It's hard to believe, but if anything she is even more beautiful than the last time I saw her. Does she even know how beautiful she is ? Honestly I don't think she cares, she doesn't want people to like her for her looks.

"And what can I get you sir ? The stewardess ask. Honestly I hadn't heard her coming.

I keep my eyes on Dahlia as I answer. "I'll have the chicken, thank you".

"Anything else I can get you ? Champagne ? Wine ? A beer ?" She asks me.

My eyes are still on Dahlia. "Just a bottle of water thanks".

  "I'll go get you that right away sir". She say in a voice that sounds a bit.. hmm amorous.

Dahlia talks under her breath, her voice sounding a bit annoyed. "Is there anything else I can get you sir". The last word comes out as a sneer. "Some champagne ? A blow job in the lavatory ?"

"Where did that come from darling ?" I must admit that I might look a bit shocked, I never heard her talk like that.

"Are you really that naive Zac ? Didn't you see the way she was looking at you ? Hadn't I been here you would have been invited to join the mile high club, no doubt.. she was eye fucking you so badly". She turns her face to look at me.

I bite my lip, honestly I had paid next to no attention to the stewardesse. "Uhh no I didn't see it".

"How could you not see it ? She was so obvious and not even trying to hide it. What were you looking at ?" She ask.

"Uhh". I know my cheeks are going pink and I don't know what to say. I mean I can't tell her that I was looking at her. "I was .. I might have been.. lost in my own thoughts".

She looks at me, furrowing her brow. "Okay.. Well but she was eyeing you like a piece of meat, so.. if you have an urge you need to take take care of, I am sure she is up to it".

"No thanks, not really my thing". I say. Am I imagining it, or did she seem jealous ? Maybe she was just annoyed with the waitress' behaviour.

Honestly if Zac had been my boyfriend I might have lost it totally and slapped that stewardesse. But she don't know I am not and she is still flirting so blatantly with him. I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, after having changed into my sleep wear, soft pyjamas pants and a tank top. "Ignore the bitch". I whisper to myself.

When I return, I once again stop, utterly speechless. Instead of two luxury seats there is now a double bed. "Oh Wow cool".

"I hope you are okay with sharing the bed. There is two blankets". Zac say, standing ready to go to the bathroom.

"Sure Zac, no problem. But I'm guessing you will have a bit of a problem having Your legs here". The bed is shorter than normal.

He walks toward the bathroom. "I'll just have to roll up a bit, it would 't be the first time".

I sit on the edge of the bed, and that is why I notice that damn stewardesse knocking on the bathroom door. Coursing to myself. "You gotta be kidding me".

She is still there when Zac comes out a minute later, wearing pyjama pants and a new t-shirt. The way he smiles tells me he is feeling very uncomfortable, as he kind of sneak past her and hurry over to our cabin.

"Still not believing that she has the hots for you ?" I ask with one eyebrow raised.

He sits down beside me, blowing out a pent up breath. "Definitely believing you.. she actually knocked on the door, asking if I needed a hand or anything else".

"Sorry Zac, I get that you are handsome and sexy. I mean everyone can see that.. but that does not make it okay to act like a whore". I say shaking my head in disgust.

"Actually it's very uncomfortable when a stranger talk to you like that.. I .. maybe I should have said something ? I just don't want to make a scene about it". He say looking at his hands. "Hey, did you just call me handsome and sexy ?"

I slap his shoulder, making a face. "Sure that is the part you get hung up on.. but I am not blind and you are not stupid.. you know you are handsome". I make another face at him. "Do you mind if go have a talk with our over friendly air hostess ?"

"No be my guest.. just.. Well don't get into a fight or anything". He say with a cheeky grin.

Getting up I send him a reassuring smile. I mean it's not like I am going to beat her up or anything. I am just going to have a friendly word with her about acting professional.

"Excuse me miss". I say as I walk up to the stewardess, who are currently stocking things on her wagon.

She turns and look at me with a somewhat friendly smile. "Yes, is there something I can do for you ma'am ?"

"Yeah, you could mind Your job and act like a professional and not a whore. I do not know if this is normal for you or if it is just Zac. And I totally get that he is really hot, but it makes him very much uncomfortable and it is not befitting behaviour for a lady". I say calmly and with friendly smile.

She looks a bit shocked that I am calling her out on her behaviour. First she looks like she is going to deny it, but then she smiles. "Well you are right, he is really hot.. what is it to you if I offer him a little extra service ? It's not like you are his wife or something".

"Well how do you know that ? I could be.. Another time, when a man travels with a woman, just assume he is of limits, okay sweetie ?" I send her one last smile before turning on my heels and walking away.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now