Using Loki as bribe

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I press the button and wait for the phone to be picked up in the other end. I am laying on my back, across the bed, only wearing my underwear. "Come on pick up Maddie".

"I can keep you entertained while you wait". Zac say grinning as he kneel between my ankles and start leaving little soft kisses up my legs.

I giggle and try pulling my leg away. "Zac, I'm on the phone, stop trying to distract me".

"Dali how wonderful to hear from you, how are everything back state side ?" I hear Maddie's happy voice in the other end.

"Hey Mads, Well I don't know, but things in Rome are going quite amazing". I say happy to hear her voice.

Zac is still leaving kisses on the inside of my knees and I try to ignore him, as I listen to Maddie ask curiously. "What are you doing in Rome ?"

"Well.. you see.. I am getting married Mads.. Can you believe it, I am actually getting married and I need you to get Your ass to Rome and be my maid of honour". I say, unable to stop myself from giggling.

"No, I don't believe you.. I saw you like what 3 weeks ago and you were single then". She say, actually sounding doubtful. "And also you.. getting married.. Well I did not see that coming.. he has to be something quite special".

I try holding Zac from my thighs. "Yeah, I was single then, got invited to Rome by an old crush and well.. Zac stop that you wanker". I halfway scream as he softly bite me.

"Zac ? So that's Your man to be I guess ? Seriously I am a bit floored here.. shit you are really getting married aren't you ?" I can hear her shake her head in disbelief.

I still giggle as I try to answer. "Yeah, if the idiot would stop pestering me for a moment that is".

He climb on top of me, using that deepened very sexy voice. "I'll go run a hot bath my love, so I can wash Your glorious body when you are done here".

I make a rather undignified noise as he gets up, slowly peeling of his shirt as he walks to the bathroom. Maddie is laughing in the other end. "What was that sound ? But hot damn girl, I don't know what is more sexy, that voice or what he said".

"Nope his half naked body wins hands down, but of course it is only me who can see that part". I say grinning. Actually all three thing is enough on their own to make my temperature rise.

"Snapchat is a very good invention for that you know". She say, sounding rather cheeky.

I laugh out loud. "Oh no, I am not snapchatting my fiance's half.. forget that very naked hot body to you". I say smirking at Zac who just walk to the fridge stark naked.

"Party pooper". She grumbles. "Well okay then, tell me everything about him. So you say he is an old crush ? Apparently he had a crush on you to. Where did the two of you meet ?"

"I first met him in iceland, you know back when I worked on the second Thor movie, we saw each other as friends up until I left, then we kind of lost contact". I say, wondering what she will say.

She is silent for a moment. "Wait.. hold say you met him while working on Thor 2 and his name is Zac.. are you fucking kidding me ?"

"Uhh no..". I know what she is thinking. "Your mind are in the right place".

"You are marrying Fandral ? You bitch". She laughs. "OMG girl, like sure you just go to Rome and marry a hot moviestar, because that is what people do right ?"

I giggle. "Sorry, I think, but yeah I am going to be Mrs Zachary Levi Pugh and damn I couldn't wish for more. So are you stopping by Rome for a few days ? And does it help it I tell you his only guest is Loki himself ?"

"You had me at Loki, when do you want me there ?" She say laughing. "Damn Girl you have always been one of a kind, but this.. Well I trust you and at least you are marrying one hot hunk".

"Oh that I am.. God that man is.. Well perfect, I can't even.. he is just everything a woman could ever want". I say smiling happily.

She makes an appreciative sound. "And what about.. you know in the bedroom, can he keep up with you ?"

I feel myself blush. We had of course talked of relationships and sex in the long evenings cooped up in some room with nothing else to do but talk. "So far so good, no trouble keeping up and nothing to complain about".

"I am happy for you sweetie and I can't wait to meet him. Just tell me when I need to be there, of course I got Your back". She say.

"And don't worry about a place to stay, Zac is taking care of that.. I'll text you the plan". I say happily. "But right now my gorgeous and naked fiance is calling me from the bathtub, so see you soon sweetie".

She chuckles. "Go get him tiger. See you soon".

"So she is coming ?" I watch my gorgeous fiance walk into the bathroom, slowly letting her clothes flutter to the floor as she approaches me. "I heard you bribed her with Tom".

"He he, yeah I know she finds him kind of cute.. but she would have come no matter what". She say, smiling happily, as she steps up into the big tub, and move to slide down, sitting between my legs.

I wind my arms around her, pulling her into me. "I love you so much darling and I can't wait to call you my wife".

"I love you too and I can't wait for us to be a real family". She say softly, snuggling back against me.

"So being a real family, does that include someone beside you and me ?" I ask between the kisses I leave down over her shoulder.

She presses into me, moaning softly. "Well, it depend what you want. But I am not against the idea of.. it including more than you and me".

I nipple on her neck, my hands sliding up to cup her breasts. "So what do you say we practise making that addition to our family ?"

"Oh I am never opposed to that". She say, turning in my lap to kiss me deeply and passionately.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now