Making rumours real

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24 hours later
I wake slowly, stretching my body. It feels sore but in the good way and I smile to myself. We had spend all yesterday in the apartment, well mostly in bed and definitely naked. It had been amazing, not so much about sex as it had been intimacy. It had not been about reaching an end getting an orgasm, but about feeling, tasting, enjoying each other and having fun. It had been slow, intimate and romantic.

Reaching out I realise the I am alone in the bed, making me sit up. But then I hear her humming in the bathroom and I roll out of bed, pushing open the door, finding her naked, combing her hair in front of the mirror, clearly having showered.

"Morning darling, if you had awakened me, we could have showered together". I say, my eyes running over her perfectly shaped body.

She smiles, shaking her head slightly as she walks over to kiss me. "Yeah and then we would have ended up spending another day in bed". She slaps my behind walking past me. "Get that sexy ass in the shower while I make breakfast".

I look after her. "Why is the sexy ass walking out of here then ?" I call after her and she wiggle it giggling softly, before disappearing. I smile and get into the shower. Finally my life is complete, I can't imagine I can get any happier.

The warm water running over my body feels amazing, soothing my sore muscles. I chuckle, I am used to working hard in the gym, but it has been a long time since a work out has left me this sore.

When I fifteen minutes later walk into the kitchen, she is whistling softly, putting food on the table, looking amazing as always in a white lace romper. She looks up smiling. "I was thinking we could go to that big flea market today ? If you want to".

"Sure, it sounds like a fun thing to do". I say, sitting down, I would honestly go everywhere she asked me, as long as she is on my arm.

She puts a plate in front of me and I pull her down on my lap, making her giggle happily. "Sometimes you are so silly Zac".

"Well I might be, but I am kind of proud of that". I tell her, she tries to get up, but I tighten my grip. "No stay, I don't want you so far away".

"So far away ? As in across the table ?" She asks.

I nod. "Yeah, that is very far away. Stay here and let me feed you breakfast".

"You are completely crazy". She says, laughing softly. But she stays in my lap and let me feed her breakfast, between giggles and kisses and I am sure this must be how heaven is.

"Zac !" I halfway groan his name, pulling him with me and the two young women smile and wave after us.

"What is it love ?" He say leaning in to kiss my cheek, smiling innocently at me.

I shake my head at him. "For God's sake, how are we ever going to make people believe that we are not married, when you response to 'congratulations on the wedding' is 'Thank you so much'.. Can you tell me that ?"

"Hmm..". He slides his arms around me, pulling me into him, right there in the middle of the crowd. "Maybe you just have to marry me then".

"Zachary Levi Pugh, that better not be a proposal". I say, looking at him in pretend shock. But honestly my heart is pounding wildly at the idea.

A cheeky smile slide over his face and he turns to the stand next to us, it sells fake jewellery. "My good sir, you wouldn't happen to have a ring, worthy of this gorgeous woman's beauty ?"

"Zac ! No, you are not doing that.. stop right now.. Zac, do not do that". I don't know how to react.. I halfway panic, but I can't stop smiling either.

"Sure my friend.. a woman like this needs a big diamond". He holds up this ugly ring, with this giant, clearly fake diamond on it. "This is a steal, only 50 euro".

Zac chokes down a laugh, casting a glance at me but I have my hand cramped over my mouth, shaking my head, trying not to break down in hysteric giggles. "I'll give you 5 euros".

"You drive a hard bargain". The man laughs. "For you and the pretty lady, 10 euros, final offer".

He pulls out a 10 euro bill and hand it to the man, getting the horrid ring in return. He turns and look at me, like he is sizing up what will happen if he goes through with his plan. "Hmm I was thinking, I don't think your last name really fits with Your first name.. you should change it".

"Oh I should.. to what may I ask ?" I giggle softly.

He makes a face like he is thinking deeply. "Pugh, most definitely". He sends me a cheeky grin.

"That better not be Your proposal either, not if you want a yes". I say shaking my head. Wondering if he plans on actually doing it.

He suddenly seems serious, taking my hand and kneeling, making me catch my breath and people around us stop. "Dahlia, I know this is fast, very fast, but you are the only one I want to wake up next to in the morning, the only one whom I want to come home to after a long day".

I gasp, my free hand flying up to mouth again. Shit he is actually doing this.

His voice is slightly shaking. "Merry me, and let us dance together in the rain. Merry me, and let us eat breakfast in bed way too often. Merry me, and let's go see the world together. Merry me and let me hold you hand forever. So what do you say Dahlia ? What do you say we make those rumours the truth ?"

I'm speechless, desperately trying to collect myself. Zac is looking nervously at me and an older woman yells in broken english. "You don't want him, I take him".

"Uh not needed". I say sending her a smile, then I look at Zac. "I know that I should tell you this is way to soon, I know it is to soon.. but I can't.. Yes.. Yes I'll be honoured to marry you".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now