Calling Tom the best man

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"What do want darling ?" We are sitting in a small cafe outside the fleamarket and I am holding Dahlia's hand over the table, my fiance's hand. Damn she actually said yes and I can't stop smiling like an idiot.

She smile at me, her eyes sparkling more than the idiotic ring that she insist on wearing. "Hmm you, but as that would be inappropriate, I think I'll take the chicken salad".

"Then you get the chicken salad.. me you can have later". I say winking at her, making her giggle.

The waiter comes over, asking what we want. "Hmm I think I'll take the chicken breast and my fiance would like the chicken salad. And then you best bottle of champagne".

"I love hearing you say that". She says with the most adorable giggle as the waiter leave. "Fiance". She is tasting the word. "I like being Your fiance".

"Well how do you feel about the titel wife ?" I gently rub her hand, eying that horrid ring again. "It comes with a much prettier ring".

She bite her lip. "Wife, hmm I like how that sound.. I like it a lot".

"So what do you say, I mean we are trying to make those rumours through right ? So this should be our honeymoon". Yeah I know, I should stop and breathe, but I can't, it just feels right.

She looks thoughtful for a moment. "I never really wanted a big wedding.. I don't care about all the fancy stuff, I just want to be able to call myself yours forever.. so I am in".

"Shit.. we are actuallying doing this, aren't we ? I mean it's okay if you want to wait, I would totally understand". I say. I don't want to pressure her.

"Oh no Mr Pugh, you are not bailing on me now". She say with a giggle. "You are so stuck with me".

I lift her hand to my lips, kissing it softly. "I like nothing better than being stuck with you darling".

"Only thing, what about.. Well out family and friends ?" She bites her lips softly.

I nod, yeah they might be disappointed. "You know what, We'll get married here and when we come home we plan the wedding for our family and friends.. would that be acceptable ?"

"More than acceptable, perfect". She say smiling, but then she looks concerned again. "What about witnesses, I mean I would love for it to be someone we know".

"Hmm.. I know, I could call Tom, we both know him and London isn't that far away". I wonder what he will think. "Then at least one of them are someone we know".

She lights up, like something just occurred to her. "My best friend Maddie, she is still in Africa, I think she is going home like in a couple of days.. maybe she could swing by Rome of the way".

"And you would have a maid of honour, perfect". I say. "So now we just need to take care of paperwork, find someone to marry us and were it should be".

"The spanish steps.. please can we get married by the spanish steps". She looks at me breathlessly. "Where we danced and had our first kiss".

I smile at her. "That is a perfect idea darling.. you know what I think I will call Tom right now".

"Tell him I say hi and that I look forward to seeing him again". She says as I pull out my phone.

I find Tom's number, pressing the button. After 3 rings he pick it up. "Hi Zac, what do I owe the honor ?"

"Hi Tom, long time no see. I was thinking, you are not really doing anything right now are you ?" I ask him.

"No I have a bit of time off, ten days or so. Why ?" He sounds curious.

I take a deep breath. "Well, I was thinking if you might be able to swing by Rome for a couple of days ?"

"Rome ? And what is in Rome ? Well you I suspect, but any special reason ?" I can hear how his brain is trying to connect the dots.

"Well, yeah I am in Rome and I kind of need Your help here.. I seem to be in need of a best man.. so you up for the job ?" I try not to chuckle imagining his expression.

It sounds like he is choking and then he is coughing badly. "Uhh wait what ? You are getting married in Rome, like when ?"

"As soon as possible.. and yeah I am getting married.. fuck Tom I am getting married". I still can't believe that this perfect creature wants to be mine forever.

"To.. Uh whats her name.. Anni right ? There are something you should know Zac". He suddenly sounds all nervous and stuttering.

I cast a glance at Dahlia and winks at her. I want to know what suddenly has Tom all flustered. "What is it I need to know Tom ?"

"Sorry Zac, but you remember the party were you introduced me to her ? You were late because you were doing an interview". He says, with dread in his voice.

I bite my lip, of course I remember, I also remember Anni being a lot more loving than usual and I have an idea what is coming. "What happened Tom ?"

"Fuck Zac, I had no idea she was Your girlfriend". He sounds very sorry. "We were dancing, before you came.. and she.. Well she kissed me.. it was just one kiss, I wasn't really interested. Not that there's anything wrong with her, she just isn't my type.. I mean..".

"Tom...". I cut him of. "I am not marrying Anni, I am not stupid.. but Thanks for telling me".

He breathes a huge sigh of relief. "Oh thank God.. Sorry but she was a total bitch Zac.. but who then.. I mean last time I spoke with you, you still dated Anni".

"You remember Dahlia.. you know iceland, the stunt riding girl.. the one you kind of had a huge crush on ?" I say, seeing her muttering 'he didn't'.

"Oh Dahlia, of course I remember her.. If ever female perfection had a human form". He says softly, then his tone changes. "Hey wait.. you are marrying Dahlia ? You lucky bastard".

I chuckle, feeling pretty good about myself. "That I am.. both marrying her and a lucky bastard indeed.. so what do you say, will you come to Rome and be my best man ?"

"Sure Zac". He says with a chuckle. "And between friends, is she as much a little Tiger as her kiss suggest ?"

"Tom ! A gentleman never talks and he never ask something like that". I say, glancing a Dahlia.

Tom chuckles again. "Oh so she is sitting next to you".

  "Yeah you can say that". I glance at her again. "And to the first question, oh you have no idea.. no idea".

"I repeat, you damn lucky bastard.. Well congratulations, I think you hit jackpot there Zac. But when do you need me ?" He says.

The food arrives. "I am going to find out when it can be, then I'll contact you. Don't worry about a place to stay, I'll take care of that.. talk to you soon Tom".

"Sure Zac, see you then". We end the call.

Dahlia looks at me. "What was all that about with your ex ?"

"Well let me tell you...". I start telling her, while we eat our lunch.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now