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We are laying on the bed, naked, a bit sweaty and entangled in each other, just starting to get our breathing back to normal. Zac sends me a sweet smile. "That was amazing darling.. and me who was scared it would be bad".

"Why would you think that ?" I lift myself up on my elbow. My fingers slowly trailing over his abdomen, watching the muscles contract.

He bites his lip slightly. "Well my dream, the nightmare. It was about sex, but not in the good way. You looked at me weirdly and, I messes up everything and .. Well you actually asked if it was all in". He blushes slightly.

I can't help giggling softly. It is sweet that he had been that nervous about it. "My poor baby. But I promise you, that is as far from reality as it can get. Because I agree, it was utterly amazing.. mind blowing actually".

"I am happy you feel that way". He say, sounding kind of relieved. My fingers traveling up to his broad chest, I love the way his muscles feel under my touch.

I move closer, my fingers exploring him slowly. Running through the dark hair on his chest. Then I move to his nearest bicep, letting out a low moan in appreciation. Damn I love his arms so much.

Snuggling closer, he puts his arm around me. "Uhh darling, I am a bit sweaty here".

"I don't mind". I bury my face in his chest, he smells absolutely delicious, a mix of his perfume, man and sex. "I think you smell absolutely sexy".

"Well I am happy you think so, but what do you say to a dip in that jacuzzi in the living room ?" He ask, his hand sliding down to caress my ass.

I roll over and out of bed. "Come on then, it sounds like a great idea".

He gets up, following me, but he pulls on a robe, and turns on the jacuzzi, helping me up into it. "Just a minute darling, there is something I just need to get".

"Be fast about it handsome". I say smiling to him. The water feels amazing, but I rather have Zac wrapped around my body.

He grabs the phone and makes a call, then he sits on the edge of the jacuzzi, softly rubbing my shoulders. Ten minutes later there is a knock on the door and Zac goes to open it.

"I hope you are up for a little pampering". He say as he comes back, a bottle of very expensive champagne and a bowl of ripe red strawberry on a tray.

"As long as I only have to drink a glass or two". I say sending him a sweet smile. "And that you feed me those strawberries".

"That can easily be arranged". He says softly. Then he opens the bottle, filling a glass for each of us, before losing the robe and stepping into the water.

He sit down and I move to sit between his legs. He hands me a glass and I sip from it looking out over the city. He has his free arm around me, the other holding his glas or feeding me sweet strawberries.

She turns in my arms putting the empty glass on the edge of the jacuzzi. Then she takes a strawberry, putting it halfway in her mouth, leaning into me and I kiss her, receiving half of the sweet fruit from her. The juice running down my chin as we kiss deeply.

Her hands are rubbing over my chest, her eyes shining with desire as she looks at me. "So I guess this is not the right place to have the second round ?"

"Not if we want to use it again". I say making a face, the idea of that not really nice to me. But I am not complaining about her suggesting more intimacy, my tiredness completely gone.

"To bad, sex here, looking out over the city would be pretty hot". She say with a small teasing giggle. I have to admit that she has surprised me, she is much more forward about sex than expected. But I am definitely not complaining.

I grab her, lifting her up on the edge, placing myself between her thighs, still in the water. "Well, now you are out of the water, and you can look over the city. It isn't sex, but it's a good start". I say, kissing the inside of her thigh.

She moans softly and run her hands into my hair, when I start kissing and nibbling at her slick folds. The way she breathes out my name makes it my new favorite word.

Honestly I don't mind doing this at all, I know some men do, but I quite enjoy doing it. Actually I almost feel disappointed, when she ten minutes and three orgasms later, pull at my hair. "Enough handsome, I want you, all of you".

"As you please my lady". I step out of the jacuzzi, wrapping a towel around myself and holding one out for her. She swing around, jumping down on the floor and right into my arms and the towel. I fold it around her, lifting her into my arms, kissing her.

Soon we are in the bedroom, and I gently dry her off, watching her nipples stiffen under my touch. I love how responsive she is to my every touch.

When I am done with her, she grabs my towel, drying the last drops of me. Then she takes my hand and I expect her to pull me with her to the bed, but she pulls me over to the big window. She looks up at me, biting her lip. "I want you to make love to me here".

"Here ? Like in front of the window ?" I had not expected it, but I have to admit that it is a bit of a turn on. We are to high up for anyone to see us and there is no other windows facing us either.

"Yeah, I want to watch the city, while we do it". She say giggling. And I step up behind her, kissing her shoulder, my arms sliding around her.

She places her hands on the window, and I kiss down her back, caressing her, hearing how her breathing quickly turns heavy. And soon she is pushing back against me, moaning softly.

I take hold of her hips with one hand, guiding my erection with the other, sliding into her, hearing her let out a throaty breath. She feels so damn good.

"Oh God Zac.. This is so hot". She moans, pushing back to meet every thrust and I have to agree, for some weird reason it is really hot, seeing the city, the stars and her sexy reflektion in the window.

I up the pace, feeling I am getting close, twisting my hip slightly, it worked earlier and this time I also get an immediate response, feeling her inside slightly shudder, and she whimpers in delight.

I feel her orgasm before I hear it, as her inside grabs me, pulling me with her into a mind blowing orgasm, my knee almost buckling from the pure pleasure.

We stand like that for a minute, before she turns in my arms, kissing me. "Well that was definitely something special handsome".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now