Wedding shopping

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"So what do you think ? Is Zac going to like it ?" I turn in front of Maddie, showing of the single white silk wedding dress.

She smiles and gives me a thumbs up. "He would find you beautiful no matter what, I am sure of that, but he is going to lose his shit, you look so stunning sweetie".

"What do you think ? About Zac I mean. About the marriage ? Am I doing the right thing here ?" I ask her, knowing she will be honest.

"Honestly ?" She looks at me and I nod. "Zac is a great guy, he treats you like a princess. He is sweet and fun, and well don't get me started on how handsome he is. It is so clear to see you two love each other.. so if you feel right about it, I see no problem".

I can't help smiling. "He really is utterly amazing right. I could spend forever just looking at him, touching him..".

"Shh not fair, I don't have a hot man at my beck and call". She say with a sigh.

"Hey I thought you didn't need a man ? Isn't that what you always said ?" I ask her. She has always said she did not need a man to make her happy.

She bites her lip. "Well I used to think that, but you know after what I have seen these past years and now seeing you so happy.. I want that, I want to be this much in love".

"I totally get you". I say and get an idea. "What do you think about Tom, he is pretty cute right ?"

"Cute don't really cover Tom, that man is gorgeous". She say grinning. "And I hope you know I am not jealous of you and Your happiness. Or well I am, but only in a good Way".

I smile. I know there is no malicious intent in what she says, I know she is happy for me. "Well he is also single".

"Are you trying to set me up here ? I don't think it would work. I mean he is handsome and seems nice, but he lives in London and I live in LA, or I am going to, so seems stupid to even try". She say with a shrug.

"Well plans can change". I say with a small smile. I think her and Tom would make a great couple.

"What do you think Tom ? Is she going to like it ?" I hold up the Harry Winston engagement ring with the heart shaped diamond.

"It's beautiful, any woman who wouldn't love that doesn't deserve it. But didn't you say that she don't want an engagement ring ?" Tom says.

I shrug slightly. "She did, but I mean what kind of man would I be if I didn't get her a real engagement ring ?"

"Well I would have done the same, so I am totally on Your page here". He say with a grin. "And she is going to love it".

I get a short text from Dahlia and I look at Tom. "Well Maddie is wearing champagne coloured silk, you know if you want to match.. by the way she is a great girl Maddie, isn't she ?"

"She is and she is absolutely gorgeous too.. but Zac, no trying to set us up okay". He say eyeing me.

"Why not ? I mean if you like her". I am sure they would make a great couple.

He shakes his head. "It always end up feeling awkward and forced, I want it to happen naturally. Like you and Dahlia, honestly I want what you two have, that fierce all consuming love that just can't be denied or slowed down".

"So you don't Think I am doing the wrong thing here ? That we are moving to fast ?" I ask him.

"Only you can decide that. If you feel it is the right thing to do, then it is. And you know what, there is no doubt the two of you love each other, it just shines from both of you". He tells me with a smile.

I go to pay for the wedding rings and the engagement ring. They make quite a dent in my saving, but I don't care only the best is good enough for my beloved. "Come on Tom, time for clothes shopping".


"What do you think ?" I hold up the two suits I have just tried on, looking at Tom.

He looks thoughtful for a moment. "The navy definitely. It is a great colour on you and the black kind of make you look like you are on Your way to a funeral".

"The navy then". I actually like that best too. "And you were going with the beige and champagne suit right ?"

"Yup, but Zac I can pay for it myself". He say getting up.

I shake my head. "Nope, you are the best man at my wedding, I am paying for it".

"I am not gonna change Your mind am I ?" He say and I shake my head again with a smile, making him sigh. "Will you at least let me give you both a gift ? You can't say no to that".

"No I guess I can't.. what is it then ?" Because I already know he has something planned.

He sends me a sweet smile. "I am paying for everything tomorrow, the dinner and the drinks.. and don't try and say no, it would be impolite as it is a gift".

"And I am not gonna change Your mind on that, am I ?" I ask and he shakes his head grinning. "Well thank you then".

"My pleasure Zac, you are always giving to others, you deserves something in return". He say softly.

I can't stop myself from giving him a big hug, which he returns. "Thanks Tom and thanks for being here".

"Oh I wouldn't miss it.. and I might have another gift for you". He say with a nervous chuckle. "And a surprise for Dahlia".

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now