This is how you propose

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"Typical men, they are running late of course". I say after reading the text from Zac. "We are just gonna meet them by the steps when we have been home to change for dinner".

We are going to plan the last things today for the wedding tomorrow, before going out for dinner, sort of a joined bachelor and bachelorette party.

"They are probably shopping those cute asses off". Maddie says grinning.

I laugh. "Well I just hope Zac don't spend to much money, he would give me the World if I let him".

"And that is a bad thing how ?" She asks me, waving a taxi over, to take us back with our dresses and everything else.

"I don't want him spending so much money on me, I don't need all those thing, I just need him". I say getting in beside her.

She takes my hand squeezing it. "Oh you are so cute and so much in love with him. I am sure you two will be happy forever and have a whole house full of kids".

"I truly hope so, that is all I want, a happy family with him". I say unable to contain my smile. "And it all starts tomorrow".


"Oh wow you look great Mads, I say as we meet in the foye. She is wearing a t-shirt dress with a fun print, her hair up in a fancy ponytail. "I love the earrings, are they from Africa ?"

"Yeah, they are great right". She say touching one of them. "You look fantastic by the way, Zac won't be able to keep his hands of you".

I look down myself, I am wearing a simple low cut top and a lace like skirt, both white. My hair swept up in a high bun. "I hope so".

We decide to walk down to the steps, as it isn't far. Hoping that we won't have to wait to long for the men.

As we get closer I get this really weird feeling. Like something is of. And suddenly it hits me. "Isn't here weirdly silent ?"

"Actually you are right, here seems very quiet and dark". As we get closer the streetlights are turned of. "Wonder what is happening".

We walk into the Plaza in front of the steps and I clamp a hand over my mouth. Maddie gasps. "Holy fucking shit".

The air is flagrant with the smell of roses, the steps covered in vase after vase of long stemmed dark red roses. All the way up the sides are people standing, they look like a gospel quire and they are all holding candles.

I just stand there, unable to talk or move. Tom shows up out of nowhere, whispering in my ear. "Dahlia you are supposed to walk up the steps".

As I step up on the first step, the quire starts to sing 'A thousand years' by Christina Perri. First low, but their voices slowly rising. Tom goes to stand beside Maddie.

I feel like I am part of some really romantic movie. I can't believe he did this or figure out how he managed to pull it of.

Their voices rise into the warm evening air:
'I have died everyday, waiting for you
Darling, don't be afraid, I have loved you for a thousand years
I'll love you for a thousand more
Time stands still
Beauty in all she is
I will be brave
I will not let anything, take away
What's standing in front of me
Every breath, every hour has come to this'.

And there he is, standing among roses and candles, looking so very handsome in a fitted grey suit, smiling at me as I step up to him.

Then he goes down on one knee taking my hand. "My affections and wishes have not changed, but one word from you will silence me forever. If, however, your feelings have changed, I will have to tell you: you have bewitched me, body and soul, and I love, I love, I love you. I never wish to be parted from you from this day on. Will you still do me the honour of marrying me ?"

I am unable to speak, tears streaming down my face, so I nod vigorously and he smile happily and slide a ring on my finger. It's a stunning Harry Winston ring with a heart shaped diamond and it must have cost a fortune. As he gets up I hug him tightly, whispering through tears. "God Zac it's so beautiful and the ring is beautiful, how did you even manage ?"

"Actually it was all Tom. Not the ring though. But Tom arranged this, don't ask me how he managed. But I am happy he did, I wanted to do it right". He say softly, looking at me.

I wonder how Tom managed it. "Well I am happy he did too".

He leans in kissing me passionately.

"Oh wow, if that isn't the most romantic proposal like ever, I don't know what is". I am so happy for Dahlia, she has a gorgeous man who will do anything for her.

Tom puts his arm around my shoulder. "Yeah I did pretty good didn't I ?"

"You planned all of this ? When ? How ?". I look at him with wide eyes. How has he even managed to pull this of ?

"Yesterday after I arrived, Zac told me about wanting to propose for real, but he didn't know what to do. He told me the reason they are getting married here is this is where they first kissed each other. So I pulled some treats, called in some.. Let's just say someone owed me". He say grinning.

I shake my head slightly. "Smooth, really smooth Tom, I got to give it to you. One problem though".

"What is that ?" He asks.

"Well, how on earth are you going to top that the day you have to propose to some lucky lady ?" I ask him.

He sends me the most cheeky grin ever. "Well that is for me to know and for Your to find out, isn't it ?"

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now