Aren't they perfect ?

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I wake very early in the morning, my head feeling very heavy and my throat feeling like sandpaper. As I lift my head I realise I am snuggled into Zac's side, my head resting on his shoulder.

He looks so peaceful sleeping, his mouth slightly open, making his lips look even more inviting. His eyes closed, lashes resting against his skin. His hair a total mess, like someone has been pulling at it all night.

Sitting up I reach for the water bottle, opening it and emptying more than half of the bottle in one big swig. I don't think water has ever tasted that delicious. I put down the bottle and spend a minute looking at Zac, wondering if he knows how absolutely gorgeous he is.

Then he starts whimpering slightly, his arms searching for something, until he finds me and I am pulled down into his strong arms, a content sigh escaping his lips. And soon after I am back to sleep.

When I wake again it is much much later, and the bed is empty. I slowly sit up, grabbing the water bottle, downing the rest of the water.

The door opens and Zac comes in, carrying a tray. A smile lightening up his face when he sees I am awake. "Morning darling. How are you feeling ? I know you are probably not hungry.."

"Actually I am absolutely starving, and that smells delicious". I say looking at the big tray, feeling my mouth watering.

"I am so happy to hear that". He say placing the tray down on the bed and sitting down beside me. "So no hangover ?"

I shake my head, eyeing the delicious food on the tray. "No not really. I never really suffered from those, only the moral kind. I am sorry about yesterday".

"You have nothing to be sorry about. He fooled you into thinking there was no alcohol in Your drinks. I am just happy you texted me". He say softly.

"I should never have gone on that date. And then I dragged you into my mess. So I am sorry". I say.

He slides his arms around me, pulling me into a tight hug. "I am happy to be pulled into Your mess".

My heart is beating wildly as I rest my head against his chest. "Well there is no one I rather pull into my mess".

"I am happy to hear that". He whispers into my ear, making my whole body tremble slightly. I look up at him, wishing so badly that he would kiss me right now. He smile at me, but let me go. "Breakfast ?"

I watch her eating the breakfast, kicking myself mentally. Why on earth didn't I kiss her ? I mean after last night and this morning, I am actually quite sure that I am not alone with my feelings, and still I chickened out.

Part of it might be that I don't want her to feel pressured after yesterday, I want to show her that it is not about the physical thing. I am ready to take it slow and let it grow naturally.

"Any plans for today ?" She looks at me, as I get up to remove the tray after we are done eating.

"I was thinking we could take a walk, look at some of the fancy stores, go see the spanish steps. Just something relaxed. If you are up for it ?" I tell her.

She smile at me, making my heart beat faster. "That sounds great Zac. Is it okay if I just take a shower first ?"

"Sure, I'll go put the rest of the food away while you get ready". I had a shower after training, while she was still sleeping.

I go into the kitchen, packing away the rest of the food and cleaning up, Waiting for her to come back out. Then I sit down with my laptop, checking social media and my mail. There is a mail from my sister, from this morning, just titled 'what ? explain'

Opening the mail I find a link, it is to an article about Alessio and his new beautiful girlfriend. Damn of course they had been spotted. I send a quick mail. 'Don't worry, all he got was a broken nose'.

Dahlia walks in and I look up at her. She is wearing a cute white dress with red roses on. She smiles and twirls in front of me. "What do you think ?"

"You look beautiful darling". I say honestly, and she does, as always she looks absolutely radiant and I want so badly to have her in my arms.

"Ready to get going ?" She say smiling, grabbing her purse. "I am kind of curious to see all the fancy designer stores, even though I don't have the money to buy anything there".

I grab my wallet and the keys. "More than ready, and.. if you see something you really like, just tell me, I can afford it".

"Zac I couldn't accept that, you have given me more than enough". She say softly, placing a hand on my arm.

"I.. I would give you anything you asked for". I suddenly feel a lump in my throat. I don't know why I even said that. Way to go Zac, now you probably scared her of you idiot.

She leans up, kissing my cheek, her lips lingering for a moment, soft and warm, then she whispers against my skin. "But you don't have to, you are enough".

"We better get going". I say nervously, feeling my cheeks burn. Why does she make me so damn nervous and insecure about myself ?

She takes my hand, lacing our fingers together, looking up at me with the sweetest smile. "Come on then, let's get going". She pulls me towards the door and I am happy to follow her.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now