Tom arrives and meet the maid of honour

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Next Day
I walk out into the airport in Rome, spotting Zac almost right away. He is quite hard to miss to be honest and I go to hug him. "Damn Zac, what the hell have they been feeding you ?"

"Mostly chicken and broccoli to be honest". He say with a grin, hugging me back. It feels a bit like being crushed by a grizzly bear or Chris Hemsworth.

I look around for Dahlia, but don't see her anywhere. "Oh you didn't bring your better half along".

"She is getting lunch ready, and she..". He actually seems to blush, as we walk towards the exit. "She was a bit sore she said".

"Oh did you do anything strenuous yesterday ?" His face tells me everything and I chuckle. "Whoops, Sorry I asked".

Zac just rolls his eyes, walking out into the sunshine. "She is really looking forward to seeing you again by the way".

"Well I look forward to seeing her too". I say, enjoying the feel of the warm sun on my skin. "So is she still as out of this world gorgeous as back then ?"

"Oh even more, honestly I still don't get what she sees in me". He say and I notice how his whole face light up and his eyes sparkle, no doubt he is in love.

He walks over to a car, pulling out the keys and I hear the bipp telling he has unlocked it. I get into the passenger seat. "Damn I can't believe you are getting married like this Zac".

"Me neither". He starts the car. "It started a bit as a joke, there was a rumour we were here on our honeymoon, we started talking and one lead to another.. it just feels right. I have never been more certain about anything in my life".

"I can see you love her, just the way Your eyes sparkle when you talk about her. So I am not going to judge, we don't rule our heart, our heart rules us". I tell him. Hoping he won't get to much heat from others.

He smile, it keeps his eyes on the road. "So what about you Tom ? Do Your heart rule you these days ?"

I shake my head. "Still searching and hoping, but I am starting to think that I am meant to be alone".

"Stop it Tom, you just need to find the right woman.. you will find the right woman". He tells me.

"I hope you are right Zac, I mean you are the perfect example that we never know when things might happen". I say.

I hear the door open and Zac's voice call. "Darling, we are back".

I hurry out in the hallway, almost jumping into Zac's arms, hugging him. "I missed you babe".

"Missed you too my love". He say kissing me softly.

As he puts me down I turn towards Tom. "So good to see you Tom". I slide into his arms. Getting hugged by Tom still feels as great as it did back then.

"Great to see you too Dahlia. Congratulations darling". He kisses my cheek. "Wow you look even more beautiful than I remember. Zac is a lucky man".

"Always a charmer Tom, but thank you". I send him a warm smile, then reach up to ruffle his hair. "What's with the curls and the beard ? Going for the full caveman look ?"

He throws his head back laughing. "Well it started as pure laziness, I had time of so didn't bother with shawing. But I have kind of gotten used to it, I kind of like it".

"I kind of like it too, but I always liked men with beard.. you look more.. hmm I don't know, like you rest more in yourself". I tell him. "Now you two, come have lunch".

We are talking happily, remembering our time in iceland and catching up on what everyone has been doing while we eat.

I am really enjoying myself, Zac and Tom together is something special, switching from deep serious talks to having me clutching my stomach with laughter in a few moments.

We are sitting in the living room having a glass of wine, when the doorbell rings and Dahlia hurries out to open. It has to be her friend Maddie arriving.

There are happy squeals from the hallway and Tom looks weirdly at me, making me shrug and whisper. "Women".

The two women walk into the room, Maddie looking at Dahlia. "Congratulations babes.. being engaged is really a good look on you, you're the bomb".

"Zac ?!" Tom is tugging at my sleeve, whispering my name and I look at him. "Who is that ?"

"Maddie, her maid of honour". I answer him. I look at him and then elbow him. "Tom you are drooling".

Tom makes a face. "I wasn't, but she is exquisite. Better go introduce myself".

"Go get her Tiger". I say, getting a deadly glare in return, as he get up, straightening his clothes.

I watch him walk over to the girls, and Dahlia introduces him. "Mads, this is Tom, but you already know. Tom this is my best friend Maddie".

Tom takes her hand, looking her deeply into her eyes. "Incantato". He lifts her hand to his mouth, keeping eye contact as he kisses it softly.

"Oh ain't you just a charmer, really smooth with the italian". She say with a soft giggle. "Well nice to meet you to Tom".

I get up, walking over and Dahlia smiles at me. "Babe this is Maddie or Mads, my best friend. Mads this is Zac".

"A pleasure meeting you Maddie, Dahlia has told me alot about you and Your trip". I tell her, pulling her into a soft hug.

"Please say Mads and such a pleasure to meet you to Zac. I can't wait to get to know the man who tamed this one". She say, sending Dahlia a cheeky grin.

I smile, having a feeling that I am going to like her. "Well Mads then, and it is more like her taming me".

"Come let's go get you installed in Your rooms. Zac managed to get two rooms on the floor just below this". Dahlia say, walking towards the door. The rest of us follow, Tom grabbing his bag on the way out.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now