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"I am just gonna hit the bathroom, are you okay to be alone for a bit ?" Zac leans in to whisper in my ear. The food had been amazing, and we are now in the fancy bar, having danced for a bit.

I smile at him and nod. "Sure, no problem. I'll go get us something to drink. What do you want ?"

"Just a beer". He say, his breath fanning over my cheek, giving me the chills, in a good way. He looks really good tonight, wearing dark dress pants and a matching waistcoat over a blue shirt.

After watching him walk away, I go to the bar and order a beer and a coke. I had a glass of wine with the dinner, so I am not drinking anymore today.

"You must be Cinderella baby, because I definitely see that dress disappearing by midnight". I hear a slightly drunken voice behind me and turn to see a sleek looking guy smiling at me. "Hi I am Mariano and I think you are the prettiest thing here".

I send him a stiff smile. "Thanks, but no thanks Mariano, I'm not interested".

"Oh come on doll, I know you want it. Let me buy you a drink". He say, stepping closer to me. "What are you having ?"

"Nothing, I said no thanks. I don't drink, I am already here with someone and you are not my type.. at all". I say, wishing Zac would come back.

He sneer at me. "Don't play all high and mighty with me, such a fucking tease, standing here seducing men and then not up to anything. That is not okay". He tries grabbing me.

"Let the lady be, didn't you hear her she said she wasn't interested". I voice with an italian accent sounds behind us.

I look at myself in the bathroom mirror, what am I to do ? Since I realised my growing feelings for Dahlia I can't seem to get my mind straight. At least until now I don't think she has noticed. I wonder if I should tell her, but it is not fair putting that pressure on her. Would she feel she owe me something for taking her on this trip ? Or that I had ulterior motives to bring her ? No I better keep it to myself not to ruin things.

She looks so beautiful tonight, well she always does, but it's not often I see her dolled up. The short blue flowing dress look amazing on her, showing of her sexy legs. Some of her hair piles up on her head, ringlets falling down to frame her face. Every man has looked at me with jealousy tonight because she is on my arm.

I walk back into the bar, stopping in my track when I see Dahlia talking to a handsome, italian man in an expensive Gucci suit. All the way from here there is no doubt he is flirting with her. And she is laughing, having her hand on his forearm.

The jalousi hits me hard and rather unexpected, my first thought is stalking over there pushing him away. Luckily I am able to reel myself in. I have no right to do so, we are friends. And maybe they are just talking.

Walking over slowly I brace myself. I am sure I have seen that guy somewhere before, maybe on a poster or on tv while we have been here. Maybe he is a model or an actor.

"Oh Zac, this is Alessio Di Paola.. Alessio this is Zac". Dahlia says smiling when she spots me.

"Hopefully not Your husband". Alessio says, holding his well manicured hand out towards me. "Nice to meet you Zac".

Dahlia shakes her head. "No Zac is my friend".

"Yeah just a friend". I fight to put on a friendly smile. "A pleasure to meet you Alessio". On the inside I might very well be cursing him, but I am not going to show it.

"Alessio helped me get rid of a very unpleasant guy". Dahlia say, looking at him like he is some kind of hero.

He waves her of with a charming smile, that kind of makes me want to knock his teeth out. "Oh it was nothing more than any gentleman would have done".

"Well thanks for helping her out man, it was very decent of you. But she is not alone anymore, so you can move along with what you were doing". I tell him with a rather stiff smile.

"Zac !" Dahlia look at me with surprise.

Alessio just smiles. "Oh it's okay, he is just being protective of you, it's a good thing". He turns towards me. "Well right now I rather enjoy the lady's company".

Soon I find myself sitting a bit to the side, watching them talk. Trying to contain that green monster roaring inside. Apparently Mr perfect Alessio is a professional football player and he is an ambassador for doctors without borders, having recently been been in Africa with them.

Zac is so quiet in the cab back, but he kind of has been most of the evening. I tried several times getting him into the conversation, asking his opinion, trying to get him talking about operation smile, but I just got short answers and then he went back to sulking.

"Are you okay Zac ?" I touch his hand gently, but he changes in his seat, moving his hand away. "You seem so quiet".

He shakes his head, looking out the window. "I am fine.. I might just have felt a bit ignored, you know with you fawning over Mr perfect, after all he wasn't the one who took you out to a 500 dollar dinner".

"Oh". It feels like he just slapped me. And I have to bite my lip to keep in the tears. "I'd be happy to pay you the money, if that was it is about. I told you it was to much".

When he doesn't answer, I move closer to the door, looking out the window. I had not expected that, not from Zac. I am biting the inside of my cheek, drawing blood, trying to keep the tears burning in my eyes at bay.

Reaching the apartment I hurry inside, calling over my shoulder. "Night Zac". Closing the door before he even have time to answer, throwing myself on the bed.

From Rome with love   (Book 1) A Zac Levi/Tom Hiddleston storyWhere stories live. Discover now