Chapter 3: A Wonderful Life

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It's surprising how many people feel their lives lack purpose. The truth is, the beginning can be slow. Finding fulfillment often requires effort. But with patience and perseverance, those cloudy days eventually make way for sunshine.

For Brandon Bowers and his family, that sunshine came in the form of the Jedi Knights. Their arrival on Earth was a turning point. The day Princess Sofith addressed the world marked the dawn of a brighter era.

Even with a beautiful garden, there are weeds to attend to. Sometimes it takes trouble in life to allow things to grow even better than simply planting the seeds. If it was not for the Emperor, Earth would not have known about the Jedi Knights' history. Unintentionally he set off certain events that revealed their ancient history. If it was not for Master Jedi Brandon Bowers and his niece and nephew, no one on Earth, including the Jedi Knights, would not have found out so much.

It is true Dr. Daniel Jackson had found interesting things regarding the ancient Jedi Knights, but things did not reveal themselves until Emily and Ben were starting their training. There is more to discover and learn before anyone can defeat Emperor Palpatine. It was by one man's life through his abilities with the Force that allowed things to unfold a little at a time. Things do not happen by chance.

Most might not handle the responsibilities that others go through in their lives. Life gives only what we can handle. We do not design life to fail even though we all make mistakes from time to time. There will be more tasks for Master Jedi Brandon Bowers and his Jedi family long after Emperor Palpatine is out of the way forever. Master Jedi Nomi Sunrider, who will become Master Jedi Nomi Bowers, has a great part to play for Earth and all Jedi Knights. What seemed like a dull life at first, now Master Jedi Brandon Bowers has great things to look forward to in times to come.


Since Jack used the Force, he knew what Brandon was smiling about as he came to them. He gave a smile of his own and a nod of thanks for allowing him to be a Jedi Knight. He in return nodded back.

Brandon looked at Ben and was very proud of both Emily and Ben becoming Jedi Knights. Throughout most of their lives, he could not give them all that much since he was at school. Thanks to Yoda and Jolinar, he could train them both. In return, Ben gave a warm smile.

"Thank you, Uncle Brandon, for allowing us to be Jedi. Emily and I worked hard in our training to show you how much we love you."

"It was the best gift I could ever give you both. I hope it made up for the lack of gifts I could have given you when you were young."

Ben smiled, "It did."

Both Lucy and Tim also thanked him for not only saving Earth from that Death Star but allowing Earth to be a giant part of life outside their own galaxy.

It was Ben who suggested the next training exercises. They had been with Nomi and Brandon for a few months. The only thing the two Master Jedi have taught them was to feel with the Force and basic lightsaber skills. Ben knew that it was important to be offensive. Brandon has expressed that with him during his early training with using a lightsaber. Even with what Jolinar has taught Ben on the Death Star. The offensive tactic is never an easy thing especially under pressure in a duel. Fighting in a duel in training is one thing, but to do it in battle is a different matter. They have killed a lot of Jedi in battle, even the more skillful ones. Nomi has told Emily, Ben, and Jack this as she was training them.

Ben suggested they should concentrate more on offensive dueling. He said, "You have done great in your lightsaber skills, but you still need to work on offense."

"Even though we do our best, we still haven't gotten the hang of it," Lucy replied.

Jack said, "When I was being trained in the Air Force, I was more concerned with saving my skin than anything and had to focus on having an offense. When I saw that I wasn't getting anywhere by simply hiding in a foxhole, I had to get aggressive to win the fight."

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