Chapter 21: The Ancients and the Asgards

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This conversation occurred millennia ago, on a distant world within the vast network of Stargates. It predates Skaara's encounter with Dr. Daniel Jackson, a pivotal moment that would shape the destiny of countless civilizations. Here, the Ancients, a race of immense technological prowess, debated their participation in a conflict that would echo throughout the cosmos.

Thor said, "From our information, Emperor Palpatine is ready to attack all of us. We cannot give any more teachings to the people of Earth and the Jedi Knights. We have to take part in this war whether we want to or not."

Bowje Formur, one of the high council of the Ancients stated, "Thor, you know very well these people have to fight for themselves. They cannot simply sit and watch their people die in this war."

Bowba Fomur, another member of the Ancient Council, replied, "Bowje, we all know that. This is our fight just as much as it is theirs. We cannot just wait until Earth can be ready. Palpatine will not wait for them." Bowje was about to protest, but Bowba stopped him. She said, "we all know that no one can win this war against Palpatine. We must do everything to keep him busy, so he will not continue to attack whom we know as Her Majesty, Empress of the Jedi Knights. Samantha is in greater danger because of her suppressed memories. In time, her memories will return, but not all at once. She cannot deal with her ancient past, alone or all at once. Not even we Ancients cannot stop her if she becomes the new host to the Dark-side of the Force."

Bowje was a lot calmer in his comment, "Everyone, I apologize if I sounded that I did not want to do anything. I am simply stating what we all have agreed upon. They should be the one that defends their own planet."

Thor said, "If this situation was not so dire, I would agree with you. Earth is not ready to fight him and win. We need to help fight and continue to teach everyone how to use our technology, but we will have to be the main aggressors in this war."

Blaeu Bamur said, "Thor, how can we be certain that Earth will not use our technology to do the same as Emperor Palpatine is doing now."

Thor was quiet for a few moments then said to her, "Blaeu, you know that there is always a threat in that area, but for the better good of those that will not misuse our technology. We owe it to them to help in every way we can."

Skaara said, "I've been with the Earthlings for several years. They have indeed had many, many wars throughout their history, and you all knew that. We need to end this conflict with the Dark-side of the Force."

Thor said, "I know this is difficult for all the Ancients, but we need to end this war that started long before humans and other life forms today populated planet Earth. It was not Sam Carter's fault Earth got involved with the Dark-side of the Force, nor was it the fault of the Jedi Knights. I would hate to think what might have happened if Sam did not bring her friends from a galaxy far, far away to Earth. This planet has the technology and the experience they have now because of her. Everyone else has done their part, now it is up to us to do ours."

Bowje replied, "Well said, Asgard. By what Skaara said and what you said has convinced us that this will turn out for the better, despite any fears of what may."

Thor stated, "I assure you, they are only fears. How everyone on Earth has been living since Sam brought her Jedi friends to Earth, there have been no evil actions regarding the technologies we have given and taught. Right now is not the time to worry about what-ifs. If we do not stop the Dark-side of the Force, there will not be any future for the entire universe."

Before they adjourned the meeting, Thor said to Skaara, "Since you have dealt with the SGC up close, then I suggest that you do most of the communications with Earth, so the rest of us can do all we can to fight Palpatine."

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