Chapter 8: Earth is Ready

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After Ituor finished talking to Hothok, Emily, and Nomi, he shared the current events with General Davis. When Ituor was done, General Davis replied, "First, thank you for your concerns for Earth. I'm happy we could evacuate all those people, but if it wasn't for you and the other Jedi Knights, neither Master Jedi Sam O'Neill nor Master Jedi Brandon Bowers would have been able to destroy this Death Star. Even though we have learned a great deal from all of you, we still have a great deal to learn, but I can say to you Master Jedi Ituor, Earth is ready."

"Thank you for saying that, General Davis. I know that you are ready. Earth shouldn't have gotten mixed up in this Jedi business. There are a lot of horrors in our past dealings with the Dark-side. Some of which even we don't have all the answers."

He showed Ituor a respectable look and asked, "If we didn't get involved as you say, then what are the possibilities of Earth being destroyed by this Death Star?"

"That's an excellent point," he admitted. "the discovery of the Death Star is entirely thanks to your SG teams."

"Things are as they should be. We not only learned about the Jedi's past and found out it all started here on Earth a very long time ago, but we have saved the galaxy from this Death Star, and we shall do it again in defeating Emperor Palpatine."

Ituor gave a big smile. "It's amazing how you all have accepted the obvious. For a planet that has been so isolated from what is out there throughout the universe, just about everyone has accepted it more than I have ever seen similar worlds in my galaxy."

"I find your sentiments relatable. As humans, we often rely heavily on our technologies, and it makes me wonder if we could truly survive without them. The same applies to your civilization. While it's evident that a less technologically advanced world would struggle against a formidable adversary like Palpatine, history shows that even with fewer technological advancements, people managed to defeat him."

Although we may not achieve victory against the grand armies he commands now, akin to the Ewoks' triumph, I believe we can still make a significant impact. Whether the ancient Jedi somehow influenced our cellular structures or not, it falls upon all of us to stand together and fight alongside you in this critical moment."

General Davis' words struck him speechless. The revelation of Earth's deeper connection to the Jedi Order, past and present, was overwhelming. Sam's arrival on his world felt preordained. He recalled her past brilliance and achievements, now amplified by the Force. This transformation resonated in many Earthlings. He saw it as a legacy of Earth's first Jedi Knights, a spark that ignited potential.

"You're right," he finally admitted. "war or not, restricting your destiny wouldn't be right. When the Jedi Council and leaders convene, I'll advocate for your full participation."

Hothok's words echoed in his mind. The unwavering resolve of Earthlings mirrored something from their own reality. He understood now: the spirit behind America's free republic resonated across the planet. Could the presence of Jedi Knights have accelerated the Empire's downfall in their galaxy?

With a Jedi bow to General Davis, he departed to contact the Council. It was time to right a wrong and allow all who felt the Force to join the Order, just as Earth had unknowingly been a part of the Jedi legacy for millennia.

General Davis' cryptic words hinted at a future where the ancient Jedi Order intertwined with 21st century Earth. This meant an unexpected path for Sam, one that might involve hardship. But as they say, darkness can precede a magnificent dawn. Perhaps what seems like a burden now holds the key to incredible wonders.


As Barbra and Jerry were with Brandon to get him fitted for a suit for his wedding, they had JN-620 to tag along with them. In all that had been going on, he did not get that many chances to know the people of Earth in their day-to-day lives.

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