Chapter 13: The Jedi Knight Ceremony

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As the two newlyweds got dressed and ready to watch the ceremony, the other Jedi Knights got things ready for the surprise that was in store for Sam, Nomi, and Brandon. That is right, the entire ceremony was for them. It was them that trained these three to be Jedi Knights. As Thor stated, Nomi and Brandon connected the ancient Jedi Knight to the Jedi Knights and Earth in the 21st century. It was Sam that was the first to find Brandon in a very large city and end up training him. The Elite forces that will attack the stronghold and the Emperor himself will be these six Jedi because of how interrelated she had been to all.

Yes, she is still a target to be a new host for the Dark-side of the Force, but she is also one of the six that will not only defeat Palpatine but keep the Dark-side from ever taking another host again. Retired General George Hammond did not come to her to get her to go to Coruscant. Senator Telyr Zamau wanted to give her a special ceremony by naming her "Grand Duchess Jedi" for all that Sam had done for both galaxies.

She will be the highest-ranking Jedi under the Grand Master Jedi, Ituor. She will be the head of the Jedi Knight of Earth. Master Jedi Anakin Skywalker suggested this. The special training that both of them will get from him will be part of the special training. Barbara Bowers will not be a Padawan under her, but something a lot more. With the strong love that Barbara has for her and the love she had used to protect and nurture her family since someone destroyed their house, she will be a special guard for her.

Sam can protect herself. This special guard is more than a simple bodyguard. With their training, Barbara will learn how to use the Force to fight off the influence of the Dark-side that Sam will face. The new adventures that Thor has mentioned at the wedding ceremony will have their challenges for sure. They will face new threats. The connections that both Master Jedi Nomi and Brandon Bowers have made are like using a key. When the balance of the Force comes into existence, as it should be, then the door will open all the way. By the map that these two Jedi will find, it will take the power of the Force of Master Sam O'Neill, and soon... Master Jedi Barbara Bowers to travel to these other Jedi cities throughout time and space.

Since Sam will be the head leader of everything from this day forward, she and Barbara will have the responsibility of coordinating and managing everything and everyone from long ago to the present and beyond. This ceremony will be for Nomi, Brandon, Sam, and Barbara. When everyone was ready and took their places at the ceremony, it started like all figured it would, making the three new Master Jedi Knights the top focus...

After naming Emily, Ben, and Jack as Master Jedi, someone asked Emily to speak. Before she announced her prepared speech, she asked for the ones that allowed those special three to come up to the stage beside them.

Emily said, "We three have a lot of love and respect for the ones that trained us to be Jedi Knights. A lot was given to my family in the results. We will always be in everyone's debt that made it possible for us to be where we are in life today. Through our training, we have a special bond stronger than mere friendship. I also believe it to be a special Jedi bond. As we three work together as a team, there is nothing we can't do. If it wasn't for the ones, I called up to the stage with us, this couldn't have been possible."

Everyone in the audience gave them a standing ovation.

When the cheering was over, Emily continued, "Great things that happened to us three new Master Jedi Knights didn't start through our training alone. It all started with one person who made all the difference for all of us. They took her from us all — many years ago — and put her into slavery. Despite all she has been through, she never gave up on herself. In that positive result, they have informed us the history of the Jedi Knights started a very long time ago. Right now we're at that moment on Earth." Emily allowed everyone to comprehend what she said for only a moment. She continued, "I'm sure you also know that this one person who started it all for everyone on Earth, including my uncle...... Master Jedi Sam O'Neill." As everyone was cheering for their first Earthly Jedi, Sam walked closer to her and gave her a loving hug. Sam wanted to share all that praise with her. After a very long hug, everyone was still cheering for her.

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