Chapter 7: Bodo Baas Tells All

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Chapter 7: Bodo Baas Tells All

Nomi and Emily led Hothok to their favorite spot in the city. It was outdoors. Luckily for them, no one was around. They had complete and total privacy. Most were working on the ceremony and the wedding. This place was a good distance from the buildings. It was a great spot to meditate in the Force.

The three of them got into their normal meditation-sitting pose. They sat in a circle. This is how most Jedi meditate in the Force when there are two or more. The three of them gave their full concentration.

Nomi said to him, "We all three thank you for your time with us, and it is great to be talking with you once again," She paused for a moment and continued, "we have discovered a cave and new allies. What can you tell us now about these and anything else we need to know before we can fight Emperor Palpatine? We also discovered my mother- and father-in-law can use the Force. Is there anything required of them?"

"There has been a great deal going on since we last communicated. I, too, am pleased to chat with you all." He looked at Master Hothok with a warm smile. "it is pleasing for me to see you. There is a lot for you to do. I know there is a lot of hurt in you from all you have been through. You can make a difference by being with Master Nomi and Brandon Bowers."

Nomi gave a giant smile because of him calling her by the married name she will have soon.

He looked at her with a giant smile of his own. "It is my pleasure to unite you two as husband and wife. Despite the distance of the space and time of you both from birth, it meant you two to find each other and marry."

Emily asked, "If we didn't have Palpatine in our lives today, would these two have met anyhow?"

He turned to look at Emily. "Yes! Despite his interference, circumstances can not control the paths we have in life. They would have met just the same. We all have free will to follow whatever path, but the result would have been the same. Love is far too powerful to control. The love that these two have for each other cannot change by time or reality."

I cannot say what would have happened if Master Jedi Sam O'Neill did not find your uncle, but it was her that set things in motion. She has no choice in being put into slavery, but it was her that set things as they should have been, afterward. From her choice of being a Jedi Knight and bringing her friends to Earth, made it possible to have things as it is now."

"You mean that my grandmother can use the Force?"

"All of your families have been using the Force without knowing they were doing so."

"Who is the powerful one in our family?"

"It is both of your grandparents. Your grandmother has been the one that has been supportive since someone destroyed their home years ago. Your grandfather has been leading all of you to all the places you have been to."

Emily thought about all those times. She said, "It makes sense now. It was him that helped us deal with living on Coruscant and Naboo. I can also see how it was so natural for him to help all the Jedi at the mansion in Atlanta, Georgia."

"Yes, both of your grandparents used the Force in helping all the Jedi then, with no one noticing. It is true they could have done a great deal without it. Without realizing it, they used it. The love for their son allowed them to use it so profoundly at the mansion. How they could have used the Force with none of the Jedi being aware... is a feat. They did it the same. All they did on behalf of all the Jedi there, they could not have done so without their abilities."

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