chapter nine

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"Okay so we have dinner tonight then tomorrow I have to go to a stupid college tailgate event to help my parents and Teddy stop these girls from ruining our chances at selling the house

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"Okay so we have dinner tonight then tomorrow I have to go to a stupid college tailgate event to help my parents and Teddy stop these girls from ruining our chances at selling the house. Easy peasy, right?" I took in a deep breath, looking at myself in the mirror.

"You'll be fine babe, I promise." Michael kissed the top of my head. "You also look beautiful, by the way." He added, winking at me through the mirror.

"Oh stop it," I blushed, gently hitting his chest. "Are you sure? Does this scream 'I'm over you taking my virginity and ruining my reputation and helping partially ruin my life and I'm much happier now and I don't need you?'"

"Yes, definitely." He nodded. "Does this scream 'I don't know you but you're an asshole and I'm dating the girl whose heart you broke and I'm going to treat her better than you ever have?'" Michael held his arms out, letting me take in the look of his outfit.

"Yes, definitely." I copied his words, and he just chuckled as he leaned in, kissing my lips lightly.

"Kiya-" Teddy's voice stopped as Michael and I quickly pulled away, blushing as Teddy had caught us kissing. He just looked away, clearing his throat. "Your mom and dad wanted me to come tell you guys it's ready for you guys to go."

"Right." I nodded, grabbing my phone and shoving it in my back pocket. "Thanks for watching Stella again, Teddy. Also make sure those girls don't do anything to our house."

He just nodded, and Mikey and I quickly walked past him and downstairs, where Teddy slowly followed behind us.

"That was awkward." Mikey mumbled, and I sent him a look.

"Tell me about it."

"Ready to go guys?" My dad asked, looking between Mikey and I.

"Yep. As I'll ever be." I replied.

"It's going to take every fiber of my being to just not kick him in the balls when I see him." My mom said, her eyes narrowing at the thought of Nash.

"Remember hon, he got what he deserved and we're going to be with his whole family, including our daughters best friend - not just him." My dad rubbed my mom's back, and we all told Teddy and Stella goodbye before walking out of the house and getting into the van my mom recently bought.

My smile fell as I saw the sadness in Teddy's eyes, although I could tell he was covering it up as much as possible that way he could show that he's really changing, and he's trying as best as he can to be happy for me.

The drive took not even two minutes to get to Natalie's seeing as they hadn't moved after everything happened and we still lived super close to each other. When we got there I got out of the van at the same time Mikey did and took in a deep breath, calming my nerves.

I hadn't seen Nat in what felt like years, same with Nash. Nash I hadn't seen since our last horrible encounter that time Teddy went to jail, and I wasn't ready to see him probably ever again. I could go the rest of my life without seeing Nash again and would be perfectly fine, perfectly happy.

My parents stood in front of us and rang the doorbell, Natalie's parents answering with a smile.

"Radner's we're so glad to see you!" Jeremy exclaimed, pulling my dad in for a handshake.

"Kelly you look amazing!" Nadia announced, hugging my mom. She gasped as she saw me, pulling me in for one too. "Kiya you look amazing, and who's this?" She asked as she noticed Mikey.

"This is my boyfriend, Mikey." I smiled, pointing at him.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Nadine and this is my husband Jeremy! Come on in guys." They moved to the side and let us all come in, where Natalie stood in the back.

"Kiya," She whispered, rushing up to me and giving me a giant hug.

I hugged her back, feeling tears beginning to build up. It felt like forever since I've hugged her, and I honestly missed it. She truly was my best friend, even if we weren't talking a lot recently.

"I've missed you so much!" She spoke, squeezing me tightly.

"You just saw me recently." I chuckled, and she finally let go.

"I guess you're right. But that was the first time since yanno, we drifted. Now I feel like we can actually work on our relationship again." She smiled. "Who's this?" She looked behind me, seeing Michael standing there slightly awkwardly.

"Oh, my boyfriend, Michael. Mikey meet my best friend Natalie." I introduced them, and they shook hands.

"Nice to meet you," Mikey said.

"You too," She nodded, before grabbing my hand and leading me to the dinner table. Nash was already there, sitting in his usual spot when he's home, staring down at his hands that were in his lap.

"Nash, the guests are here." Natalie spoke with a slight attitude in her tone.

"Oh, right." He whispered, before standing up in front of me. "Hello, Kiya."

Our eyes met, and I couldn't help but stare into them for a few moments. He was still just as attractive as he was the last time I saw him, but his hair was messy and he had giant bags under his eyes. He had a look of sadness and regret in his eyes, and I couldn't help but feel bad. Even if he was the one to hurt me.

"Hi," Was all I replied with, before breaking eye contact and grabbing Mikey's hand and leading him to the side of the table across from where Nash was sitting, showing him where he could sit then sitting in the seat right next to him.

The parents came in and Nadine sat at the end seat, in between the side that Mikey was sitting and the other side where Nash was. He was directly across from Mikey, and I couldn't help but wonder if it would've been better for Nash to sit in front of me, or in front of my boyfriend, who wasn't so happy with the way that Nash treated me.

Natalie sat to the left of him, right across from me. My mom sat next to her and Jeremy sat at the other end of the table, all the way across from Nadine. My dad was to my right, glancing at me every once in a while to make sure I was doing okay.

I sure do love my dad, he's my favorite person on the planet.

"So, to start off, I want to just say that we- Jeremy and I, are super sorry about everything Kiya." Nadine started, the conversation I was wanting to avoid so badly.

"It's fine, really." I spoke, avoiding eye contact with her.

Glancing at Michael, he just sent me a cute smile and rested his hand on my knee underneath the table, squeezing it for support.

I looked away from him and back at the table, where Nadine continued anyway. "No, it's not fine. Nash's actions were not respectful, and I will not tolerate that type of bullshit in this household. Now, Nash. Tell her."

"Mom, she-"

"Natalie, shut up. Nash, now." Nadine gave Nash a stern look, and he nodded and looked up at me.

"Kiya, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for hurting you, one of my best friends. I shouldn't have-" He stopped, looking at his mom who nodded at him. "I'm sorry for sleeping with you, then humiliating you in public. And continuing to make you choose between Teddy and I, you didn't deserve it. I'm not saying you have to be my friend, but would you be willing to forgive me?"


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