chapter fifteen

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"I'll be fine, Teddy. You need to shower anyway." I assured, taking the brush through my tangled hair.

"I promised you I'm not going to leave you alone and I'm going to keep my word, Kiya." Teddy sternly said, and I sighed and turned to him.

"You have only showered once in the week or however long I've been here. Even then, you only changed right back into the clothes you were wearing before. You need to go shower, and maybe even get rid of those clothes." I pointed at him. "My mother and father should be here in only a few minutes to come pick me up anyway, I'm sure that by the time you leave the parking lot they'll be in here with me. Besides, there's a nurse right outside that door and if I'm being honest, you're smothering me." I admitted, and he frowned.

"I know I am, I can tell." He sighed. "I just don't want what happened to you to happen again. Especially since you say the guy knows you." Chills ran down my spine at the mention of the unknown guy. I put on my best poker face, trying to show him just the mention of that night didn't bother me.

"It won't. If he even comes in the first thing I'll do is press that button and scream, he won't be able to get anywhere close to me. I promise." I assured. "I don't want to be alone, but at the same time I do need it, whether anyone wants it or not."

"You've had some time alone, Kiya." He crossed his arms.

"Ten to fifteen minute showers aren't enough alone time. It's not like I'm going anywhere, besides we just moved so I won't even be going back to that house or the old one of mine. I'll be far away from it, I think." It's true. My parents moved in the week of me being here, Teddy refusing to help due to wanting to stay here with me. They found the help anyway, the girls from the sorority helping them.

I've refused to see any of them, not because I'm blaming them or anything I just need some time away from people. It's already hard enough getting away from my parents and especially Teddy, that I've said no new visitors because I know for a fact I won't be able to get away from them once I leave this hospital.

At the same time, I can't wait to leave. They told me that first day here they were only going to keep me for a day or two, but decided to keep me even longer due to wanting to do more tests and make sure I'm 'stable' after everything that happened.

Obviously I'm bothered by everything that happened, but I can't let it show. I have so much more to deal with when I get out of here that I don't want to think of the way he took control over me and forced me to do things I would never want to do with him. It's not going to go away, I know that, but I can't sit here and dwell on it because I know that it takes long enough for me to get over things, how am I supposed to get over something like this?

"Fine, keep your phone on you at all times. If you don't answer, I'll call Kelly or Mac. I'll go shower, I need to talk to Pete and his fiance anyway. I'll come by your house and such afterward, okay?" Teddy asked, pulling me in for a hug. I barely hugged him back and watched him leave, sighing when I was finally alone.

happily, sequel to filwtn ✔Where stories live. Discover now