chapter eleven

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"Wow, you got here before we did

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"Wow, you got here before we did. That was fast," Shelby said as I stood outside of their house.

Yeah, because I live next door. Looking over, I saw Teddy peeking through the curtains at us, and I couldn't help the small smile that fell on my face. "Yeah, I was already in town and had everything packed, which isn't much, so here I am."

It wasn't even half of my things, but enough to make it look like I was moving in for a bit. Good thing my parents already tried infesting their house with bed bugs, because if they got them things in my stuff, I would rip their heads off.

"Well, let's get you settled in then!" Shelby exclaimed, not questioning it further, thankfully.

Looking back at my house, I saw that Teddy was no longer observing us, and for some reason I felt a hint of disappointment. My phone dinged, and I just ignored it as I walked in, Nora and Beth helping me gather my things and bringing them inside.

It didn't take long to get settled, and I checked to see that I now had two texts. One from Michael, the other from Teddy. Letting my thumb hover over the two options, I finally decided on Teddy's as the preview made it seem more serious.


I want to thank you for letting me have another chance

I'm trying to show that I value it, I don't know how it's coming across though.

But I really thank you, so much and I appreciate you so much.

Kiya :)

you're welcome teddy


I really just want to be valued, Ky

Kiya :)

you have value to me



Kiya :) 

yes, of course

Smiling, I locked my phone and laid down on my new 'bed', slightly feeling upset I couldn't sleep in my own tonight. Suddenly, I got an idea on how to get out of here for a bit.

"Hey guys?" I asked, getting their attention as they were in a heated conversation about the weed getting stolen.

They all looked at me and didn't say anything, so I took that as a sign to continue with what I wanted to say anyway. "So, my, uh, my boyfriend is going through some issues and needs me to come over." I lied, trying my best to look them in the eyes so they thought I wasn't lying.

"Oh, okay. Is it serious? I didn't realize you had a boyfriend!" Nora spoke up.

"Yeah, is he hot?" Another girl asked.

"Yeah, he-he's hot." I nodded, biting my lip in nervousness.

"Is it serious though? The relationship?" Beth added, and I realized I had forgotten to answer Nora's first question.

"I mean, not too serious. It's still a pretty new relationship." I answered.

"Does he treat you right? Support lady rights?" Shelby questioned. "If not, then he's not the one for you."

"I think he does, we haven't talked about that really..." I began to feel uncomfortable, but wasn't going to say anything out loud due to not wanting to taint whatever relationship I have with these girls.

"Well, when you go over there you should definitely talk to him about it, see what his views are." She shrugged. "I'll call you if anything happens, and we'll text you the information in the group chat. You gave Beth your phone number, correct?"

I nodded and stood up, grabbing my purse and walking down the driveway, glancing over at my house. My car was parked in the driveway, but my parents thought that me driving it would be too suspicious so I wasn't able to drive it.

Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I unlocked it and quickly dialed Michael's number, not even glancing at the text he'd sent me. It took about four rings for him to answer, seemingly out of breath.

"Hey babe, what's up?" He asked.

"Hey, Mikey." I greeted, feeling too awkward to call him babe for some reason. I began walking down the road to avoid the chance of one of the girls looking out of the window and seeing me just standing there, not paying attention to where I was walking to. "I was wondering if you wanted to hangout? I figured we could get a cappuccino and I could fill you in on everything that happened earlier today." I lightly picked at the bottom of my jacket, biting my lip.

"Oh, I'm sorry Kiya, I can't today." His voice grew distant. "Maybe we can hangout tomorrow?" He suggested, and I suddenly felt my heart sink into my chest as he spoke up once again. "Wait, never mind that thought, I'm busy tomorrow too." He let out a light sigh. "I'm sorry."

"It's-it's okay, Mikey. I was busy tomorrow anyway." I told him with disappointment laced in my tone.

"I'm sorry Ky, I'll talk to you later, yeah?" He asked. "I gotta go, I'm actually in the middle of something." Without giving him a reply I hung up, and I began to feel my face heat up as I began to overthink.

What if he's cheating? What if he's getting distant just like Teddy and Nash? What if he's going to hurt me, and I'll be hurt for the third time again?

My phone began to buzz in my hand and I looked down, seeing I had gotten a text from Teddy asking how everything was going at the sorority. Biting my lip again I let my thumb hover over the call button, before finally taking in a deep breath and clicking it. As I put the phone up to my ear I stopped walking, deciding I'd walked far enough away from the house.

"Kiya? Everything okay?" He asked as soon as he answered the call, and I let out a breath as I shook my head slightly.

"Uh, yeah. Everything's fine. I just made up an excuse to hangout with Michael to get out of the house, but turns out he can't really hangout today or tomorrow so I was- I don't know-"

"I'll hangout!" Teddy quickly said, cutting me off. "Where are you? We can go get some drinks or something."

"Oh, I'm like a block away, I think. I don't have my car cause I left it in the driveway cause of how mom and dad thought it would be too suspicious." I explained, messing with a loose strand of hair.

"We can walk, it's nice outside and so I don't think it'll be a big deal to be in a car or not." He spoke, and I heard shuffling on the other side before the door opening and closing. "I'll be there in less than two." He added and I quickly told him goodbye, shoving my phone into my pocket again.

Maybe hanging out with Teddy won't be such a bad idea.

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