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     Two years ago.

     Watching as the snow glistened as it was falling hard to the ground in the late, winter night, Taylor turned in her seat. She shifted her pillow against the car door trying to find a more comfortable position to sleep. It wasn’t working. She reached down by her feet, where her colorful book bag laid, and dug around for her book light and her favourite book; Gone with the Wind.

     She was just restarting the book, getting into the first page all over again, when her older brother Josh started to sing. She shifted in her seat, bracing herself against her pillow trying to block out her brothers voice.

     “… and raise your hands up high! Screaaaam; I don’t believe that anybody can see and feel what I do. And if you just remember, you’re flying high; you can touch the sky; even the stars and the moon!” His voice carried high as the notes grew richer and fiercer.

     “Josh!” Taylor’s voice elated his singing and he stopped. “Would you shut up? I’m trying to read and your voice is seriously annoying.”

     “No way. You’ve read that book over a hundred times. This song was just written and the band and I are playing at a gig on Saturday when we get back, it’s our first premiere of this song.”

     “I don’t care. I want to read and I can’t read with you and your racket going.”

     “My racket? What are you talking about? This band is my life, and we’re good. Mom tell her that she’s being annoying.”

     In the front seat, their mom sat listening to them argue. She sighed, “Both of you stop.”

     “But mom, I’m trying to read and Josh won’t shut up.” Taylor complained.

     “And I was trying to sing, but you rudely interrupted me. So, if you would kindly go back to reading, I’ll go back to singing and everything will be better.” Josh said, satisfied.

     “No, everything will not be better. I still won’t be able to concentrate.” Taylor didn’t let the subject drop.

     Josh reached over and smacked Taylor upside the head, this time instead of ignoring what their children were doing in the back seat, both, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan joined in with the arguing.

     “Both of you stop it, I’m trying to drive.” Mr. Jordon snapped.

     “Josh, say you’re sorry! We don’t hit.” shrieked Mrs. Jordon.

     “God I hate you!” Josh yelled, and at that very instant Mr. Jordon swore as the car swerved toward the ditch and started to flip.

     Taylor squeezed her book to her chest. Something flashed out in front of the car in the middle of the road, but then it was gone. Their parents held hands and Josh braced himself against the door.

     The impact left the entire family in shock for minutes. Slowly they all started to move.

     “Josh Taylor, are you alright?” Both of their parents looked back.

     “I’m fine.” Josh shook his head and stretched out all his limbs to make sure everything was still there. He glanced over at his sister. “Oh God Taylor,” He reached out and touched her arm.

     Blood was dripping down her forearms into a puddle beneath her feet. Her head was almost put through the window.

     “Taylor!” Mrs. Jordan shrieked.

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