Chapter 19

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     “Taylor you’ve got to listen to me.” I was sleeping, and yet I wasn’t. I was caught in the middle between awake and sleep. I could hear what was going on around me, which was nothing. There was a rattle of some kind, though I’m not sure what and then there was Josh. Standing right in front of me.

     “Please Taylor actually listen to me this time.” Josh stood across from me, leaning against a white wall. I took a glance around us; we were in a white room. There was no furniture or door. It was just Josh and me surrounded by white.

     I crossed my arms over my chest, “I’m listening.” My voice was as snaky as ever.

     He stood up, towering over me. He didn’t look like the fifteen year old boy that had died. He looked seventeen, the same as Tristan.

     “I’m sorry Taylor. I really am. I didn’t know this would happen.” He stepped closer to me, and I stepped away.

     “I’m sure you didn’t Josh. What did you think getting yourself killed was going to solve all this? Did you?” Anger ran its way into my voice before I could stop it. I swallowed and exhaled attempting to calm myself, “Look Josh. Look around you. Your dead and I’m not. Look at my face.” His eyes wouldn’t meet mine.

     “Look at me!” I practically screamed it, but this time he did look. “Do I look like the same sister to you? To I act like the same person to you? Look Josh. Look at what happened to me. Do I look like the same twelve year old sister that you once lived with?” a single tear leaked its way from my eye, slowly drizzling down my cheek.

     “Taylor…” He didn’t say anything else. He just stood there watching me.

     So I continued, “Did you see what mom and dad are going through? They think I’m dead. Dead!” A surreal chuckle left my lips. “I might as well be, right? I mean look at me. I look like death. I look like an angry dog decided to attack me. I think this is a step up in the right direction don’t you? Making me uglier; now people listen when I have something to say.” I shook my head and sat down on the floor, cross-legged.

     “Two years.” He said. I looked up at him. “Two year’s I was gone. And this is what you turn out to be like? Your selfish Taylor, you need to get over that. I’m gone. I’m not coming back. But you, you have your entire life ahead of you. And here you are whining like there’s no tomorrow. Well get this Taylor. There won’t be a tomorrow for you, or your friend’s; for our brother. A brother you just found out about. Why do you keep acting like you’re alone? God Taylor. Suck it up. You haven’t ever been alone, not even from the beginning. Do you keep forgetting? I’m always with you. In here.” He pointed to my heart.

     I shook my head. “No Josh. You don’t get it. You can’t get it.”

     “How do I not get it? Tell me how Taylor.”

     “You think this is easy? You think finding out that you had a twin brother was easy? Or the demons that attacked me? You think coming to a fictional place-or what I once that was a fictional place- having to meet new people, while everyone else you care about thinks you’re dead? I can’t even tell them Josh. And now that Reminous wants me dead, I probably won’t be able to. I’m going to die Josh.” another tear slide its way down my cheek.

     He walked up to me and crouched down, his face to mine. “You’re not going to die. I’m not going to let it. But I need you to listen to me. Follow every instruction I give you, okay?”

     When I didn’t say anything, he brought his hand under my chin and forced me to look at him.

     I nodded, “Okay.”

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