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      We didn’t end up going to Tristan’s like I had thought. Instead I found myself at Kyle’s and Alyssa’s. I looked over at Tristan, he wouldn’t meet my gaze but he was smiling.

     “Why are we here?”

     “You’ll see.” He knocked on the door. When no one answered he opened it and stepped in. I watched as the darkness of the room engulfed him. He beckoned for me to follow him in, so I did.

     Chills ran down my back, and something was telling me to get out of the house. I tried to turn to leave, but Tristan grabbed hold of my arm and pulled me farther into the house.

     From I remember what the house was laid out like I remembered we were in the huge living room.

     “Tristan no-” I didn’t get to finish because at that point the living room light flicked on and everyone yelled surprise.

     I stood there dumb folded. Luckily, Carter and Alyssa came up to me and hugged me, so I didn’t have to say anything.

     I hugged them so hard. “You guys.”

     Carter had a white bandage placed over her nose, and Alyssa was on crutches. “Don’t you have a spell for that?” I joked.

     “Spells are only used when you’re about to die.” Toby laughed.

     They pulled back, “Why did you do this?”

 Carter said, “Don’t say anything. Tristan reminded us that your birthday was in September, and though it may not be September here, it is back home.”

     “I love you guys.” I said.

     “Kyle told us about you seeing your grave, your family thinking your dead.” Madison stepped forward, “I didn’t know. But since you’re the girl with the book you didn’t have a choice of being dead or alive. We just wanted you to have a birthday.” She came closer to me, Alyssa and Carter stepped away. “And, I’m sorry. Forgive me?”

     I nodded and she smiled, stepping closer and hugging me.

     Everyone had something to say. Everyone spoke to everyone. I watched as my best friend in the entire world made friends with my new best friend. And I could just tell that we’re all going to be friends for a long while.

     It wasn’t till the end of the night that Kyle pulled me outside on the patio.

     It reminded me of the night Dylan and I were out here. I pushed that thought away; this time I was with Kyle and that’s all the mattered.

     We were quite for a long time, when he cleared his throat. I turned and looked at him, when I noticed he was holding a necklace out.

     I took it from his hands and looked at it.

     “It’s for your birthday.” He said.

     “My birthday is in September.”

     “I know. But on earth it was in September. Everyone’s birthday should be acknowledged, whether it’s before or after. I would have gotten you something sooner if I’d known. But Tristan only mentioned it the day after we got out of the forest. So we decided to have a party for you.”

      “Thank you.” I looked at the necklace closer. It was beaded neon colours. And in the colours there were words and pictures. Shadow people, A Jikininki, an Ephialtes and a Jinn. There were more but I wasn’t sure what they were.

     “Thank you so much.”

     “There’s something else,” he looked away from me. “My parents asked, and Alyssa and I were wondering if you wanted to stay with us. Like live here. On Neon.”

     Now that wasn’t what I was expecting. “I-I don’t know.”

     “You don’t have to. But if you want to, we have an extra room and clothes. My parents want you to, so does Alyssa.”

     “And what about you?” I asked. I already knew the answer to this. But hearing him say it would make me feel more assured.

     “I definitely want you to.” His eyes gazed down at mine, his lips forming into a small smirk.

     “I’ll think about it.” I said, a tease coming into my voice.

     “That’s all I ask.” His head dipped down and his lips met mine making the night a million times better then before. And I truly began to understand, no one is ever alone and really, love is all around you.           


And its done! Hope, y'all enjoyed it!

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