Ch 7 - Hitting

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I'm wondering what Malia and others are thinking about the title. But as always you'll find out.



After that sarcastic conversation the two put their coats on and went off to the diner in the center of town. Time for them to kick back and eat. What else could ease the time like a good bite. They sat in a booth by the window. Both of them just trying to get away from it all.

"Wonder how long until they ask if we're together." Asked Amelia.

"Five minutes." Chuckled Azure.

"Not even."

"You know for a lesbian you joke flirt with me quite a bit."

"Well acting as if it hasn't saved you before. From Jamie, Mariana, and even Alex."

"I get it. If a girl is trying for five minutes you end it in five seconds. Sounds good. Though like I said I will never understand how you do it."

"Charm." She winked. "Darling."

"Azure Darling my-"

"Hey how we doing today? I'm Jeff and I'll be serving you." Asked the waiter.

"Well. Just note we're not together. We get that all the time. Let's not make it awkward." Amelia was haven't the joke stop before it started.

"Well. You got a pretty best friend." Jeff smiled. "What can I get you?"

"We're good with water for now but I'll take the chef caesar salad with grilled chicken."

"Alright. You my man?" Jeff looked over.

"Turkey club on whole grain."

"Sounds good. Buffalo and ranch?"

"Yes please."

"No problem. I'll be back when it's ready." After a good first impression he was off.

Azure watched him get out of sight. "Should have bet if he would compliment you in any way."

"Next time we get a hot female you're asking her out."

"You're friggin' high. No way."

The two just laughed and kicked back. This was a good idea. Just endless laughing and over food before going back to hit the books. Though luck just so happened to be against them. Walking by was their natural enemy. She took one look in at the window and walked past. Only to walk around the next corner building and begin to plot anything out. Though with her mood back to normal she could hear another presence. 

( How long do I have to wait? ) Asked Carly.

[ After seeing my sweet thang you can wait bitch. ]

( I don't call you that. What's with all the hatred? And what is the big deal. You honestly think Azure would ever hurt or make a move to Amelia? )

[ Think he has something planned? ]

( Last time I checked he has his own relationship issues. He's been single for a couple months now after a rough breakup with Kate. )

[ I'm going in. ]

( I'm going with you! )

[ Fine. Just shut up. ] Wow. That was quite the hiss from her. Allowing her to join in on the thought process as she walked into the diner. Making herself quiet and blending in. Taking a seat at the counter with only a small nod at the host in the front. She sat a seat apart on both her left and right and glanced over. Seeing Amelia's face made her sad. It looked pale and did not have her favorite lipstick on. 

( She is not herself. )

[ No shit. ]

A waitress put a menu in front of Kim. "Hi what can I do for you today?"

"Hi. Black coffee and roast beef with extra bacon on white please."

"No problem. Will that be all?" She asked.

"All gravy by me." Kim nodded and looked over again. 

( Ew. Gross. Come on. Black coffee? )

[ What do you want from me? I'm troubled and need my fill. Want a Cooking Loli and a salad? I'm at a diner. Not a coffee shop or Panera ya priss'. ]

( Cooking Loli. Wait a minute. Hazelnut and espresso? )

[ Three shots of it. Ask Azure. ]

( So what are you doing here? Watching them eat? Or are you looking at something? )

[ She isn't over the breakup and yet, hasn't reached out. With Roxy out of the way maybe I got still got a chance. ]

( Uh 'cuse me. What? )

[ Stuff it. ]

( You quiet and stuff with that disgusting sandwich and bad coffee. You cheat and think breaking up with her in the most violent way possible makes it all better? )

[ I'm troubled. You'll have the food and clothes you want tonight. ]

( Thank God. )

[ Pray on your own time woman. Cut it out. ]

( Sorry Queen. )

[ Let your royal bitchness do the work. ] 

The time was silent. Food came two minutes apart as Kim just watched the TV behind the counter as a backup plan to stay hidden. Kim knew Amelia wouldn't look over and see her in the attire she was wearing. Then keeping an eye on the waiter. From across the diner she saw a certain look in Jeff's eyes. He was checking her out. Nothing threatening or uncomfortable. Thought the way Kim was taking charge it was almost the simple fact that he was in Amelia's air. As if it were a no tolerance zone and union strict rules Jeff was about to be in range. And Kim the jab and slash yandere was not going to have it. 

Unfortunately for Jeff he handed the check to Azure and he stepped out for a moment out the side door. This is when Kim watched Azure and Amelia pay and leave as she went into action. Waiting a minute or two before paying her bill and leaving the tip what was left of the twenty she paid with. Strictly just to save time. Out the side door and eyeing the man smoking a cigarette by the dumpster. Time to lead on. 

"Hey babe can you spare one for me?" She walked up smiling to him. 

Jeff's eyes looked straight at the goods. "Shawty I got you." He turned his head and reached deep into his pocket. 

Kim took out her sweet baby of the karambit and let him have it. Right in the kidney and covered his mouth to muffle his scream. "Shawty got your ass for flirting with my bitch. What up then." She winked at him and dragged him to the back of the dumpster he was at the side of. Then covering the blade in a bag before jumping ship. This time straight home. That was enough for one day. Time to regroup and have Carly have her time to herself. After a shower and deep clean of course. 


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