Ch 12 - Ruling

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I just want to say that even though this story is short and this is the last chapter I have before the epilogue I just want to say that I have enjoyed myself. Truly I have. This has been a real challenge and I have done nothing but try to kick this skyhard and knock it out the park. Malia my partner has enjoyed and that is all that matters. Truly. 

Here we go.



It was a lot of stress on Amelia still to this point. The bright side was Kim was gone. This demon that played with her heart was away. Not sure how far away, thought Carly was able to be herself to a point. Trouble was ever since Kim was exercised out of Carly she had to start making serious adjustments.

Thanks to Father Price and Doctor Canely they as a team approached the institution and the helped turn in of Carly. Due to detectives cooperating this, it was almost painless. On record they found her mentally ill and quite frankly unsure if she could stand trial. Once arrested she was bailed out right after being documented and back to the institution where for sometime she was going to stay.

Carly wasn't the same. She basically lost her sister and best friend who was a part of her. Then to make matters worse her mindset couldn't take a backseat anymore. Kim or in fact any person couldn't guide her as she watches from this "ghostly first person view" as she referred it to. As this went deeper this was becoming more and more messy. Not just bloodshed for a few trials, but the mentality of the air could turn black at any given moment.

Amelia had a hard time coping with the reality of it all. She knew the truth and it set one or two free but she was feeling hollow. Azure could only do so much and with him newly dating someone it was stress on the new girl too. Suki was skeptical as every girl would. A girl best friend that's closer to him than a sister, his involvement with a girl being institutionalized, and then the fact of the one thing they went off of was his kindness and her looks.

Azure was at a sushi restaurant with Suki one night. He was freshly changed from work after a hard day and Suki was delighted that it was still ongoing. They were waiting on rolls and enjoying some good miso soup.

"I just want to say thank you for coming tonight." Smiled Suki.

"I set a date with you. Why wouldn't I?" He asked.

"Honey have you looked at yourself?"

"Something on my face? What?"

"It is your face. You look rather pale. What's going Sweetie? Work? Amelia? Something else?"

"Work was rough today because I was not staying late. Not today. I'm busy. Yeah it's been a pain but hey I savior the week for times like this. Food is good, easy start tomorrow, and Amelia is doing okay. Well, until the court date."

Suki smiled. "I'm glad. Not sure how you manage it."

"I mean you can either mope, handle it well, or try and handle it right? Not sure which one I'm doing but I'm trying here. All I can do."

"Hehe. Exactly. Though how bad is this?"

"I'll be at the trial soon. I think they are putting it all into one. This is just, well a lot."


"Attempted murder, assault, weapons charges, and then the whole exorcism thing and I walked outside to get some air. Yeahhhh. That happened. But Amelia has to make the choice as I step back."

"Sit back and nod?"

"Essentially say whatever you like, shut up, and watch. Painful but that's how it goes."

"I've been there with family. How about you?"

"I think more than you want to know." He chuckled.

"But really Azure thank you. I haven't had I guess you can say a real date in a year or two. Until I met you that is. You just are so nice. I like a kind and cute guy. Always wanted a genuine one to date."

"Never got around to it? I mean what is it?"

"Well, I guess it's stereotypes really..." She blushed.

"I hear ya. A party girl wants a six foot tall white guy making six-figure. A British girl after school goes to the opera. All of them suck. Can they be true yeah but you go case by case. Because if we go by stereotypes I'm just a regular guy."

She shook her head. "Nope. You're not. But it's hard when boys who are into Asian girls want big plates of food and constantly be catered to everything they want."

Azure sighed. "God complex. Sheesh. What idiots. Selfish pricks. In telling ya I hate those guys. You should be able to do what you want. Regardless of anything."

"See Honey? Sweet."


Eventually the sweetness was on hold as Amelia had a front seat in the court room. By front seat meaning the stand to testify. Against who? The girl who... can't have a label put on her right now. Girlfriend isn't official, ex seems so distant, and lover is hung in the air. Azure was in the crowd bench right behind the plantiff side as Judge Marcus Montgomery was having his session.

"So Miss Amelia, you said that you had a relationship with the defendant. Is that correct?" He asked.

"Yes your honor."

"Do you two still have one?"

Tough question. "I, don't know where we stand sir."

"Not a problem. Now in the evidence and notes I have recieved the defendant is not able to stand trial." Which was good because it was less tears for everyone. Mostly her. "Now Amelia how long have you known that she was in bad mental health?"

That was a hard question. Can't just say she has two personas. It doesn't go well in court. They may go after her too. Or anyone as a matter of fact. "Since I've known her. I had a feeling it was note than just her. That, weird to say sir?"

The Judge complied. "Indeed. So did you know she carried or possessed the weapons found in the evidence?"

"I can't recall." Good answer.

"Were at you at any time in contact with her during these assaults?"

"I wanted to stay away. No sir."

"Alright." He cleared his throat. "So did you recognize any funny behavioral pattern?"

Amelia took a breath. "The people hurt were attacked because I came in contact with them."

"Alright. Now our victims of the crimes are here and so are the medical reports and records of the incidents. No one was killed thankfully. Though I do have belief based on the evidence that this is all factoring mental health classified as multiple personality disorder. Since our defandant is not here due to being unfit to stand before us I am ready to rule." Judge got up from his seat and looked at the plaintiffs of the court. "Ruling in favor of the plaintiffs in deductible rates and medical bills, rate for paid leave, and court costs. I sentence the defendant to the institution to help recover with time of release scheduled to review progress a year from today." He banged down. "Court dismissed."

The bailiff stepped forward. "Please rise. Plaintiffs first."

Wow. They did it. Carly has at least a year in the bin and all these expenses. No idea how she'll do it. How she will work. How she can really do anything because everything is being dropped off so she can get well. Chance of being herself since she was a girl. Azure held Amelia around the shoulders as they walked out of the court and on the way to his car. She wanted to vet but knew this was the bare minimum punishment and even the victims were not satisfied with the outcome because they wanted everything paid, her locked away for good, and then some. Look at you Amil. I'm sorry. But we got this. Yeah Carly will be watched for life but we can beat this. One way or another.


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