Ch 10 - Clues

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Azure was just ready to clock out of work as he looked at his watch. Chatting with a few other guys who were waiting an extra ten minutes or so before punching. "Well guys how is everyone doing?"

"We should be asking you Azure. How did that date go?"

"You know Ty it went amazing. We really just sat down to talk and get to see how we are personality wise and I think it just really sparked. I was thinking sweet, intelligent, and outgoing. She thought honest, sense of humor, and supportive. Guess just hit the right keys. She had other plans so it only lasted a half hour or so but hey I got her phone number and just going from there. And no Josh she doesn't like bars so don't even try."

Josh laughed. "Well hey Ty, Wade, and myself just have a moment and usually she is there just to have a conversation."

"Josh bullshit you didn't try to date one."

He laughed. "Five actually."

"Pig." Smirked Azure.

Wade got in the middle of them. "Alright he's got his date and you got your fun. We had a hard day at work this last week or so with a few call outs so let's relax and we will come back tomorrow better. We deserve it."

Azure felt this mass of stress hit his stomach. "Who's been out."

"Ricky and Toni. Their any sickness going on? I mean even freaking the other girl that quit weeks ago that visits hasn't been around. I'm going to start wearing a hospital mask." Wade just made a small joke at the end but he was serious.

"Shut up nurse." Cackled Ty.

Wait a minute. Toni and who else is he thinking of? "Hey Wade you don't mean Tina do you?"

"Oh yeah. Tina." 

Oh no. They both have had contact with Amelia. Now how is it both haven't been to work in a while? This is bad. Come on clock.

As soon as the clock struck he punched out and raced to his car. He knew Amelia was bound to be home and if not would wait for her. He went to his apartment to "prepare" and then waited in the parking lot of Amelia's apartment. Just managing to catch his best friend as she was going to her space. 

"You're home. We gotta talk. Let's go inside and talk this out."

"Azhe what the hell's going on?"

"I think it is involved with a certain someone on my shit list. I'll follow you in. I'm not joking. I'm serious."

"Okay. I don't have to worry right?"

"Can't say that. Get in." He followed her inside her apartment nervous as she should be. Everything was unfortunately coming full circle. He locked the door to the apartment and turned to her.

"Azhe you're scaring me."

"Did Toni reach out to you today?"

"No. I tried a few times. Why?"

"Toni hasn't been to work." He gave her a firm nod.

"Okay so she's just sick right?" She felt relieved. Not for long though.

"Neither has Tina..."


"How do two girls go missing? Can Toni be sick? Yeah. But Tina for a week not have any communication back from her? It's not like her. You're telling me this isn't fishy?"

Amelia started to shake. "Azure what are you saying?"

"I think Kim is involved. I started to think. In doing so called in a favor to two people. We're going and they're going to be here within a half hour. I have backup just in case."

"What do you mean backup?"

"My knife and my glock! I don't trust that bitch." He huffed.

"Azure, I still love her."

"Well you're dating another woman. Well, trying to. I've heard about these similar violent acts around the town too. Guess what I have found out from looking into things. You know fan well I don't watch the news."

"Oh God..."

"Just so happens a woman named Roxanna was stabbed right in her apartment doorway. A Jeffery stabbed near the diner in town. All of these people are connected to you. You."

Amelia started to shake. "Let me get dressed." Doing her best not to freak out or cry.

Azure's phone rang as he picked up. "Hello?" He smiled. "Yes Father Price. Garden Apartments. I'm also waiting on Doctor Canely. Yup. Uh-huh. See you soon. I'll be out in ten. Thank you." He hung up as he thought his friend should know. "Backup for treatment is here."

"Father? Doctor? Azhe what the hell are you doing?"

"Handling your ex-bitch. If I'm correct this will do the trick."

"Wait, this is stuff in horror films."

"You know I don't watch that crap. But when it comes on i see maybe five minutes and it moves on. Anyways let's go."


Carly was enjoying her day off. In comfortable pajamas and getting her classwork out of the way. It seemed as if it were a year since she was allowed to wear what she wanted, eat as she desired, and spent her time as she pleased. It was Carly time. Kim promised. So far keeping her word for the day.

Presently a knock came to the door. Not expecting any company and rent wasn't close to being due. She also didn't think a few certain people were going to greet her.

Azure was ahead of the priest and the doctor as he had his hands on both sides. Ready just in case for anything. Nothing in his hands yet waiting to spring into action. Even though he was no super man.

"Azure? Father? And you are?" Carly was surprised. All so sudden.

"Myself, Father Price, Doctor Canely, and Amelia." He wrapped his arm around Amelia protecting her.

"What's going on?" She cried.

"Let us in the get some questions and we'll be gone."

"Eat shit!" It was Carly's body but not her personality.

"Hi Kim." Winked Azure.

"You! Why are you corrupting my lover?" Cried Kim.

"Why are you stalking her and hurting those around her? How about that?"

"I have no idea what you mean." Kim tried to slam the door.

Caught by Azure. "Back up and let us talk. I easily put together what happened."

"You got no proof."

Azure pulled his knife. As everyone filed inside. Kim had her fists ready to go even though Azure now had a weapon in hand. "Tina. Attempted murder in the first degree. Roxanna, first degree attempted murder. Jeffery, assault. Finally Toni first degree assault and attempted murder. And your footprints and DNA are in her apartment. Now, I have many ways to handle this. You will easily get half of your life in prison, be instituted for life, or reveal who you are Kim."

"You know nothing you poor excuse for a man." Barked Kim.

"You know it's funny. I used to think that way. But I had a date go smoothly. Can't complain. Now Demon, face it. I got one demand which I recommend."

"I won't ever agree but let's hear it."

"I know you're a Demon."

Kim smirked. "You're the only one who found out after all these years."

"Correct. And you will be exercised from your host."


"Or," He pulled out his firearm. "We go with plan B and you're both gone."


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