Ch 8 - Blushingly Casual

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Nearly two days have passed since that day as Azure and Amelia found themselves at the diner yet again after a few hard days of work. It was just nice to have comfort food and kick back on a Saturday morning. Though the conversation was the same as always for these two. Least the following trend of a crazy combined ex-girlfriend for Amelia and then of course Azure's luck was, well let's just say Lady Luck is banging another man. 

Amelia was checking out some of the girls in the diner. Not actively looking for a date but for her friend. "Please tell me you've noticed the pretty girls."

"Of course I have. Though I have honestly been looking primarily for you. You're the one that really needs it. Me I guess, I don't know. Scared probably."

"Wow. It's just awkward asking a girl out. Usually I have just been asked and it sort have either hit off quick or sorry we are too far apart. How does it work for a guy?"

"Well Amil I guess you can either meet her and talk for a bit and go from there. I've asked out a girl after the first date. Several times. Obviously some lasted days and some a couple months. You know. Mistakes. I already know you're going to just chew me for that one. But then, you wait a good amount of time before you ask to make it official. Which I never really had that window in comparison."

"Window? The heck?"

"Ditched on a movie date for a guy that is going to take it more seriously. I mean I was serious but I guess she was dating around and just crossed me off the list."

Amelia was disgusted. "What a bitch."

"Mistakes. Guess I just make too many. Mariana, Catherine, Kate, I mean the only thing it has done is toughed my skin. That's about it."

"Hmmmm. I see. Maybe our dates will just find themselves. When I find yours maybe if I knew your type. But no you men want to do it on your own."

He sipped his coffee. "I guess maybe go sweet this time around? Clearly the fun and laid back has bitten me."

"Munching my Azure. Sounds yummy." She giggled.

"You suck. You know I can't play flirt back. Just not in me." To him it was not nearly as effective flirting with her than it was her flirting with him. Though he did take a look around and near the back. "Wow Amelia. I see one that you have no idea would catch my eye." He turned back to the counter. 

"Not the blondes in here."


"I'm stumped. Don't see anyone that I would guess."

"How about the beautiful Asian in the back there two booths from the backdoor." 

Amelia looked and smiled. "No way."

"Look at that face. Come on."

"Brown eyes, pearl skin, shorter hair then I expected. This is your preferences mind you. Probably very intelligent and has a great smile. That what you got?"

He chuckled. "A guy can dream."

"Introduce yourself to her."

"In here? You have a better chance of seeing God. Just exactly how are you in an environment where its okay to ask out the girl or make conversation? Who am I to just go up to her and her friend and say hi? I don't even think I look great. I'm just a guy who doesn't look all that awesome sipping coffee and eating a sandwich next to my best friend who I'm trying to help get past a relationship with."

"How long did it take to get over Kate?"

"A while. To me its a while but it was for so long. I don't know Amelia." He took a moment and saw the girl he was eyeing get up to leave. "Leaving with her friend. Yup. Either way I got nothing. Might as well turn away to the counter and watch the politics on the screen. Even idiots on the air talking about some serial killer is better than this."

Amelia wasn't so sure. As she watched the two pay the check she noticed something. One of them left her purse on the seat. She was pretty sure it was the girl he was laying his eyes on. "Actually I have an idea. She left her purse on her seat."

"What?" He watched the beauty walk out.

"Hold on. I got it." He sped walked over to the seat and took the purse. Forgetting to put his jacket on. Then went to the hostess. "She just walked out. I'm giving this back." He didn't even hear what the hostess said as he rushed outside and followed her. "Excuse me." He caught up to them right before they got in the car.

"Can I help you?" Said the girl confused and a little uncomfortable being that someone she didn't know came up to her at the time of day. 

"This yours?" He held up the purse.

"Oh my God. Thank you. I thought I left it at home." She just ran and hugged him. "Oh you have no idea. Thank you."

Azure embraced the hug and just felt this numbing warmth. "Well that's a relief."

"They don't return them back home. They just let it go until the person figures it out or someone steals it."

"I'm honest. I can't do that." He didn't know he was blushing from the hug. 

"I'm surprised you and your girlfriend noticed."

"She's lesbian. A friendship and nothing more."

"Oh?" She squeezed the hug a little more. "I see. You a regular?"

"Yeah. Weekends when I'm tired from work I don't do much. Really just helping my friend inside and, well-"

"Well what? You're a cute boy. Out with it."

"I don't get that often at all."

She separated. "Well tomorrow you around here by one? We can talk?"

"I'll be here. Oh. Sorry I'm forgetting my manners. I'm Azure."

"I'm Suki. I'll see you tomorrow."

"Have a good night Suki. I'll see you tomorrow." He nodded and waved to her friend. "Good night." Then turned away to walk right back in with a smile on his face sitting back down next to his friend.

"You seem happy. What happened?"

"Well Amil, surprised that I get to see her tomorrow. Here but, yeah. Got her name and a time. That's a relief."

"So you got a date. Told you're just paranoid."

"Hey. Listen lesbi I'm troubled. It's been a while. But, irony is I'm going to introduce you to my other friend Toni when she gets out of work. I told her I would be stopping by."

Amelia shook her head. "Ugh. I don't get you. Just so happens that you can find my dates but cannot have the balls to ask a girl to dinner. Why is that?"

"Because a lesbian isn't going to use me, take my money, or hurt  me in anyway. Then they also know I stay in my lane. Plus what are they going to do? Put a standard for a straight guy they hang out with? Hi I'm Toni. Are you six feet tall wracking in a hundred large?" He held an imaginary microphone to her face. 

"Perhaps not..."

"Thank you my lady. Now let's get out of here and meet Tones. Hopefully she's in her robe and comfortable."

"Azhe. Come on. That perverted?"

"'Cause I make pervy jokes about a polock lesbian. Come on. Let's go."


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