Part 1: The Journey Begins

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"Two years," she muttered to herself, "It's been two years and still nothing. . . so why am I waiting?" She looked down at her phone, debating if she should open the text message she had from a new guy she had been talking to. She then looked back over to the old mirror in her room. She held on to that mirror since he left, hoping he would come through it again to see her, but he never did. With a tired sigh she leaned back in her chair at her desk and opened up the text. She needed a break from her writing, especially since things were not picking up like they used to. 

"What are you up to?" The text read. "Not much," she replied. "I'm just taking a break for now. I need to get rid of this artist block."

"Do you want to meet for dinner tonight?" He asked her. (YN) thought about it, and weighed her options. "Let's see," she thought out loud, then looked at Skittles, her chunky cat sitting at the edge of her bed. "If I go out, I can hang out with him for a bit. . . but most importantly, I don't have to cook," she paused for a moment to look at her phone, then back to her cat, "Is that wrong of me? Are my priorities backward? I should be going out because I want to see him right? Not because I want to eat? Does that mean I'm not really that into him? Maybe I should reject the date and buy the food myself. . . ." Skittles looked over at her, then let out a long meow. She jumped off the queen sized bed and went to (YN)'s leg, and began pawing at her. (YN) rolled her eyes, "Naturally, I mention food and you want to be fed first. Fine then, you get fed, then I reject the date and buy my own food." 

(YN) sat up from her desk, set her phone aside on the bed, and walked with her cat to the kitchen downstairs. "Do we go for dry or wet? Personally, I'm choosing dry for you, because I don't want the smell of wet to make me sick before I go out," she told her cat. She picked out a box from the cabinet, and after filling the bowl and refilling her water dish, (YN) notices Skittles very focused on one particular cabinet. "Seriously?" She asked. I'm not giving you a treat before dinner. Eat first, treat after," She said, and picked up her cat to move her to the bowl of food. "Now for the fun part," she muttered, and went back to her room to figure out how she was supposed to break it to her not date that she wouldn't be going out with him. 

"Maybe another time," she started writing, "I have to get some cleaning done around the house, then some shopping done." She sent the text out to him, and didn't get a reply back. "As expected," she thought. 

She tucked her phone away in her pocket, took her keys and wallet and made her way to the apartment door. "I'll be back Skittles, just like last time." The door closed behind her and she walked off unenthusiastically to the streets of New York below. She knew she wasn't planning to get her shopping done that night, but the thought of running errands at some pointed still annoyed her dearly. "Never mind that, food. Focus on food." She decided on a restaurant a few blocks away that served (FF) since she hadn't not eaten that in a long time. 

With only a few steps to go she was getting closer to the restaurant, when she heard a few girls across the street screeching. It sounded as if they had just met a celebrity. She looked over in their direction and saw a casually dressed Thor taking a selfie with a few young girls. In that same moment, she noticed Loki beside him, rolling his eyes with his arms crossed. "Loki?" She asked.

He looked over in her direction, seeing her for the first time in a year, "(YN)?" He questioned. As he tried to take a step over to her, a gold ring of sparking light appeared around his feet. 

"What are you doing?" Thor asked.

"This isn't me," Loki answered, before falling through and vanishing.

"Loki!" She yelled and ran over, then slowed down as she came up to Thor. "What the hell just happened--Thor?"

"(YN)!" The tall-for-no-reason-man smiled at her as she approached him, before she leaned down and picked up a small piece of paper she found on the ground with an address. "Hey. . . what are you doing here?" She asked and examined the paper. 

"We are here in search of my father-" Thor began before he was cut off by her, "And now it seems we need to find Loki." 

"We?" He asked her. "I know where this address is. I can take you there," She told him. "Follow me."

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