Part 10: A Fight with Destiny

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---time skip, since you weren't with Thor and Loki as they went for the ship--- :)

After fighting off other guards with the Valkyrie, (YN), and Bruce met back up with Thor in the stolen ship from the Grand Master. "This thing doesn't have any guns, how are we supposed to fight?" Bruce asked with panic in his voice as they made their way to the Devils Anus. "What happened to Loki?" (YN) asked as she looked around and noticed those three where the only ones in the ship. "He's fine, just, doing his own thing," Thor said as he buckled himself into the ship along side Bruce. "Here we go," The Valkyrie said as she flew the ship into the worm hole above them, launching the team into space at an incredibly fast speed.

The ship came to Asgard, just in time as the citizens made their way down the rainbow bridge. Thor immediately took off to go face Hela head on, while Bruce was getting ready to fight Fenris. "Who are you anyway?" The Valkyrie asked him. "You'll know soon enough." Bruce then jumped from the ship, only to fall flat on his face in front of the large black wolf. "Oh great," (YN) said as she shook her head. "Well, I guess that means I'm up."

(YN) was given a suit from the aircraft to wear for the fight. She jumped down from the ship to fight the dead soldiers that were blocking the people of Asgard from returning to the city. Landing on the bridge with grace and ease, she smirk, "Finally, something to play with," she lifted her hand and used the gravity around her like an invisible whip to knock the soldiers around. Over the two years Loki was gone, she had learned that she was technically a mutant, and was given training to really make use of her skills. "Why don't we play a game of space bowling," she said, and sent a force down the middle of the soldiers to knock them off the edge of the bridge.

Hiemdall looked over to her with a raised brow, "You must be the one Loki stolen?" He asked. "Yea, you've heard of me?" She asked in return. "Thor spoke of you. Your power is as impressive in person as it was in his stories." She smiled proudly, "Thanks. . . I like your eyes," she said, not knowing much about him other than his ability to see everything.

Their conversation was interrupted when the sound of more soldiers made their way to the people, and Fenris the wolf was making his way to the other side as well. "Damn it Bruce, wake the hulk up," she muttered. Just as she was ready to fight the wolf herself, a large ship had appeared, with none other than Loki standing on its open doors with his arms out. "Your savor, is here!" He yelled. (YN) rolled her eyes with a shake of her head, "He has to be so dramatic," she said as he landed the ships ramp on the side of the bridge. "Did you miss me?" he asked some of the people as they rushed on board. Loki walked over to (YN) and the watcher to which he slightly nodded. "I saw you coming," Hiemdall said. "Of course you did," Loki answered. "What did you do?" (YN) asked him right away, knowing he had to have been left on Sacaar for a reason. "What? I brought a ship and rebels. I was helping," he answered. She gave a suspicious hum in reply, not believing his cover. "I'll deal with you later, for right now, we need to handle this mess," she told him, gesturing forward at the additional troops being sent to them. "Easy enough," he told her, and flipped his daggers out to join the fight.

The two began to fight side by side, knocking off enemy soldiers, killing anything that made its way to Asgards people while the boarded. In the distance, (YN) could hear Hulk roaring as he fought off Fenris. "Sounds like he finally woke up," she said. "That's fantastic," Loki said sarcastically. In the middle of their fight, their attention was turned toward the palace, where they saw a large bolt of lightening come down and strike at the location of Thor and Hela's fight. Thor was thrown to the bridge, and stood up with a new power surging through him, one he had to awaken for himself. Loki looked to his brother with an expression that seemed as though he was proud of Thor, which even surprised (YN). "You never look at me like that," she teased. "Like what?" he asked, she snickered and rolled her eyes before walking over to Thor.

"You're late," Thor said to Loki.

"You're missing an eye," Loki answered.

"This isn't over," the Valkyrie said as she moved passed the three of them.

As the smoke cleared, the three looked over at the end of the bridge, and noticed that Hela was still making her way over to the team.

"Think we should disband the revengers," Thor said to her. Loki, like the rest of them was huffing from the fight, and pointed his dagger to Hela, "Just hit her with a lightening blast," he suggested. "I just hit her with the biggest lightening blast in the history of lightening blasts, and it did nothing." Hela continued to walk toward them with her arms open, challenging them to fight here there and now. "We just need to hold her off until everyone's on board," the Valkyrie said. "It wont end there," Thor told her. "The longer she stays on Asgard, the more powerful she grows. She'll hunt us down. We need to stop her, here and now."

"So what do we do?" (YN) asked them. Loki looked between them and their sister as he made his statement clear, "I'm not doing 'Get Help.'"

"Asgard isn't a place, it's a people," Thor said then looked to his brother. "Loki, this was never about stopping Ragnarok this was about causing it," Loki knew what he meant, and looked back at (YN) to be sure.

"I'll be ok, you go wake him up," she said, and he nodded. Loki took off the basement of Asgard's palace, a room he hadn't seen in years since he stole the casket to freeze Hiemdall. Back on the bridge, the citizens had been loaded into the ship, but the Valkyrie and (YN) had been knocked around a good deal. Hela was making her way to the two women intending to end their life there. Thor rose up from behind her and yelled, "Hela, enough!" She turned around to see him, surprised he could still move. "If you want Asgard, you can have it," he told her. She sneered, "What ever game you're playing, it won't work. You can't defeat me."

Thor nodded as he stood tall, breathless, and gestured behind him as a fiery being burst through the palace. "No, but he can."

"NO!" She yelled. In her moment of distraction, (YN) forced her to the bridged, the Valkyrie stabbed her in the back with her sword, and Thor used another lightening bolt to make her crash through the bridge into the water. Surtur believed he was killing Asgards people as he slashed his swords through the buildings. "Loki. . ." (YN) said with fear as she believed he was dead, or would be if he didn't make it out of there soon. Thor and the Valkyrie accepted the fate of Asgard, though it was painful to watch. As the three watched the madness unfold, Hulk came rushing in from behind, and launched himself up to attack Surtur.

"Hulk, NO!" Thor yelled. "Hulk, stop! Just for once in your life, don't smash!" He yelled, once he was thrown back towards them all. "Big monster!" He replied. "Let's go!" The Valkyrie insisted. "Fine!" He yelled almost like a disappointed child. He ran at them at full speed to pick them up from the bridge, while (YN) used her own power to fly up to the ship the others were on. "Please make it back," she said to herself as she worried for Loki.

On the ship, she stood by the window, watching the fight on Asgard unfold, standing next to Thor, Hulk, and the others. "The damage is not too bad," Krog stated. "As long as the foundations are still strong, we can rebuild this place. It will become a haven for all peoples and aliens of the universe." In a split second, Surtur caused the entire world to explode, leaving nothing behind. "N-Now those foundations are gone. Sorry," He said, while (YN) looked on in disbelief. "Loki. . ." she whispered softly, heart broken as she believed he didn't make it. "Miss me?" He asked in her ear, causing her to jump and turn around to see him smirking at her. "Dick!" She yelled, and punched his arm.

"What the hell do you call that? I thought you were dead!" She yelled, while he laughed at her in amusement. Thor smiled to see his brother had made it back, and Hiemdall smirked at their interaction. Loki only smiled at her for a moment before answering, "I'm good at what I do. Besides, what reaction was that I saw?" He asked, teasing her at her show of concern. "I swear to god I hate you," she said as she turned away from him. He snickered, and placed his hands over her shoulders as he held her closer to him, "Never a dull moment I suppose," he said with a smile. With that, Thor decided they would head to earth, in an attempt to start a new life there for his people.

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