Part 7: Trust Me

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The match had concluded with Hulk winning against Thor, and while (YN) knew full well that was only due to the tag in Thor's neck that stopped him, The Grand Master seemed to be having a field day knowing that his champion won in another fight. (YN) and Loki returned to their room with a few questions on their minds, such as where was Thor being held, and why was the Hulk there in the first place? She tossed a decorative pillow to the side on the floor, rolled the sheets back, then made her way into bed with the outfit she had on from earlier.

"You're not going sleep in that, are you?" Loki asked her as she laid back. "Well do you have something else for me to sleep in?" She replied, a hit of an attitude in her voice since she already knew the answer. "Well, no. I would recommend-" 

"I'm not sleeping in a bed next to you without something on." 

"I was going to recommend at least removing the metal plates," He said, correcting what she believed to be a move from him. She rolled her eyes as she sat up in the bed, noticing right away how uncomfortable it was after all. She did have metal shoulder plates, and one on her stomach that wrapped around to her back. She started with the pieces on her shoulder since they were the easiest to work with. A pair of hands held her sides, then began to undo to metal strapped to her. "I swear to god if you-" "I am a god," he answered. "Don't even start."

"How long do you plan to keep being mad at me?" He asked her as he removed the metal plates. "Until I'm satisfied with the answer I'm looking for," she answered, calmly, almost with no emotion. However, with the time passing, even she began to notice that her annoyance with him was gradually fading. 

"And what answer would you be looking for?" He asked, in a calm tone as he kept his arms around her waist. 

"Why did you leave? Why didn't you come back, or at least say anything?" 

He looked her though her back was turned to him, and he paused for a moment as he thought about his answer. With a sigh he answered, "After the events on Midgard, I was expected to be sent back to Asgard's dungeon. I found a way to escape that fate but in doing so I had to disguise myself as Odin and banish him to your world. I had to avoid giving myself away while Thor was gone, up until recent events." She didn't answer him, nor did she turn to him. He kept one arm around her waist, and used his other hand to turn her chin over to him. "I didn't leave you behind, not by choice anyway. I had to. I couldn't take you with me if I wanted to due to what was happening with Asgard and the wars around the realms that Thor had to look after." He held her where she was. His arm was secure around her side, his hand was moving from her chin to gently hold the side of her face while his thumb lightly ran over her cheek. "How do I know you aren't lying, again?" She asked. "Do you trust me?" He asked, but this time she hesitated to answer. 

When she was ready to, he didn't let her; instead he stopped her with a kiss that he had been holding back since they landed on this planet. She returned it immediately, and even pulled him closer to her so she could be against him again. It lasted for a few moments before he let her go, "I take it you are satisfied with the answer then?" 

"For now. . . we'll see what stunt you pull later that will mess this up," she told him. He smirked back at her, "That sounds like a challenge." She rolled her eyes and pushed him off her, only to be pulled down with him as he landed on the pillows. She laughed for a split second but caught herself and stopped. She had hoped he didn't notice, or at least not say anything, but she knew this wouldn't be the case. He held her where she was, needing to tease her over her slip up. "Was that a laugh?" He asked. "After all this time are you finally laughing?"

"Shut up," she said with a smile as she sat up. "We should be more focused on finding Thor and leaving this place. We can't stay here forever." 

"You had to ruin it didn't you?" He sat up on the pillows, but still kept his hold on her. "What if we did stay? Take out the Grand Master and then rule together, maybe clean the place up a bit so it has a better charm to it."

"And what about my cat?" She asked. "Seriously? Again with the cat." She started to laugh again at his reaction but bit her tongue once more. He smiled back at her as eh relaxed as well, then laid back more comfortably on the pillows behind him. "I mean it. Why don't we stay?" 

"Staying here won't change what's happening to your home, or what will happen to mine if she leaves Asgard," (YN) said, never forgetting that they were there because of Hela. "We need to find Thor, Banner, and a ship to leave this place. You know it," her voice was calm but serious nonetheless. He sighed, knowing that she was right but still didn't want to think about the mess taking place in Asgard. He kept his hands on her sides, gently sliding them to her hips then to her sides again. "Why don't we deal with that tomorrow? Let's just enjoy the night that we have for now?" 

"Enjoy it? I wanted to go to bed," she told him and tried to move off of him. He held her there and hummed for a second, "mmmm. . . maybe after," he said. She raised a brow and leaned up more only to be pulled back down by him, "After what? I'm going to bed," she insisted, but he wasn't going to let her, and he knew she wanted to play hard to get. "After," he said, and held her closer until he could kiss her again, and keep her with him for the night.


*AN: Hey everyone! I wanted to give a cutesy couples shot a try again, but make it a little more realistic, or at least realistic to what I know. This bit was inspired by some personal matters in my own relationship and how my boyfriend usually wins each time when I'm no longer annoyed. 

I hope this seems more believable than what I used to write, which seemed to pop out of a cheesy anime scene. Tell me what you think!

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