Part 9: Escape, and Recapture

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*Author's Note*

Hey guys, I'm sorry this has been a month over due. I picked up a second job which ruined my weekends. I might have to publish only once a week depending on how things go at this rate. Right now, I'm trying to play catch up so I can bring this story into the last two Avengers movie, so I apologize if I seem to fast forward through the third Thor movie scenes.


What should have been a simple plan for (YN) and Thor, turned into a barrage of insanity. Thor had made it down to the earthly aircraft, and (YN) followed behind. "How in the hell did this thing survive in space? Shouldn't it have been torn apart from pressure, and other elements?" she asked. "(YN) we do not question these things which make our lives easier. . . Ah! Here it is," Thor found the part to the jet that he needed, and tried to log himself in the computer. "Thor, God of Thunder."

'Access denied.' "What?" He questioned. (YN) stood beside him with her arms crossed and a look on her face filled with doubt.

"Strongest Avenger," he said, only to be told back, 'Access denied.' "Point Break," he said, then damning Tony for making that his login name.

'Access granted.' (YN) snickered for a moment, "Not bad Stark, not bad," she said. Just as the two were ready to get on the move, Hulk came bursting through the jet, ripping apart the interior and top of the craft with his body as he tried to reach them. "FRIENDS, STAY." He said as he moved closer, then slammed on the controls until a video of Nat appeared, replaying an old message from two years prior. (YN) took a number of steps back, even used her ability to prevent any of the scraps from falling on her or accidentally hitting her while Hulk flipped out over Nat's video.  

Hulk had turned back into Bruce, and after some time of trying to help him understand where he was in space, the three were making their way back outside, in the hopes to find a ship to leave this world even if it meant stealing a ship. Unfortunately, with it's tall buildings, bright colors, and streets flooded with people, this made it more difficult to figure out where they needed to go. "Guys, I really don't like this," Bruce said as he walked through the city with the two friends he had on the planet. "We're going to be fine. I don't exactly like it either, but we will be alright," (YN) said. "Do we even know where to find a ship?" She added as they walked. "Of course. . . in a. . . ship yard," Thor said. She stopped walking and turned back to him, "You have no idea where we are going, do you?"  To which he replied, "Of course I do, men's intuition." (YN) rolled her eyes, and continued forward until a live message appeared in the sky by the Grand Master. 

"Sacaar, I have some bad news. My beloved strongest champion has turned up missing. Take to the streets, and celebrate my champion. . ." "Oh shit," (YN) mumbled as Banner and Thor watched his image speak before the message faded. Thor looked nervous.  "We need to leave now," (YN) said to the two Avengers. She then paused, and looked back to Thor, "We should get back to your brother. Loki might have a way to help us," she said but Thor shot her a look, "Really? You're that trusting of him?" He answered. "Wait, Loki's here?" Bruce asked. "It's a long story," she answered. "Let's just find a way out of her," (YN) left the jet, and the two men followed her out as Thor tried to encourage Bruce to help him fight his sister in Asgard. "Guys-" (YN) tried to call out to them, but in a second, they were all hit in the face with a green chalk like powder. Bruce looked around and saw the celebration being made for Hulk, and Thor wasn't happy with it. "Ok, we need to leave here as soon as possible. (YN) I need you to make room for us," Thor turned around to talk to her, but she vanished. "(YN)?" He then looked to the other side, and saw that Banner went missing next. 

"Thor? Bruce?" (YN) called out as people dressed in honor of the Hulk danced around her, made noise , and shot out more of their green chalk. "(YN)! Thor?" Bruce yelled, trying to find them, but to no avail. Thor then ran into the Valkyrie, who reunited him with Banner. They then found (YN), who pushed her way through the crowd by using her own abilities to force the sea of people apart. "Ah, so she does have something unique to her," the Valkyrie said then looked back to Thor. "Let's head back. I have something ti give you before we figure this mess out." The trio then followed the Valkyrie back, forcing their way back into the building they just escaped from.

After sneaking their way through the halls, past the guards, and other individuals under the Grand Master's rule, the Valkyrie opened a door to a room, where Loki had been tied up and sitting.

"Surprise," he said sarcastically as everyone walked in. Thor threw a cup at his head as he walked in, just to be sure he was there this time. "Ow," Loki answered. (YN) walked as the last in the group, and stopped to look at him with a dejected expression. "This. This is your idea of being helpful?" (YN) asked as she gestured up and down to his chained up state on the floor. "I hadn't expected Thor to cause such a disturbance that would jeopardize my discussion with the Grand Master." He answered, as he looked at her and then Thor with an annoyed glance. "Actually, you tried to kill me," the Valkyrie argued. "Seriously?" (YN) said to Loki who rolled his eyes, "She was in the way," he argued.

"He tried to kill me before. Many times, actually," Thor said, as he began his story, "There was this one time when I was eight years old, and I really love snakes. So he turned himself into a snake, and when I went to go pick him up, he was like, 'Bah! It's me!' and then he stabbed me."

"Oh, God!" Bruce said as he looked back at Loki who was laughing at the memory. (YN) just shook her head as she pinched the bridge between her brows. "Ok, lets get back on track here. What's the game plan now. We need to steal a ship. Where are we getting a ship?" She asked.

"Actually," Loki began, the four of them looked back to him, "Since I have lost favor with the grand Master, I have managed to steal his key code to the area where he holds his ships. I can get us there with no trouble-"

"I don't think we should trust him. He tried to kills us in the past," Bruce said. "What other option do we have?" (YN) said, prompting Loki to look over at her, surprised she spoke up. "You don't count," Bruce said, pointing his finger to her. She rolled her eyes, "Well what else are we supposed to do? And when do I get to fight? I'm starting to get tired, standing on the side lines while you have all the fun," she protested. "You think this is fun?" Thor questioned. "It is, actually," the Valkyrie answered. (YN) shrugged her shoulder as she took that as her answer to Thor's question.

"We're losing focus again," the Valkyrie interrupted, "We need to distract the guards in order to steal the ship."

"I can do that," (YN) added. "I can easily do that, and still look after myself. That will give you time to get to the ship with Loki, get it out of the area, and then we are off," She said. The four of them all looked back at Loki who looked back at them, waiting for an answer. "Fine," Thor started, "I'll take him with me, but this had better work." 

"It will brother. . . it most certainly will," Loki told him with a small smirk, then glanced over to (YN) who rolled her eyes at him. "Let's get going then."

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