Part 2: The Beginning of the End

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The two heroes stood outside the address of Dr. Strange, left on the paper from where Loki vanished from moments ago. (YN) knocked on the door, while Thor waited quietly outside with her. "So. . . you haven't asked," He said. "Asked about what?" she answered. 

"Anything about Loki. . . or how he vanished moments ago," He said.

"Well, frankly I don't really care all that much."

"Are you sure?" He asked. Looked back at him with a raised brow, "Why wouldn't I--" before she could finish, the doors pulled the two inside without even opening, leaving them in front of a stairwell to the second level of the large home. "Strange?" She called out, looking for him. "Indeed it is," Thor answered.

"No, that's his name," she told him. She continued walking in, until they had finally come across Steven Strange, who seemed surprised to see her there as well with Thor. "I expected to see the Asgardian, but not you. How did you get involved in this?" 

"I'm not. I just brought him here since he didn't know how to find this place," she explained.

"You two know each other?" Thor asked. (YN) shrugged, "To some degree. It's a long story. Anyway, what's going on? Why are you in New York?"

"That's my question," Strange said and looked back at Thor. After a short conversation between the three of them, she was caught up on the situation the two brother's were in, which reminded her why she was out in the city in the first place. "Well," she began, "Have fun on your journey, I am headed off to find myself a good meal." 

"You're leaving?" Thor asked her as he turned to her while she walked out. "Yea, I am. I have a cat at home, and I am really hungry," she told him.

"But we could use your help in this."

"And that's were you lost me. If there is a 'we' then there is no 'me.' My life has been pretty quiet over the last year and I wanted to keep it that way."

"(YN) please, at least until I find my father, then I will take you back home," he pleaded. "Everything will remain on earth and will be simple enough, fair?"

"I've never known a simple task to happen with you," she countered. "Besides, this isn't something I want to be involved with anyway."

"Is it because of Loki?" Strange asked, to which she returned a blank expression to him from annoyance. "Because I can leave him in the space he is in right now, if that makes it easier," he added.

"Absolutly not, I need him in order to finish this business," Thor argued.

"Well in that case, I can return him to you, and then you all can be on your way." In that moment Strange opened up a hole in space, allowing Loki to fall through and land on the floor. He picked up his head, and clenched his fists, "I have been falling. . . for 30 minutes!"

"Can you do that again?" (YN) asked Strange. Thor looked back at Strange and went to shake his hand, "Thank you very much for your help," he said as Loki stood up and turned to the two of them, "Who are you?" He asked Strange and unsheathed his two daggers, "You think you're some kind of sorcerer?"

"Loki," Thor said, in an attempt to stop him. "Here we go," (YN) mumbled as she hid behind the two so she wouldn't be seen. Loki began to make his way to Strange as he was ready to attack him, "Don't think for one second you second rate amateur-"

"Alright, bye bye," Strange said, and moved a portal to Norway around the brothers, and (YN) unintentionally, sending them all to another country in a split second. Loki fell face first to the ground, again, prompting (YN) to snicker. Thor looked around the area that they were in, and sees his father standing at the edge of a cliff, over looking the view of Norway. He headed towards him, while (YN) still ignored Loki as he stood up. "Great. Now I'm stuck here, and I'm starving," she mumbled, before slowly following Thor just to avoid Loki.

When she saw Thor begin to talk to his father, she stopped moving, and instead chose to stay back, to let them speak. Loki joined him as well, and soon realized that Odin was dying. Odin explained Ragnarok to the both of then, and after he said his goodbyes, Thor turned to Loki in anger, ready to fight him for causing this to happen to his father.

"You did this," Thor said, as the storm above began to make its way to its caller. (YN) was about to intervene when both brothers suddenly stopped, and quickly turned towards her direction. She thought they were about to speak to her, until she felt the presence of another being appear behind her. She turned around and saw Hela, the Goddess of Death that Odin briefly spoke about standing behind her. (YN) pushed her hands out in front of her, using the gravity around her to quickly move her back to where the men were standing. 

Hela spoke a few words with Thor before finally telling them to, "Kneel." This annoyed Loki immediately. "I beg your pardon?"

"Kneel. Before your queen," she said. "I don't think so," Thor then threw mjolnir at her with full force, but she grabbed the hammer without any issue.

"This can't be possible," he said. "Darling, you have no idea what's possible." With that, Hela crushed the mighty hammer in less than  a second, and began to make her way over to the brothers. (YN) was shocked to say the least. She raised her hands to push the goddess back, but Loki stopped her and moved the girl behind him. "Bring us back!" He yelled. "No!" Thor shouted, but the bifrost was open, and it pulled everyone, including Hela into it on its way back to Asgard. 

Thor looked back as they were being taken up, and called to his brother as he saw Hela behind them. "Loki!" Loki grabbed hold of (YN) arm and kept her behind him as he threw a dagger down Hela, but she tossed it back as if it were nothing. She tossed Loki from the bifrost, sending (YN) out as well. The events in that moment had happened so fast, once she was out of the vortex she lost consciousness. Loki used what magic he could to keep her safe from the cold, airless galaxy around them, until the two landed in dump like planet filled with mounts of trash, beastly bodies and fallen ships from other worlds. 

"Damn it," Loki swore and looked around where they were. "(YN)? (YN)? Damn it!" He realized she wouldn't wake up, but they needed to leave this place as fast as possible. He picked her up, and carried her across the wasteland to the city he could see in the distance. 

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