Part 17: The Hollowing

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Five years had passed since Thanos. The team was broken, barely in touch unless absolutely necessary. Everyone went their own separate path. (YN) was still holding on to an old, now damaged bracelet from Loki, it was nearly 7 years old, but her greatest gift, the best of his memory, was only five. She grabbed a pair of gloves that she used for gardening, a sun hat to avoid some of the heat, and the new plants she had on the counter to add. With everything on her hip, she looked back to the stairs calling out "(child's name)!" She came running down the stairs, "I'm coming, I'm coming, I'm coming!" She yelled, bouncing along the floor as she ran to her mother. (YN) smiled at her little girl. She had long black hair, blue eyes, and the same mischievous grin as her father. "Ready to go add new plants?" She asked her, as she went to the door to lead her outside to their garden. "Yea!" The small child yelled.

The two girls lived on an island called North Hero, on Lake Champlain in Vermont. Summers weren't horribly hot, but the winters were brutal. For (CN), that was just perfect for her to grow up in, since (YN) wasn't sure if she was a frost giant like her father. 

Her father. . . the memory of him would always haunt her. She learned from Thor that Loki had died, and if what Thanos said was right, she won't see him again as a surprise. 

"Mommy?" The little girl asked as she tugged on her mother's garden dress. "You're spacey again," she told her (YN) shook the thoughts from her head and smiled down at her little girl as she walked her outside to the garden. 

"Do you know what plants we have today?" She asked her child. (CN) looked up at her with a smile, "Is it more mint? I like mint!" (YN) smiled and snickered, "You cheater! You peeked at the basket!" The girl laughed as she ran to the garden before her mother.

Their garden was large, surrounded by a white fence. It was made up of four large squares with a red brick path like a cross to connect each corner. Each square had something different, one for veggies, one for herbs, another for flowers, and the last one was more herbs but they were for her witch craft. Last, at the very end of the brick path when they first entered their garden, stood a large black stone pyramid, narrow in shape so that it point upward more rather than spread out. At the base was a small brass plaque, engraved with "In loving memory of Loki of Asgard." 

"Hi daddy!" The little girl yelled as she ran up to the memorial. She would always leave small yellow flowers she found on the marker for him. (YN) was always right behind her but quiet. No matter how many days or years passed, coming to this spot to see her little baby so happy over a stone always crushed her. She'll never meet her father, know the sound of his voice, how gently he would hug her. She could only imagine it, and that's never enough. (YN) set down a basket of fresh flowers she would always cut from their green house to place in front of the marker. The box of new herbs was set to the other side to be planted in the right square. 

"Mommy's been teaching me more 'bout, um. . ."

"Herbs?" (YN) answered, to help her remember the word. "Yup!" (CN) answered. "and, and, and then. We. . . we um, got a new black cat!" Listening to her tell her stories made (YN) smile, but never stopped the hollowing feeling in her heart from growing, from mourning. (YN) let (CN) sit there telling her stories in the little bit of shade from one tree with a limb that always reached over into their garden. (YN) started her planting process, then afterward collected a few of the herbs that were ready to be dried. (CN) helped her plant a few more of the mint plants left in the box, then she ran down to the lake to wash the dirt off her hands. (YN) collected the empty boxes, watched (CN) as she came running back up the grass, and smiled at the simplicity of their lives now. She had a beautiful two story home with a well maintained property on the lake, and a little girl whose smile always made her happy. She couldn't ask for much more.

The little family walked back up to the house to get lunch ready. (CN) suggested hot dogs and baked beans, something that became her favorite most days in the summer. (YN) laughed but caved to her daughter's wishes and prepared her favorite lunch. The two spent a long day together, playing, adding lights to the outdoor trees for the night, then ended it all with stories at bedtime before she put her daughter to sleep. For (YN) it was now her time to rest as she chose to, with meditation by Loki's memorial. She would cast a circle for protection, then sit and meditate to keep calm as she got through another day. The summer night on the lake was always cool and peaceful. The moonlight would reflect off the water, trees barely moved in the gentle wind, it was perfect for her.

"So these are your nightly rituals?" Asked a familiar voice. (YN) immediately turned around to see Steve standing a few feet away in the middle of the garden with Natasha and Ant Man, who she hadn't seen in years.

"Steve?" She asked as she got up to go see him. They kept in contact, but it wasn't often they saw each other in person. "You, really grew up in those years kid," he told her as the two went to hug one another. "That's what happens when you have kids right?" She answered during the hug, then let go. "Well, a kid. . . What are you guys doing here? Not that I'm not happy to see you but, why now?" She asked them. "We think we have a way to reverse all of this. . . but we will need your help," Natasha answered first. Steve looked back at her then to (YN). "It's just one shot, but it's possible," Steve said. (YN) looked at each of them, feeling a mixture of emotions and wasn't sure if she wanted to be a part of this. "I have a kid you guys, I can't leave her behind for a possibility." 

"We're not asking you to. We have a plan if you'll hear us out," Steve was the same honest person he always was. She knew she could trust what he said. "Fine," she answered reluctantly, then walked them inside the house to go over this plan of theirs.

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