Part 3: Staying Alive and Playing Pretend

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She slowly began to wake up, hours later after the crash. (YN) tried to sit up, but felt her head spin, causing her to fall again. "Easy. That fall was too much, even with the magic I used to try and protect you," he said. . . Loki said. She recognized his voice even before turning her head over to see him. He gently rested his hand on her shoulder, but she moved his arm away from her. "I'm fine." 

"Isn't that what Midgard women say when they are not?" He answered. 

"I'm. Fine." She said again as she fell back on to the bed she felt underneath her. "Your body is probably still adjusting to this new world. You've never left Midgard have you?" He asked her. He handed her a damp rag to lay over her forehead to easy the dizziness. "Is this some type of space related travel sickness?" She asked him. "Something like that," he said. "Are you alright?"

". . .I will be," she answered, she figured it would be better than another, 'I'm fine.' "Listen, (YN). . . I understand that there is a lot to be explained but for right now, I need you to follow along with whatever you hear happens." "What?--" 

Immediately after, before she could finish her question a man with colorful robes and face paint barged into the room, "Ah, I see the pretty thing you found is awake!" He said and pointed to her before looking at Loki, "Did I come in at the wrong time?" He asked in a teasing manor with a flirtatious tone of voice and a raised brow. Loki let out a slightly uncomfortable laugh with an awkward smile to follow, "No not at all. Just settling in. Seems as though she had hit her hand from the fall, I was merely looking out for her until she was better." Loki glanced back at her with a look on his face that read, 'play along.' She was clearly confused, leaving to not respond since she didn't know what to say. "Ah, poor thing," Loki said, "It would appear as though she is still rather dazed." 

The man in the colorful clothing gave a playful expression of sadness as he spoke, "Well that is just unfortunate. I hope she is doing better by the time the fun starts. I'll have one of my girls bring over something for her head and then lead you two to the balcony to watch the games when she is ready to go. You are going to love the show tonight. I hear one of my best scrapers found another contender for the fight! It's going to be so exciting!" He smiled with excitement while Loki returned the excitement and said, "Fantastic! We can't wait to see this." (YN) still sat there in confusion as she looked back and forth between the two men talking. The colorful one left them alone and had his own group of girls follow him back to the hallway, while Loki quickly closed the door behind them.

"What in the hell just happened?" She asked him. "Where in the hell are we?" She got up out of the bed that she was laying down in and quickly made her way over to the window. She already knew that they weren't on Earth, but she was hoping she was wrong. "It's called Sacar," Loki told her. "We landed here after we were tossed from the bifrost. Hel is in Asgard, and I haven't seen Thor since." "We're stuck here?" She asked him. "Not that I know of, but I think that staying here would surely be better than returning to-" "I don't live here, Loki. I need to go home. Hell, I have a job to do for that matter!" "I understand you're frustration but let's just think about all this for a moment. The Grand Master has offered us a place to stay here in his world, and I have gained his favor."

She moved from the window and continued to walk around to get a good look at the room they were in while he spoke, "The what?"

"The Grand Master. The man that was just in here moments ago. He is a little unsettling and no doubt out of his mind, but so long as we play his game, the better chance we have to live," he explained. (YN) looked at the hot tub near here then back to the only bed in the room before her irritated gaze fell onto him again. "Live? As in live here? Did you happen to miss the part where I said that I live on Earth? And that I have a job and also my cat? Oh and let's make this more entertaining, I'm stuck here with you." 

"Hey," He said with a dejected tone, "You were excited to see me on Midgard when we were still there yesterday." She paused and walked over to him, "Wait wait wait wait, back up for a moment. What do you mean yesterday? Are you telling me that I've been unconscious here for a whole day?" 

"Before you freak out, you need to understand that you did suffer from a head injury when you landed here-" 


"Would you forget about the cat!" He yelled back. "Right now we need to focus on finding a way off this planet.  And until we have a plan for that it would be best if we lie low, and stay in the Grand Master's circle of trust. That being said, you also shouldn't use any of your abilities while we are out here. If he finds out that you have power you'll be tossed into his fighting that he has talked endlessly about." Hearing all of this made her head spin. She held her hands against her face and ran her fingers back through her hair as she tried to absorb all of this new information. As she let out a deep breath, he walked over to her and st his arms on her shoulders. "I get it. This is stressful, but you must trust me. I've gained his favor, so I can keep us alive until we are ready to make a move."

"And what about Thor? Where has he been?" She asked. "I honestly don't know. For now, it appears to only be the two of us here." Hearing this she sighed, and moved to sit on the bed. "I need a minute for my head. This is just too much to comprehend." He stood across from her and glanced at the door way. "We won't have much time. We've been invited to watch a fight with the Grand Master tonight. I've told him it was our story and he has agreed to help make our stay pleasant." (YN) looked back up at him with a raised brow. "Our story? You told him that we were from Earth and that your sister attacked us which is why we landed here?"

His head bobbed back and forth as he turned his hands in a way that suggested he was trying to word this differently than he originally thought of it. "Not exactly. I needed something that would be some what more believable but wasn't too far out of-" "What the hell did you tell him?"

"I may or may not have told him that we were on our way to see the fight as a lovers vacation-" she cut him off again, which seemed to be something she had become good at with him. "Ok stop right there. That's what you came up with?" Loki gave her a clearly annoyed expression as he tried to explain to her, "He thought you would make a great servant and attempted to make you into one of his many mistresses that you will see around him later tonight." Her expression dropped but she did her best to not let him see it. She turned away from him while he smirked, waiting for a thank you. ". . .So now what?" She asked him. He smirked and tossed her the clothes that were left for her from the Grand Master. "Put these on, so you will blend in better with the people here. When you're done, we will head off to watch the fight and join the Grand Master for his celebrations." 

"You look way too satisfied with all of this," she told him as she over looked the outfit she was given. 

"I'll be waiting outside," he told her, and walked out of the room for her to change.

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