Locker 201

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John's Focus

It was the first day of school, John dragged his feet along the hallway of his loud, stuffy school, making squeaky sounds with his leather brown shoes. They were a part of his clean good-boy uniform, which he couldn't stand. Stu and Pete were chatting along happily next to him.
"Why are you blokes so cheery?" He mumbled with an annoyed tone.
"Why are you being such a prick?," Stu said jokingly as he smiled at Pete, who was trying to cover his giggles with his hands. "Cheer up, its the first day of school and there's plenty of birds just waitin' for us" Stu added while patting John's back. John just shrugged and kept walking, he had already bedded enough girls and at this point it was getting boring, he needed someone who could spice it up, or just someone to have an actual relationship with. As he finally came to a stop at his locker, Stu and Pete parted ways to go to their locker, which they were lucky enough to actually share with each other. He had no idea who his locker partner was. Why did they even have to share lockers? They paid enough bloody money for this privileged school, you would think they could afford to build some more lockers!, He thought. John was so lost in thought, he didn't even realize there was a young dark-haired boy right behind him.
"Is this locker 201?" The boy asked politely with a small smile. John turned around and scoffed, "Yeah, supposed it is," he said with a teasing smile, "now bugger off" he snarled while stepping closer to the boy, trying to intimidate him. Surprisingly, John had never seen this teddy boy's face. It was smooth, round, with droopy hazel eyes that seem lifted by his arched eyebrows, his face was blank, and he didn't scram like the typical chap who interacted with John. He was different. But, John just assumed it was just because he was new, and didn't know John could push around almost whoever he wanted.
"I said, bugger off" John raised his voice and made it more aggressive, this time, trying to show it was going to get real physical if he didn't move. He wanted this locker all to himself, and he didn't want to be seen sharing with a new boy. All the boy said was "Alright" in a slightly shaky voice as he turned on his heel and walked away. John felt victorious until he heard "See you later" from the boy's voice which echoed down the hall right into his ears. It made John feel angry, but a little exited. He figured he was just excited beat him but it was almost a happy feeling, like he could get a new friend.

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