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(2 Months Later)

Paul was sitting at his lunch table, thinking about his life. He had three great friends, George, Ringo, who were dating, and John. John was a neat guy, but made Paul feel something deep inside. This feeling he would usually just shove down way deep inside him, then spill out later in his notebook, which is now almost filled with every moment John touched him, or smiled at him, or even looked at him. He sighed and looked over at George, who was happily stuffing his face with a sandwich, while smiling and secretly holding hands with Ringo. Paul looked at John, then at the couple, and then at John, and just right there and then, after two whole months of knowing John, Paul finally realized he wanted what George and ringo had. A relationship that was more then just friends. A relationship. A queer relationship. Paul was quickly brought out of his state by John banging his hand on the table and sitting down next to Paul. "Ay Blokes!" John said cheerfully while smiling at the group. Paul was getting extremely nervous because John had slung his arm around Paul's shoulder. Paul noticed that George and ringo had stopped holding hands, then he turned to John, and a little too loudly said, "What do you think about queers?" Everyone looked at him in silence, As he hadn't even said hi back to John. George was looking at Paul with pleading eyes, but Paul just nodded him away to show that he want going to expose him Him and Ringo or anything like that.
"I don't know.." John said in a quite serious tone while removing his hand from Paul's shoulder and shrugging.
"Why do you ask?" He said, this time a little less seriously. Paul just shrugged and quickly said,
"I've got to go to the Lou" as he grabbed his bag and sprinted to the bathroom. He shoved himself into a stall and got his notebook out of his bag. He scribbled down all his stupid queer emotions about John and quickly put the notebook away after he heard someone enter the bathroom. "Paul?" It was John's voice. Of course, Paul thought, John has to be right here right now.
"Yeah, John?" Paul said with a broken voice.
"You all right?" John said quietly.
"Yeah, Yeah mate, I'm alright." Paul lied.
"Let's go to my place, come on," John said while knocking on Paul's stall door.
"And skip?" Paul said in a whisper.
"Yes, skip, is that too much for princess Paulie to handle?" Paul blushed bright red as he heard John call him that.
"Now open up this door." John demanded. Paul slowly got out, and followed John out the bathroom, out the hallway, and very quietly, straight out of the building. Once they got out, they laughed and sprinted all the way to John's home.

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