"Us sort"

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Paul's Focus

Paul couldn't believe that his locker mate, John, liked music! He was about to make his first friend-hopefully. George seemed nice, and Richard, or Ringo seemed really nice and funny too, but John and him had shared passions, music.
Paul nodded willingly and got up to throw away his lunch trying to calm down, and John quickly got up to go after him, and jogged over to Paul by the trash can, he just said "Bye new kid" as he patted Paul's back with a smile. Which gave Paul shivers down his spine.

The next day came a lot slower, as Paul couldn't sleep at all, kicking at his bed sheets and flipping over and over think about how he was so nervous to show the intimidating John his musical talent, and to maybe even show him some songs he wrote. But he was even more nervous to be alone, with John, in John's house! John was the only thing that was racing through his mind over and over again until he couldn't keep his thoughts in his head. He shot up from his bed, threw open one of his drawers, and started scribbling all his thoughts and emotions into a notebook. Every little detail he felt about John, as he wrote he realized that he wanted to be friends with John badly. Or just be around him in general.  So, after he had written all about his day with John, he shoved  the notebook into his backpack.he just sat there in silence, then he sighed and slowly walked to his bed, then flopped over while drifting to sleep.
The next morning Paul was more tired then usual, probably from the lack of sleep, or just he was dreading a social studies quiz they had. Second day of school, and a bloody quiz? He thought. He was starting to see why John didn't like Churchill. All the other teachers Paul had were fine, though. He walked into class, and this time John was on time-his almond eyes darting across the room until they landed on to his chair, and he made is way over slowly while dragging his feet, Paul watching his every step, with his mouth slightly open. Paul rubbed his eyes, slung his backpack on his chair, and slumped down to listen to the boring lecture. After what seemed to be the longest 90 minutes of his life, he got up to go to lunch, with John trotting along behind him.
"Oi, Paul!" He said happily, which startled Paul and made him smile.
"We still on for tonight?" John said hopefully.
"Ya of course mate" Paul said assuringly. John just smiled and kept walking along Paul's side. It made Paul jittery, and nervous, but happy inside. By the time they got to the lunch tables, they parted ways, John to go hangout with the bad boys that were Stu and Pete, and Paul to hangout with his friends Ringo and George.
"Hey there, Paul." Ringo said cheerfully.
"Hey" Paul said quietly, and before he could think about it, he blurted out, "What do you guys think of John?"
"Eh e's alright I guess" Ringo shrugged.
"Don' like 'em" said George sharply.
"Why's that?" Paul said, a little saddened by George's sudden sharp opinion.
"He doesn't like our sort"
"Our sort?" Paul asked curiously,
George and Ringo looked at each other, then at Paul very awkwardly.
Ringo said "George! He isn't? I thought you told him that-Wait, I thought he" George coughed quite loudly before Ringo could finish his any of his sentences.
"Paul," George talked very slowly and thoughtfully as if Paul Were a child, "We're Queer" George whispered, very quietly, while holding up his hand just above the table, which was intertwined with Ringo's.
"I thought George already told you" Ringo said while awkwardly laughing.
"Don't hate us?" Ringo asked like a question.
"Hate you guys? No, no. You were the only lads here that would even talk to me for god sake!" Paul said kindly.
"To be honest Paul, we thought you were queer too." Said ringo nervously.
Paul didn't know what to say after this. He just thought for a moment, at first he laughed, then he wondered if everyone else thought he was queer too, he wondered if he even knew if he were queer. He suddenly shook his head, no no no, Paul you are not queer! He thought to himself, but he was so confused, he ran to the stalls of the bathroom with out a word and took out his journal to write about his emotions, as he read back to his old pages from the night before, and realized those feelings for John might of been something...else. He started to feel hot tears run down his face as he sat on the toilet seat. He couldn't even bare the thought of seeing John today after school. He calmed down, took some deep breathes and thought, no Paul, your not queer, you just want a friend. This calmed him down a little, but he still wasn't sure if that was entirely true. Besides, why would John hangout with Paul if he didn't like queers, George said it himself, so Paul mustn't be queer! He got out of his stall, slipped the notebook into his backpack, and splashed some water on his face. Paul went pack to the lunch tables and sat down, While George and Ringo awkwardly looked around.
"You ok, mate?" Ringo said slowly.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, I'm just trying to tell you guys, I'm not queer." He said in a serious tone. Both ringo and George nodded their heads quickly.
"Sorry about that mate, we shouldn't of assumed anything..." George said very apologetically.
"It's fine" Paul said with a small fake smile. He just glanced up at John and sighed.

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