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Paul just held onto John's warm chest and smiled. John's toned arms that squeezed his shoulder and sent shivers down his spine. He just gave John a quick hug and smiled. John wasn't trying to hurt him in any way. Before he knew it, he had fallen asleep to the soothing sound of John's heartbeat and steady breathing. He dreamt of John, of course they were in a field of strawberries, and John was singing a song for Paul;
Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you want to hear,
I'm in love with you. Just then, John's eyes looked up at him and cause Paul to jolt awake, Paul looked around And noticed John wasn't anywhere in sight. He nervously looked around his room and saw no John. So he ran to the phone in the living room and tried to call him. The phone rang for a minute then went dead, Paul figured that he just wanted space; The older boy was odd like that anyways. So Paul just headed out the house and decided to go on a walk. about a block or two away from his house, he saw the grave yard and figured he hadn't visited his mother in a while. He gently pushed opened the gates and walked through, cold air reflecting his tired breath in white shimmering clouds. He saw his mother's grave and walked towards it slowly.
"Hey mom." He whispered under his breath as he squatted next to the it. it was old and unkept, his father must of not visited it in a while. He sat down in the grassy area and thought about his mother-she had died about a year ago from cancer. He sobbed a bit as he took a deep breath in and let the tears run down his cheeks sprinkling onto the grave. He missed her so much. He patter the gravestone and stood up only to see John across the yard. What could John be doing here? He thought. Curiosity got the best of him so, he walked over towards John.
"John?, that you?" He asked happily, but that feeling faded away when he saw John's face turn to him-his bottom lip quivering.
"I miss her." He said solemnly.
"Who, John?" Paul asked kindly.
"My mum." John choked out, his breath was coming out in quivering sobs.
"John..." Paul said softly; he had a sudden understanding of what John was feeling. Paul's mom was golden and beautiful and amazing, but now, she's gone. Even he and his dad got along fine until Mary died-now his dad can't stand Paul. John said nothing but he just stood up and held Paul. His warm arms wrapped around Paul weakly. Paul shoved his head over John's shoulder and patted his back. They must of stood there for almost five minutes. Just in the cold, hugging and crying, until John pulled away.
"She died a month ago." John said, Paul widened his eyes.
"And you never told me?" Paul looked at John sternly. John looked at the ground,
"I only knew you for a month, Paulie, but now I trust you more then, well, anyone."
Paul bit his lip and his ears turned red. The two boys walked towards a bench and sat down.
"I had a dream, John, about you" John looked at Paul with a sly smile.
"You did, Macca?"
Paul was relieved that John hadn't judged him.
"You sang me a song." Paul said sweetly. John smiled and nodded.
"Go on, then."
John just laughed and nodded.
"Listen, do you want to know a secret?
Do you promise not to tell?
Let me whisper in your ear,
Say the words you want to hear,
I'm in love with you." Paul sang the last line a bit quieter then the rest of the song.
"It's not in a queer way!" Paul lied nervously-he was scared John would judge him.
"I could care less about being queer" John whispered as he got real close to Paul, resting Paul's forehead against his own, he then brushed Paul's cheek with his thumb and used the rest of his hand to Pull Paul in. He brushed his cold chapped lips against Paul's gently, and Paul surprisingly pushed back and wet John's lips with his own. The kiss grew more passionate as John wrapped his arms around Paul's back. John snaked his tongue into the younger boy's mouth and they were moving their body's together, flat out snogging! Paul thought. He smiled then pulled away.
"Let's go somewhere warmer." Paul mentioned. John nodded and stood up, then they headed to Paul's home.

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