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John's Focus

After school, John jogged to the outside gate, where him and Paul agreed to meet. When he saw Paul, he excitedly waved him over, and Paul jogged over and they started walking.
"So I see you brought your guitar to school" John said jokingly.
"Oh-erm ya" Paul said with a nervous laugh.
"You could of used mine, y'know" John replied.
"Oh, well I'm left-handed." Paul said nervously and his voice cracked a bit.
"Loosen up, new boy" John said while grabbing Paul's shoulders and He shook him playfully, but he was so hot. It was cold outside and John was freezing, but Paul's body temp was flying through the roof!
"You alright, mate?, have ya' got a fever?" John said.
"Oh, no, no. I just guess I'm wearing too thick of a jacket." He said with a chuckle, and he started to take it off. Revealing his school-boy white tee, which showed off his fit arms nicely, John felt something twist in his stomach, was he Jealous of those arms? He could be, but the feeling was nervous, jittery, and almost happy. John just shrugged it off and kept walking. The two chatted slowly and got more comfortable around each other until they got to John's.
"Were ere" John said as he walked onto the small porch of his house.
"Right" Paul said as he nodded.
"Mimi! Paul's here" John yelled aimlessly
at the living room, while jogging up to his room, Paul following. When they got in John's room, Paul sat down carefully, and took out his guitar. He played and sang a simple toon, and John was genuinely impressed!
"Wow! Paul, you aren't bad y'know"
"Thanks mate!" Paul said while looking down at his guitar.
"What can you play?" Paul asked
"Here, let me show you." John said excitedly. John played and strummed on his mother's banjo a song called Maggie May. Paul bobbed his head and tapped his foot while smiling.
"You're not bad" Paul said
"Not bad?" John said, kinda offended but she just laughed it off. For the rest of the afternoon, they just hung out and Paul taught John the notes on a guitar.

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