The Answer

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Paul's Focus

As Paul walked away from the strange  Student he had to share a locker with, he smiled at himself, as this is was the first time Paul had met another student, and it didn't go horribly wrong, sure he almost got beat, but he's had worse. It made him excited, it game him a thrill of rush, he was definitely was going to talk to that boy again. As Paul walked away, he turned the corner and walked straight into a tall boy, "Oi!" The boy said
"I- uh- sorry" Paul mumbled.
"It's fine, m'names George" the mysterious kid said.
"Paul." Paul said back as he nodded.
"Your new here, aren't you?" George said. Paul nodded and smiled a little. He looked up at George. He was skinny, with narrow black eyes,  carved cheekbones and thick eyebrows. George broke the silence and said, "You can eat lunch with me if ya like!" He smiled, showing his fang-like teeth.
"That would be great!" Paul said cheerfully, and then trotted away to his first class. He had already met two boys who didn't hate him, this day might actually be good! He entered his classroom and sat down in the front row ready to pay attention and get good marks as the bell rang. As the lecture began, everything seemed normal until his locker mate walked in about 10 minutes late,his posse following close behind him.
"Your late, Lennon" our teacher, Mr. Churchill said.
"Oh am I? Sorry mate, didn't notice, anyways, you can call me John, since we're so close." He mimicked at the teacher. The whole class giggled, but All paul could do is stare at him and think, so his name's John, huh? John passed by him, brushing his bag against Paul's arm which made Paul jolt up from his relaxed position, and sit up as John flopped right into the chair behind him, the whole class watching the older boy. Paul quickly whipped around just to look at John again and turned back to face the teacher, wondering why he even wanted to get a glimpse at John  in the first place. He noticed one of Johns friends sat next to him, a boy with brown hair, and George from before class was on his other side. This isn't too bad. He thought, and paid attention for another half hour until he felt a tap on his right shoulder.
"Hey new boy," John's brown haired friend said teasingly.
"What did Churchill say about the geography of Asia?"
Paul was about to answer his question  until he heard another voice behind him, it was Johns. "Asking for answers already, Stu?" John teased.
"You know it Johnny" Johns friend, Stu whispered back. Paul just looked down at his paper and ignored their bantering until he felt another tap on his shoulder, this time more aggressive, like a shove. "So?" Stu spat, in a whisper-yell tone. "Oh, right, uh" Paul tried to talk but he was too scared of Stu, even though the boy was doing the same thing John was doing earlier by the lockers, but back then he had a strange feeling that John wasn't actually going to hurt him. John leaned forward on his chair closer to Stu, but also to Paul, and said, "Lay off the new boy, Stu, we can screw with em' later" This made Paul's heart skip a beat, even though the statement wasn't anything big, almost a threat, it made his whole body get tingles. He snapped out of his dreamy sate, what was he thinking, it wasn't like he was queer anything. Paul turned to look at John but he was already back to doodling on his notebook. But a second later he looked up and smiled at Paul, which made him whip around back to the lesson and it turned his whole face cherry red.

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