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On his long and painful walk home, Paul thought about how those two bastards could of gotten his book. Then he remembered Friday, the first day John kissed him!,And gave back his book...John had the book for days! He always hung out with Pete and Stu then. He looked at John, and how he was carefully holding Paul up, he seemed nice now, but did he share the book with his friends? Just for a fucking laugh? John seemed to notice him staring.
"You all right?" John said softly.
"Ya" Paul said in an aggressive tone.
"I'll take care of you later at home, princess" said John sweetly. But it just made Paul cringe, that name just reminded him of getting stabbed. Just how he felt now too, like John was a back stabber. Paul shoved away from John and looked at the road. There was only one way those boys saw the notebook, and it was through John.
"How did your friends know about my journal?" Paul said with a salty undertone.
"They aren't my friends anymore" John mumbled.
"John" Paul said sharply. Why was John avoiding the question? Paul thought as he furrowed his brows and grunted.
"Answer me!" Paul cried, tears were starting to form in his eyes.  John sighed.
"Don't you cry right now !" John shouted, his face turning red and he was starting to get mad. He gestured ya wildly with his hands.
Paul's heart was beating, what was John keeping from him? His head was spinning faster and faster until it was too fast. He got lightheaded and everything was turning black, then he felt himself falling, and then he felt nothing.
Paul fluttered his eyes open and darted his eyes around where he was, he was on an old leather sofa and John was in the other room. He heard him talking to someone in a scared and gentle voice,
"Do you think he'll be ok?" He asked.
"Yes John, now go on and check if he's awake, I'll be making some Tea" it was his aunt Mimi, he looked around and realized he was in John's living room. He tried to get up but he felt a sharp pain shoot up into his side. He groaned and looked down at his side, there was a tight, neatly Done white bandage wrapped around his body, which had a red blood stain on it. Was he really hurt that bad? He sat there and waited for John to come into the room, and in no time, he did.
"Paul! Your awake!" He said as he darted over to Paul's side.
"Mimi!'" He shouted, "Bring the tea in!" Mimi walked in shortly after and carefully placed the tea on a small table next to him. And John ran and grabbed a blanket to toss onto him. Paul grabbed it and sipped some tea.
"Are you all right?" John asked shortly. Paul nodded and tried to sit up again. He clenched his jaw at the pain and groaned a little. John quickly tried to help him put Paul waved him off.
"Don't touch me, I'm fine" Paul said sharply through gritted teeth, after all, he was still pissed about the whole notebook thing.
"Your not ok! You need some help, Paul." John said kindly. A Slightly concerned look was plastered on his face, probably from Paul's sudden outburst
"No , John your not ok, you need some help!" Paul snapped at him.
John raised his eyebrows an took a step away from Paul.
"What do you mean?" John choked out.
"Showing Your mates my journal for laughs!" Paul scoffed.
"Paul I-" John begged.
"Shut it. John! I'm out of here!" He barley managed to get out of the sofa-bed and hobbled to the front door. He was a few steps away from John's house until he felt a sharp grasp on his shoulder.
"John?" He said hopefully, he was already starting to miss John, even though he was mad at him.
"Paul, you're in no state to walk home. I spoke to you father and you are staying here for the night." It was Mimi.
"But-" He tried to protest but was interrupted by Mimi dragging him back to the house. She treated Paul exactly like John, like another child. He was at the Lennon household quite often anyways. But she had no idea about their fight. He wobbled and fell back onto the sofa, it was now cold and John was In his room. It was quite awkward, but Paul sat there silently as Mimi left to make some supper. Just then he saw John quietly walk down stairs and peek around the corner. His eyes were red and his cheeks were wet. Had he been crying? Paul thought. He saw Paul and widened his eyes, he whipped around and darted up the stairs in a blur.
"I'm meeting up with an old friend later tonight." Mimi shouted up the stairs to John as she came back in.
"Behave!" She shouted towards John's room while eyeing the weak Paul as she walked out the door. A whole night alone with John Paul thought. Great.

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