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Paul just stood there watching John walk away, his heart shattering a little bit more every time he took a step. What did he mean he didn't want this queer stuff? He was the one who fucking kissed him! Paul ran to the restroom with tears in his eyes. He stopped in front of the nearest sink and looked at himself in the mirror, and at that red mark on his neck; whenever he looked at it, he thought about John. Why'd John do this to him? Why did John hate him? He thought. He put on his jacket to cover the mark from John on his neck and went to go into a stall, but it was closed. All the other ones in the boys bathrooms were broken down or disgusting, so he knocked on the door.
"What the bloody fuckin' hell do ya want?" Said a broken voice from within the stalls. It was John's. Paul knew this was his chance to talk to John; they were both so vulnerable.
"John, it's Paul." Paul said with a sigh.
"No! Get the fuck out of here, poof!" John barley let out while another sob interrupting him.
"John, why'd you kiss me?" Paul whispered desperately.
"Shut up!" John yelled at he slammed open the stall. Paul could see John's face, which was red and covered with tears, it made Paul want to help him, to touch and care for him, but John just shoved past him and left the restroom. Paul wanted to go after him, but the bell rung. He dragged himself out of the lou and to his last class.
(Later that night after school)
Paul tossed and turned around in his bed all night. He eventually just gave up. All he could think about was John and how horrible things would be between them the next day. He wanted John's touch, his kiss, his everything, but apparently, John wanted none of it. Paul rubbed the red mark on his neck and sighed. Everything was dead silent in his house, all he could hear was the rain that was pouring down outside and pounding on his window.
Those bits of rain seemed to hit his window a little too hard.
"Paul!" He heard in a distant voice. He scrambled to his window and slid it up and open.
"Who's out there?" Paul yelled out the window tiredly.
"I'm trying to sleep!" He said even though he knew that he hadn't been sleeping. He assumed this mystery person who seem to be throwing something at his window was a drunken George or Ringo, but when he looked out the window, he saw a cold and shivering John. His mind went racing, not John! He thought. But Paul knew John wouldn't go away anytime soon, so he sighed and yelled back,
"I'm letting you in the front door! Be quiet!"
John nodded and headed towards The front door. Paul slid his window shut and threw on some boxers, he ran downstairs and quietly opened the front door. There was John, still in his pajamas, arms folded, cold and shivering,so vulnerable. Paul stepped outside and shut the door behind him. They both just stood there out in the cold, shivering.
"What d'ya want, John?" Paul said whined.
"You, Macca" John said quietly.
"What do ya mean, you just said that you were done with this queer bollocks!" Paul yelled.
"An' I'm sorry Paul," John said seriously. His narrow eyes staring deep into Paul's as his sniffled. John's wet hair hung over his cold, pink, dripping wet skin.
"Your soaking wet." Paul said trying to break eye contact.
"And your half naked" John said trying to lighten the mood. He eyed Paul's body up and down, it made sense, after all, Paul was only in boxers.
"I came here to give you this." John said as he handed something to Paul. His notebook! Paul thought. His head was spinning! John had the notebook all along! This is why he avoiding Paul! Paul suddenly realized.
"You-" Paul stuttered, but he was suddenly interrupted by John's rough hand stroking his cheek, and soon after John's rain-soaked lips grabbing onto his own. Paul's pressed his bare chest against John's and could feel how wet and cold he was. So he hugged onto him with his arms around John's back to mix their body heat. The kiss got more passionate until suddenly John broke off and said, "I'm sorry, I was so confused after reading yer notebook. I realized after reading it I felt the same way you did." Paul could tell by the way John was looking into his eyes and holding him he was being honest. His whole body was wet and cold just like John's.
"So you like-like me?" Paul asked curiously. John laughed lightly which made Paul relax a little.
"Course I do!, let's say I've been wondering what's been under princess Paulie's skirt" John said with a wink. Paul's whole body got tingles and his boxers got a bit tight. His face went cherry red as he looked down to hide his blush. John placed his hand on Paul's thigh and looked at Paul hungrily.
"John!" Paul giggled, clutching his notebook to his bare chest. John quirked an eyebrow and let go.
"Goodnight, Paul." He said with a small smile.
"'Night John." Paul said as he stepped into the house and shut the door behind him. He quickly ran up stairs, squealed into his pillow with joy, and snuggled into bed. The scent of John all over his body was the only thing that could put him to bed that night.

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