Chapter 24:

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"I'm proud of you." Lisa said as I walked into my dad's house. I smiled hugging her.

Lisa and my dad now live together over the past two months they got back together and figured it out. Even though she'll never replace my mom, I think it's safe to say I like her. Me and my dad are back on good terms not like we were but we're good.

Today was my last day of my first semester of college. I still had more to go and it was a start. I was happy for myself and so was everybody else.

"Thanks." I said picking Mari up as she ran towards me but she wiggled outta my arms and went to Shaun.

"Oh that's how you feel, Mari?" I asked making her giggle.

"Girl come in this kitchen. Kelsie's big pregnant ass in there." Lisa said heading to the kitchen I laughed following her.

I received a slap on my ass before I was pulled back towards Shaun. I pointed my finger up at him as I smiled.

"You love me?" He asked smirking.

"See you play too much." I pulled away laughing heading into the kitchen.

Me and Shaun never officially got back together, but I guess we're where we left off. We have a weird relationship, but it works for us.

I went and rubbed Kelsie's almost 7 month pregnant stomach. They're having a boy and Rock is too hype.

"I love my nephew already." I said talking to her stomach.

"Girl gone." She said laughing pushing me away from her stomach as I kissed it. "You almost as bad as Rock."

"Whatever." I rolled my eyes playfully. "Ew Kelsie what are you eating?" I scrunched up my face.

"Yogurt with pickle juice." She said shrugging.

"Fucking disgusting." I said.

"I was like that with Mari I ate pickle juice on everything." Lisa said as she cooked.

I shook my head before grabbing a bag of hot cheetos. We just sat talking and laughing like we always do.

"Ew Nya you talking about her and you dipping ya hot cheetos in the yogurt and pickles." Lisa said as I threw a freshly dipped one in my mouth.

"Huh?" I said still dipping and eating. "Oh, it's actually really good."

I look up to them both staring at me.


"Ummm, are you pregnant?" I tense.

"No." I said as I continued to eat.

"Why you look like you're about to cry?" Lisa asked as her and Kels neared me.

"I'm not." I mumble looking down

"Come with me girls." Lisa says pulling us upstairs to my her bedroom room with us.

"Take it." She handed me a pregnancy test.

"I'm not-"

"Take it." Kelsie interrupted me.

"Fine." I grumbled before going and taking it. I washed my hands then headed back in the room. We had to wait 5 minutes so we sat quiet the whole time.

"Okay look at it." Lisa said. I couldn't so I just sat there. Two months ago when I got the letter I have been trying to ignore it and put it on the back burner.

"Y'all do it." I whisper. Kelsie took it and looked at it.

"You're definitely pregnant." She says smiling big as does Lisa. I just look at them with a blank face as tears built up in my eyes.

"I can't, I can't." I said before tears started to fall.

"Why are you crying?" They both asked hugging me.

"He doesn't want kids." I said crying harder.



"Where Dez at?" Mari asked playing with my chin hair as we sat on the couch. She just like her sister Nya does that all the time.

"With his friends lil mama." I said as Pops came out of the kitchen with two beers and hands me one.

"Looks like both my girls got you wrapped around their finger." I shrugged smiling. They really do.

I look towards the stairs as the girls all come down.

"Mommy, can we have cookies tonight?" Mari asks getting down and following her mom into the kitchen.

Kels glares at me as she heads into the kitchen. I scrunched up my face confused then look at Nya. I suck in a breath as I see her red eyes.

I get up pulling her towards me. "What's wrong?" I ask lifting her chin looking into her sad eyes.

"Huh?" She shakes her head putting a fake smile on her face. "Nothing, I'm fine."

"Love, you been crying. That fake ass smile ain't hiding shit." Her smile wavers but doesn't leave her face.

"Really I'm fine, Shaun." She said kissing my lips.

"Real shit Nya, you don't gotta hide shit from me. If something is wrong let me know what's up." I said squeezing her hips lightly.

"I know, Shaun. Relax, I'm good." She said kissing my jaw before walking off.


It was so awkward during dinner. It was so quiet minus Mari's talking a mile a minute. It seemed like I was missing something. Pop's seemed confused by the tension too.

In the car on the way home Nya was still extremely quiet. I know something is bothering her but why the fuck won't she say.


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