Chapter 35:

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I sat in the downstairs bathroom crying. "He hates me now." I whined to Kelsie over the phone.

"First off, calm down and stop crying. Second, you know damn well that nigga doesn't hate you so stop with ya dramatic self."

"It's been days and I have tried saying sorry over and over. He still won't talk to me or touch me."

"You try giving him sex?" She asked.

"Yes and of course he took it he's a guy. But after he rolled away from me no cuddling, no nothing. I'm already big and pregnant so I'm extra uncomfortable and can't sleep and now that he lays next to me and won't hold me it's even worse. I can barely fuckin sleep!"

She sighed over the phone. "He'll get over it sis. Don't you got a doctors appointment today? Is he going?"

"Yeah, and I don't know. I asked him a couple days ago and he just looked at me with no reply. I'm already dressed so I'll probably just drive myself if he comes, he comes. If he doesn't, he doesn't."

"Well calm down, wipe that beautiful face, get some food in you, and go see my niecey pooh."

I sighed. "Okay."

After wiping my face I walked out the bathroom to see Shaun standing near the front door just staring at me.

I just headed into the kitchen to grab my apple juice. Then I grabbed my keys only for them to be taken. I watched Shaun grab his own keys before walking out the front door.

I watched him hop up into the drivers seat without opening the door and helping me inside knowing I'm short with a huge stomach.

I turned back around heading back towards the house. He don't wanna help me in that bitch knowing I can't get in there. I'ma take one of his cars since he took my keys.

"Fuck are you doing?" He hopped back out as I opened the door to his Benz.

"You know damn well I can't get in the fuckin truck without your help. So fuck you! I'll drive myself."

He mumbled something before slamming the truck door and locking it before coming over to the Benz. He took the keys and got into the drivers seat starting the car.

"Dickhead." I mumbled walking around to get in.


We were back to silence as we waited in the waiting area.

"A'Nya Wright." We both stood heading back.

She did the regulars before handing me a blanket and telling me they would need to check to see if I begin dilating.

"The doctor will be right in."

"She got a female doctor right?" Shaun asked making me roll my eyes.

"Her doctor is Dr. Harry he's out today so you'll have a female today."

He nodded as she left. I begin undressing feeling Shaun's eyes on me. I heard his low groan as I took my panties off. I ignored it and sat down blanket covering my bottom half up.

"I'm Dr. Kelly." The doctor said after she knocked and entered shaking my hand. "Ready to see your baby."

I nodded smiling.

She squeezed the gel on my stomach before starting. Shaun stood near me looking.

"Aye look my fat mama got her thumb in her mouth." Shaun said smiling.

"She surely does and she is beginning to turn preparing for her arrival." That doctor said moving it around. "Hmm." She mumbled moving all around my stomach. She took her hand applying a little pressure on my stomach like she was trying to get her to move. The hell?

"The fuck are you doing lady? What you mean hmm?"

I gasped. "Shaun! I'm sorry about his mouth." She chuckled shaking her head.

"It's fine. I just wanted to make sure I was seeing right before I told you. You see this here?" She asked moving to the side of my stomach. "That's a arm. Looks like there is a baby hiding behind your baby girl here."

"Excuse me?" I asked.

"Hell yeah!" Shaun exclaims. "That's my Junior! It's a boy right? Can you tell?"

Dr. Kelly laughed. "No. As she begins to turn you can see baby number two more, but she's still hiding majority of the baby." We nodded. "Now the thing that's worrying me is that she's turning and baby two is not. Since one is still breech this far along I wanna go ahead and schedule a c-section so no complications will come along if you were to go into labor with one still breech. I'm still gonna check to see if you are dilated and if you are dilating fast."

I nodded as she printed out pictures then placed gloves on lifting the blanket. I hate this part.

When she was done she took her gloves off washing her hands. "Okay, you are five centimeters dilated so I would say let's go ahead and schedule for Friday."

"Friday? Two days!?" I asked panicking.

"Yup, you guys will be a new parents come Friday."

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