Chapter 29:

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Rock opened the door for me. I was coming to see Kelsie today. He hugged me then rubbed my small stomach. "You and ya little pregnant stomach."

"Shut up." I said heading upstairs to their room. I seen Kels laid up eating ice cream looking tired. Her stomach is huge.

"You gonna share?" I asked crawling into bed with her. I rubbed her stomach feeling him going crazy in there.

She smiled looking down at my stomach. "You're showing!" She exclaimed rubbing my stomach.

"Yup. You would know that if you weren't avoiding me." I said.

"I'm not, it's just-"

I cut her off. "It's just nothing. If I don't blame you then you shouldn't think it's your fault. Please stop." She continued to look worried but smiled slightly and hugged me.

"So we're good?" She asked.

"Bitch been good."


"Ya dad gonna be mad?" Shaun asked as we walked up the driveway to my dad's house.

"I have no idea."

My dad still doesn't know because I haven't been over here in awhile. Lisa knows but none of them have seen my stomach.

When we walked in Lisa and Mari were on the couch. Lisa smiled when she seen us but her smile got even bigger when she seen my stomach.

"Sissy!" Mari cheered running and hugging me. "Ny-Ny I think ya stomach is blowing up." She said poking it making me laugh.

Shaun picked her up. "It's getting bigger because a baby is in there."

"What, how?"

"Well when a man and a woman-"

"Shaun!" Me and Lisa exclaim cutting him off.

"I was joking damn. Anyway Mari, you're gonna be an auntie. You ready?"

"I guess I just can't wait to hold it."

"What is all the nois-" My dad stopped when he noticed my stomach. He didn't say anything, he just turned and walked away.

I followed him where he went to the kitchen getting a beer. "Dad?"

He looked at me sighing. "My baby girl's growing up."

"Dad, you getting soft on me?" I asked punching his stomach playfully before hugging him. "Aye, you know I'll always be ya baby girl right?"

"Yeah I know." He said throwing his arm around my shoulder as we headed back into the living room.

"Daddy, I'ma be a auntie." Mari said.

"I know and I'ma be a grandpa. Wait I'm still too young and good looking to be a grandpa." He said making us laugh.

"And mommy what are you gonna be to the baby?" Mari asked.

"Um," Lisa hesitated. She never over steps her boundaries. She just doesn't jump the gun, she lets me have say in all which I like.

"She's gonna be a grandma." I said smiling and she returns the same smile.

"Yeah a grandma." She nods. "No a nanna."

"You better take care of my daughter and that baby nigga." My dad said to Shaun.

"I am." He said smiling at me.

"So what y'all want?" Lisa asked.

"Boy." Shaun said the same time Mari said "Girl." I laughed I didn't care I just wanted a healthy baby.

"Ew not a boy. Kelsie already having a boy. Sissy need a girl." Mari said.

"I wanted a boy too and I ended up with two girls. Good luck with that one." My dad said to Shaun.

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes.



"You look so uncomfortable are you sure you wanna go in there?" I ask as I parked close to the mall entrance. Kelsie is due any day now and wants to go to the mall for last minute things. This bitch is crazy.

"Yes come on." I shrugged getting out the car.

We went into this cute little baby store. I started picking up lots of cute boy stuff for my nephew. I put everything on the counter before going through my bag for my card.

"I can't wait to find out what we are having so I can go baby shopping." I said to Kelsie. I looked and seen her sitting in a chair near me breathing hard.

I started to open my mouth when the girl at the cash register spoke. "You're pregnant?" She asked kind of in shock, but disgust at the same time.

I looked at her like she was crazy. "Uh, yeah. Problem?"

"He let you keep your baby but didn't let me keep mine." She snapped.

"Excuse me?" I had to make sure I heard her right.

"Shaun made me get an abortion but he's letting you keep your baby." She said getting loud.

"Bitch and who's fault is that?" I snap back. "I don't mean to sound insensitive but that's your mothafuckin problem you let a nigga tell you what to do. He didn't make you do a damn thing that was your choice at the end of the day. Did he hold you at gun point making you walk into a clinic? I highly doubt that. Don't bring ya bullshit my way lil mama." I said before grabbing my bags and helping Kelsie up so we could leave.

I'm taking her to a hospital whether she wants to or not. She's definitely in labor.


"What are we doing here?" Kelsie asked still breathing hard as I helped her out.

She was obviously trying to hide her pains. She's so scared of giving birth which is why I think she is trying to hide her pain. She was doing a good job at first but it's too obvious now.

"You're in labor bitch." I said helping her in before getting help from a nurse who brought her a wheelchair. I walked back with her as I called Rock, I didn't wanna see Shaun or hear from him right now.


Rock, his mom, and Kelsie's mom came rushing into the room. They said she was already dilated so they were already prepping her too push.

I wished her luck before walking outside.

I was sitting in the waiting room on my phone trying to do something to make time go faster.

Shaun came over sitting next to me rubbing my stomach.

"What's up love?" I shook my head still all into my phone. "Get ya ass off ya phone and give me a kiss." I turned and kissed him on his jaw. Only for him to look at me like I'm crazy.

"The fuck was that?" He asked.

"A kiss. Now leave me alone."

"What the fuck is ya problem?" He snapped.

"Nothing. We're about to have a nephew lets focus on this happy situation and not our problems."

"Fuck are you talking about? We got problems now?" He asked just as Rock came out smiling all big.

"We'll talk." I mumbled before standing as does he, but I can tell he's pissed off.

"He looks just like a nigga." Rock said all hype.

"Congrats man." Shaun said.

"Thanks bro. Come on so y'all can see him."

We walked in to the room, Kelsie was holding him. "Awh congrats babe." I said walking over to them.

"Thank you." She mumbled tiredly.

"Meet lil Rocky Jr." She said handing him to me.

"Awh, I'm in love with him already."

"Six more months for you." Kelsie said.

"I know." I sighed kissing Rocky's forehead.


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