Chapter 41:

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"Come on y'all, damn." I snap out of my car window as Dez, Tara, and Nya finally came out of the house.

"Shut the fuck up." Nya said getting into the car.

I chuckled at her miserable ass. The twins had us up all night and now we are up early going to meet Tara's mom. Lisa and Mari came over to watch the twins for us.


"Damn you live in the heart of the hood." I said as we pulled up in front of Tara's small house. The streets looked beat and the houses weren't any better. I know what it's like to come from the hood though. I lived in the same area growing up until my mom and dad moved to a nicer area. Plus this is exactly where my dope boys sell.

I ain't did a surprise pop up on them in a minute and surprisingly they were all on their shit even this early in the morning.

"What's up, Shaun?" A couple of my young niggas said and I nodded.

"What's your mom's name?" Nya asked as she knocked on the door.


"You don't have a key?" I asked.

"No, I lost it awhile back."

Her mom eventually came to the door looking extremely tired and worn out. She looked confused until she noticed Tara.

"Tara, what are you doing out here? You are suppose to be upstairs. Who are these people? Are you okay?" She asked panicking looking her over. She gasps as she notices her stomach. "Oh my lord!" She shouts as she wobbles on her feet.

"Whoa there lady." I said grabbing her shoulders to keep her steady.

"Oh lord my daughter is having a baby to a grown ass man!" She shouts.

"Whoa! Chill lady. I'm the older brother."

"Can we take this inside?" Nya asks.

She nods and let's us in.

"Mom, this is Dez my boyfriend, his brother Shaun, and Shaun's girlfriend Nya." Tara said introducing us all.

"You're 15 why do you have a boyfriend!? Why are you having sex!? I'm a horrible mother." She said tearing up.

"I don't think a horrible mother is somebody who works her ass off to make sure her child has a roof over her head, clothes on her back, and food in her stomach. I consider that a strong mother, a strong woman trying her hardest." Nya said. "It would be a different story if you sat on your ass 24/7 not even trying, had different men around ya daughter, or just plain not giving a shit about Tara. You obviously care."

Her mom was full on crying now. Aw hell.

"Bless your heart sweetie I really needed that." She said wiping her eyes.

"So how old are you?" She asks Dez. "You look like a grown ass man too."

"I'm 15, just tall." She nods.

"A baby, I'ma be a grandma." She whispers. "We can't afford a baby."

"I got this." Dez said.

"We got this." I corrected. "What would you say if I said go find ya dream house? No holds bars, and I'll buy the shit for you. Get you out the hood."

"No, no, never." Ms. Nikki said shaking her head fast.

I looked over at Nya as she rolled her eyes shaking her head smiling slightly.

"Might wanna take his offer up because he ain't gonna stop until he can get you to say yeah." Nya said.

"No, no, I can't let you do that. As long as y'all help with the baby we'll be fine."

"Helping with the baby is automatic that's my nephew in there. Which makes y'all fam so I'ma help y'all too. Whether ya like it or not."


"Wait, so lil bro got a buck on the way?" Rock asked and I nodded. "That shit is crazy."

After we left Tara and her mom's house I took them all back to the house and came over to Rock's since Kels and Rocky went there too.

Ms. Nikki kept telling me no about buying her a house, but I got shit in the work where she's gonna have no choice but to let me buy her a house.

"Okay, I called you over here for a reason tho. I gotta show you something." He got up and came back with a ring box.

"Hell nah! You serious?" I said opening it seeing the ring inside it was big shit was nice.

"Yup, I'm nervous as fuck. It's her birthday tomorrow so I got plans for us all day tomorrow."

"Damn bro, congrats." I said dapping him up.

"Thanks man. Nya already called and cussed me out because she ain't gonna see Kels for her birthday. I think they got something planned together the next day tho."

"Damn, you just put me in a hard place." I said.

"What, how?" He asked.

"Kels getting a ring probably gonna make Nya want one. I ain't never thought about marriage before, but I don't know if I'm down with that shit." I shrugged.

"Damn man. I forgot you don't believe in shit."

"Shut the hell up nigga." I snap chuckling.

"Nah, I'm fooling. I doubt Nya one of those females and she damn sure won't try to force you into anything."

I nodded because he was right. I just hope she doesn't change her mind once she sees her best friend rocking a ring and she's not.

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