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"Hyung? I'm back!"

"Oh hey. How'd the interview go?"

"It was okay. Hopefully I'll get the job."

"Look at you. You're probably the most suited for the job Mr. Secret Agent, sir." He said mockingly.

"Shut up Hyung but seriously, thanks for lending me my suit."

[JYP perspective]

Hmm... He didn't put much in his application but he was quite sincere and honest with his answers. Also, judging from his job hunting so he doesn't freeload, he's quite diligent. Honesty, diligence, humility. I'll give him a shot.

[My perspective]

*ding* oh an email, probably spam. JYPE... *gibberish*... dear Mr. Y/N... *gibberish* glad to... *gibberish* you got the job. Congratulations. Please be here tomorrow at 7 a.m.

"HYUNG I GOT THE JOB! I GOT THE JOB!" I called out excitedly to my cousin.

"Congrats Y/N!" he shouted. "which company did you apply for? I forgot to ask" he added.

"JYP Entertainment."

"Seriously??? You got a job there? Damn I'm jealous."

"You have a great job." I said confused.

"You remember those girls back at the grocery? Well they're getting really popular and JYPE is their agency."

"Oh. I guess I really got lucky then huh?" I replied. Trying hard not to show how ecstatic I was at that information.

I've been single for a while and knowing that I get to possibly meet them made me excited. I'd probably just get rejected if I tried since they're celebrities and I'm not but even just to potentially see them at work made me smile like an idiot. My thoughts were all over the place thinking what the new job is going to be. I was excited for the new job but more importantly, I won't be freeloading anymore. What even is an entertainment company? It didn't matter. What matters is that I have a job now. I can support myself living here.

[Next Day 6 a.m.]

*alarm beeps*

"ughh... so early... ... ... oh shit I gotta prepare for my new job."

I quickly stood up from my bed and started my preparations. Nice hot bath, some deodorant, clothes and voilà! All ready to go but not before eating a hearty breakfast. I don't know what job I'm getting into so it would be best to have a full stomach.

[6:50 a.m.]

"Great, I'm not late yet. That would be bad on the first day." I thought to myself as I entered the building.

I was greeted by the same lady in the front desk. "Hello Mr. Y/N. Congrats on getting the job. Please have a seat while you wait for Mr. JYP". I smile and nod in agreement as I took a seat and waited. I was browsing my phone when I heard a distinct voice. Half air, half voice.

"Y/N! can I call you Y/N? I'll call you Y/N." said JYP, not letting me answer to his question.

"Y-yes sir!" I stuttered as I got caught off guard.

"Don't call me sir, I'm not that old yet. Call me JYP. Come, let's talk in my office."

"Take a seat." JYP gestured. "So, Y/N. Before I tell you your job, I have a couple of questions. Are you familiar with Kpop?"

"I've listened to a few since I got to Korea"

"I see. Do you have any groups you like?"

"I haven't really thought about it yet. Why?"

"Well you're going to manage a Kpop group. We have a rookie group called Twice and we hired you because we didn't anticipate how popular they're gonna be and so we needed more manpower."

"I've heard of them. Saw them on TV a couple of days ago."

"Well you'll see them in person starting now. Come, let's go down to the practice rooms so I can introduce you to them."

*Knock knock*

As JYP opened the door I heard multiple voices. "Annyeonghaseyo PD-nim".

"Hey everyone. How's practice?" said JYP

As we both entered the room, I was greeted by the sight of JYP's flower garden. Pretty girl beside a pretty girl beside a pretty girl...

"It's going well PD-nim" replied Jihyo. "We're also discussing about what to do on our upcoming shows."

"That's great but remember what I told you about broadcasts. Just be yourself. Don't try too hard to be funny."

"Ne PD-nim." in unison. "So, who is the guy beside you PD-nim?" added Nayeon.

"Everyone this is Y/N. Y/N meet everyone. As we already discussed a few days ago, with your growing popularity, we need more people to support you so I hired him to be your new manager. He's just a year older than you Nayeon so hopefully you guys will get along well."

I waved hello and bowed. "Hi I'm Y/N. Please take care of me!"

"Aren't you supposed to be the one taking care of us?" joked Jeongyeon, getting everybody to laugh.

"Well Y/N. I have a lot of work to do so I'll leave you to it" said JYP. "Also, when you have time, go by the front desk. I prepared a portfolio of everything you need to know about Twice." he added as he was leaving.


Hey everyone! Hope you're still enjoying my work. It's a bit on the slow side but I decided to take that road so I don't immediately exhaust my resources. I hope you understand!

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