Wake Me Up

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I woke up feeling well rested. It's been a little hectic this month as the girls continue to get popular. I'm not complaining, I'm actually really happy for them but I'm just not used to this fast-paced work.

Ah shit! It's already 10am. The girls are gonna be pissed. I checked my phone but I'm surprised there's no notifications. Hopefully the girls overslept. They'll be sulky if I'm not the one who wakes them up today.

I quickly got myself ready and went on my way. I passed by some store to get some food for us. I got us some tteokbokki and eomuk tang. Perfect for the cold weather.

I got up to their floor and punched in the password. It seems pretty quiet. I know for a fact that the other five left early for their lessons. But shouldn't there be someone awake at this hour? I mean it's almost lunch time.

I placed the food on the table and went upstairs. I went up to the big room first. Jihyo and Nayeon share this room with the two Japanese angels, Sana and Mina. I slowly opened to door only to see the two still passed out on their beds.

I walked over to Nayeon first and gently nudged her. She groans and moved to her side while gently rubbing her cheek. I remembered our conversation yesterday that she wanted to wake up with a kiss. Jinjja is she sleeping beauty? Knowing how much she loves herself; she probably thinks so.

I nudged her again only for her to groan again and rub her cheek. I'm starting to think she won't wake up otherwise.

"Dammit Nayeon. I know you're awake." I whispered.

[Nayeon's perspective]

"Argh... What time is it? Oh, it's almost lunch time already. Y/N-oppa isn't here yet?" I groaned while checking my phone.

"Damn I'm so hungry. Is there anything to eat in the fridge? Y/N-oppa better bring some when he's this late." I stood up and slowly opened the door.

As soon as I got outside our room, I heard our main door open. I quickly thought that it was Y/N-oppa and immediately went back to my room. Closing my door in sync with his. Dammit I want my good morning kiss so I'll pretend to be asleep kekeke.

[Your perspective]

I surrendered and slowly lowered my lips to her cheeks. *swish* and immediately a tongue in my mouth. I didn't even care about her morning breathe and just returned the favor. French kissing for a solid minute made us breathless so we had to part soon enough.

"I knew you were awake. What gives?"

"That's for being late. Thanks, Oppa~!" giving me her bunny smile. Seriously, this girl...

"Go give Jihyo some love too. She might get sulky if you don't wake her up the same way."

Seriously, there's something wrong with this girl being so horny this time of day. It's not even lunch time yet!

"Surely a kiss on the cheek is enough?"

"Trust me Oppa. You don't want to see Jihyo mad. She'll go ballistic and won't even care if your older than her."

I definitely don't want Jihyo mad. For some reason, I feel hurt when is see these girls being mad or sad.

"Hmm... I get the feeling that your just making things up so let's compromise... I'll give her a quick peck on the lips... that's all."

"Suit yourself oppa."

I made my way to Jihyo's bed and motioned to kiss her. *smack* another tongue inside my mouth. Dammit, these girls keep tricking me! I mean I'm not mad since I get to make out with them but just the feeling of getting tricked annoys me.

Apparently, she had the same idea as her unnie. All the noise from Nayeon and me bickering woke her up and just listened in to our conversation.

"Thanks for the help Unnie! Whew that's a nice way to wake up." Jihyo says after sucking my tongue.

"Seriously, you guys just woke up and all you can think of is lewd stuff." I sighed. "Do what you need to do and meet me at the kitchen." I added as I left the room.

I made my way to Chaeyoung and Tzuyu's room which they shared with Dahyun. I knocked and slowly open the door. I also nudged them to wake them up.

"Oppa~ Did you forget what we agreed yesterday?" groaned Chaeng

"Aish jinjja you two. I can't do that so let me just give you a hug 'kay?"

"Y/N-oppa neomuhae!" says Tzuyu.

"I'll hug you tight 'til your satisfied. How about that?"

They quickly got up and hugged me as I held them tight.

"I guess it's better than nothing..." pouted Chaeng

We were just hugging there for 5 minutes when the eldest shouted.

"Yah! Stop hogging Y/N-oppa and come here already! I'm starving!"

They hugged me tighter and then let go.

"Oof... are we good?"

"Yes Oppa! Thanks for waking us up!" they both smiled and got themselves ready for lunch.

I sat down on the table and waited for the maknaes. I opened up the containers and got some plates for everyone.

"Ommo... Oppa you're so thoughtful!" compliments Jihyo.

"I know right?" I smirked.

"You're late so this much is to be expected!" says Nayeon.

"Well that didn't last long..."

Jihyo gave me the brightest smile while Nayeon gave me her signature bunny smile. These girls just keep toying with me!

We promptly dug in when the youngest members came. We had idle chatter while eating and they opened up to me.

"Y/N-oppa. I'm really nervous for our shoot tomorrow."

"Why, did something happen?"

"It's just that the theme for our song is quite mature and I don't know if we can portray it that well. Only unnie right here is a 'daring woman'." she says while pointing at Nayeon.

"Oppa you think we're sexy right?" asks the two maknaes.

"I... don't think... I should comment on that for obvious legal reason but I will say that you girls are very beautiful and attractive."

"Jihyo-yah. I've seen you four practice long hours this past few days. I've seen the hard work you've put in. Just do the best you can on stage and show them what Twice can do. I'm sure the people will not hold you to your mistakes. You're still rookies after all."

"Thanks, Oppa. That eases me up a bit."

"Let's do something fun after eating. Hopefully that will help take your mind off of things."

We continued eating and I tried hard to keep our conversation cheerful. We cleaned up and decided we'd watch a movie. I wish I could do more for the girls.

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