The Visit

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Disclaimer: This chapter contains events/processes that might make some people uncomfortable.

I was woken up by the shower of kisses on my face. I tried sitting up but couldn't because Mina was on top of me straddling my torso. I don't know about other people but the face of a girl who just woke up not too long ago just enhances their beauty tenfold. Especially bare-faced with no make-up on. I just find it so beautiful. So adorable.

"Morning Y/N-oppa." Mina greets me with a smile. God, her voice just now is freaking adorable.

"Morning Mina-chan."

"I could get used to this kind of alarm." I teased. Her face showing signs of embarrassment.

"It's just my repayment for the massages. Don't think this is gonna happen every day."

Seriously, can Mina get even more adorable than this?

"Alright, alright. Just kidding. Where's Jeongyeon by the way?"

"She's in the kitchen cooking breakfast."

"Oh, shit what time is it?"

"7 am. why?"

"I should be at work now!"

"Don't worry about it. I told team leader that I need you for the day."

"And he was okay with it? I don't have to go to the office first?"

"Well, he was okay with it if you drive the kids to school first. You are close after all."

I was fine with that. Mina isn't usually assertive like this but this is a nice change of pace so I went with it. She was straddling me so I pulled her hands and locked her in an embrace. I just wanted to stay here the rest of the morning to cuddle with this cute little thing.

"This is nice. Having someone to hold when I wake up in the morning."

I could feel her getting embarrassed by what I just said. So, I put my hands on the sides of her head so she's facing me. I kissed her on the forehead then one on her nose bridge where her beauty mark is and finally a quick one on the lips.

"God, you're cute."

She buried her face back on my chest to cover her reddening face. I let her be for a moment. Feeling each other's warmth as we cuddled.

"We should probably go and join Jeongyeon."

With that, I rolled ourselves. Pinning her down beneath me. Mina turned her head to look away from me. I gave her one last peck on the cheek and then got up and pulled her with me.

I opened my bedroom door and the smell instantly hit us. The room was filled with the smell of food. I got a bit excited to know what Jeongyeon made. She doesn't cook much but she's a really good cook.

On the table was poached fish, stir-fried veggies, a couple more banchan, and Jeongyeon was still in the kitchen, finishing up the tofu stew.

I went to her and asked her if she needed any help but she said she's fine so I just prepared the rice for us. Getting it from the rice cooker and putting it in our bowls. After she finished, I brought the pot to the table.

Mina, as per usual, is quiet and enjoyed the meal in her own way. Jeongyeon can be loud but we don't have that kind of relationship yet. All I could do right now is compliment her cooking.

"Wah... This tastes great Jeongyeon-ah."

"Thanks, oppa."

Well, that was a quick conversation. I quickly thought up what to say as I keep my spoon moving.

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